Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Tales of A Torn Up Teenager

Just a Beautiful Disaster

by storytimexfanfics 3 reviews

The whole gang, I thought. That means Ryan.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-09-08 - Updated: 2007-09-09 - 1288 words

I sat on the yellow swing at a near by park, with my beloved camera in my hands. I pointed my camera towards the sky, painted in a light blue, with one single, lonley cloud in plain sight. /Snap/, went my camera. I searched around, looking around for another object to capture in my camera. A lonley flower sitting a few feet away from me, it’s soft, pin petals slowly dropping off the end of the carnation’s long, green stem, pointed at the sun.


I walked over to the flower, softly stroking an individul petal. I gentally pulled at the stem until it snapped loose into my hands. I put it to my nose, taking a deep breath, taking in its’ scent. A near by bird sang a soft melody, drawing me closer to the tree it was perched on. Taking a seat near the tree, I opened my notebook to a clean page, and began to write.

Real beauty isn’t what you put on your face, or wear on your body.
Real beauty isn’t in material items, or cosmetic things.
Real beauty is in the cloudless sky, the single, lonley flower, and the soft, beautiful melody of a mockingbird.
Real beauty isn’t difficult to find, it’s hidden in things we often overlook.
It’s in the laugh of a young child, the sweet smell of a carnation, the soft sound of strumming a guitar.
It’s ofter right there in front of us, but we’re to obsessed over what’s “hip” to notice.
But, I notice.
I notice it in the pictures I take, the words I write, and the songs I sing.
Real beauty isn’t hard to find
You just have to know where to look.

I closed my notebook, satisfied with the newly formed poem I had just written. I heard shuffling of feet in the grass, but didn’t bother to look, hoping it wasn’t someone to take me away from this sheer bliss I was experiencing.

“Hey, Kaddie,” A squeaky, male voice said.

“Hi, Spence,” I responded. I looked up at Spencer, his hypnotic blue eyes look down upon me.

“The gang is to meet at my house for a movie night, wanna come?” he asked, sitting down next to me. I didn’t respond right away.

The whole gang, I thought. That means Ryan. I smiled slightly to myself.

“Yes, Ryan will be there,” he said, seeming to read my mind.

“Ok, fine. I’ll come,” I said, standing up. I looked at Spencer, who was bent down tieing his shoes.

“Hey, Spence,” I called, preparing my camera. He looked at me as I quickly snapped a picture.

“Picture Perfect,” I giggled. He slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to Spencer’s house.

“The guys and Lucy went to go get snacks and a movie, so they’ll be back later,” he said, hanging his coat on the coat hanger.

“Oh, God. How much Red Bull do you think Brendon got this time?” I asked, petrified of the thought of Brendon on a sugar high.

“I dunno. But, I know Jon is renting a scary movie, so prepare yourself.”

“Oh, joy.”

I sat down on Spencer’s couch, scanning though the picture I had taken previously at the park, discarding any sucky pictures.

“Wow. Those are really good,” Spencer said over my shoulder, scanning the pictures with me.

“Thanks. I wrote a poem to match.” I said, getting out my notebook.

“Another Kadence Sholt origional poem? Lemme read!” He exclamied, snatching my notebook out of my hands. He carefully turned each page of my notebook, cautious not to tear a page.

“Wow. That’s one of your best, Kaddie. Seriously.” He said, closing it.

“Thanks, I think it really goes with the pictures,” I said, averting my gaze toward Spencer, getting caught in his icy blue eyes. He gave me a weak smile, and a hug.

“What was that for?” I asked, hugging back.

“For being amazing,” he replied, pulling away.

“HEY PARTY PEOPLE!” Brendon shouted, slamming two eight packs of Red Bull on the coffee table.

“Jesus, Brendon, Calm down!” Jon yelled, walking though the door. He was holding the grude in his hands.

“Sorry, Kaddie- Kat, but we decided on a “scare Kaddie,” theme,” he said with an evil grin.

“Oh, yeah thanks Jon. That’s greatly appreciated.” I said sarcasticly.

“K! Here are all the snacks!” Lucy yelled, dumping 3 grochery bags full of snacks.

Ryan quietly walked in, his hands in his pockets, hanging his had low.

“Why so glum, chum?” Spencer aksed, getting up to comfert Ryan.

“Oh, nothing, I was just hoping that Kad..” He looked up and spotted me on the couch, and smiled.

“Oh, hi K-kaddie,” he studdard.

“Hey Ryan. So, do you like scary movies?” I asked, scootching over, giving Ryan room on the couch.

“Oh my gosh, no. I tried to talk them out of a scary movie, but apparently today is “Scare Kaddie” day.” He joked.
“Haha, yeah. It’s kind of a big holiday,” I laughed.

“Well, that’s ok. I feel better knowing that I won’t be the only one crying and screaming through the whole thing,” Ryan teased. I playfully bumped into him.

Wow, I thought. He is so easy to talk to!

Jon walked up to the T.V, popped in the movie, and pressed play.

Not even 5 minutes into the movie, my eyes were burried ino Ryan’s shoulder, while his eyes were buried in my hair.

“AHHH!!” I screamed, making Ryan and I both jump. Out popcorn flew out of out lap, landing all ovr the floor. What started out as a screaming fit transformed into a laughing fit.

“Ok, you two, this is supposed to be a scary movie, NOT a comedy. Now shut up,” Lucy scolded, averting her eyes back t the screen. By the end of the movie, Jon and Spencer’s faces were basicly attached to the televison set, while Lucy’s eyes were glued to the screen. Ryan and I were in eachother’s laps, scarred to death, and Brendon was asleep. Not very surprising, though. He always crashed after to much sugar.

“Ok, guys, ya’ll gotta vamoose!” Spencer said, yawning.

“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!” I kicked Brendon in the head.

After saying my goodbyes, I sleepily walked home. It was pretty late, but not passed my curfew.

I walked into my house and ran up to my room, eager to print out my pictures. I took the picture of Spencer and brought it to my friend wall, a wall that was devoted to pictures of my very best friends.

There was a picture of Lucy, looking out of a window. Her black eyes were full of seriousness, and her black hair hung low on her shoulders. Her face had almost no expression, yet enough to make this picture apsolutly gorgeous.

A picture of Brendon hung next to her. He was posing with a mic stand, his full lips making a kissy face at the camera.

Then, my all time favorite picture; a picture of Jon. I had sort of caught Jon off guard when I took tis picture, so he looks like he is eating the camera.

I took a look at Spencer’s picture. His dark, brown hair hung randomly in his face, slightly covering up his crystal blue eyes, looking up at me with surprise.

I placed the picture in the spot saved for him.

Looking at my wall, I spotted a little extra space, right in the middle of my wall.

Then, it hit me:

I need a picture of Ryan.
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