Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Laced With Nitroglycerin

9. My Beautiful Rescue

by aznfoblover 3 reviews

I don't do summaries. Review.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-09-11 - Updated: 2007-09-11 - 416 words - Complete

Chapter 9
My Beautiful Rescue (This Providence)
"I've been dancing on the tops of buildings with you"

Days were flying by, and we were practicing like crazy. We were under pressure from ourselves, and we weren't doing our best. One day, I just got so frustrated that I couldn't play something right that I had to leave for a little bit, just to take a breather.

"Ry," Kate said to me that day while I was leaving. "Ryan, please. Just stop practicing. Pete's gonna be here tomorrow. You guys won't get magically better in like half an hour. Just tell the guys that you all need to relax tonight. Go home and make sure your dad's OK. I'll call you later, and you better be watching a movie or eating or something." I smiled and hugged her to me, and she went down to tell the guys that we needed to stop playing.

I walked home and heated up dinner, not too concerned that my dad and Dani weren't there. Dad had an AA meeting that night, and Dani was probably at her friend's house. She was always at her friends' houses.

Halfway through my reheated lasagna, the phone rang. I silently cursed telemarketers for their bad timing, but then decided to answer anyway, just in case.

"Are you eating or watching movies or something?" Kate's voice asked. I laughed.

"Yeah, you caught me halfway through my lasagna course," I replied. I heard her scoff.

"Oh, so sorry, sir. But would you mind if I snuck into your house? The boys are still here, and Brent has something against me." I rolled my eyes. "And don't roll your eyes at me."

"That's creepy," I replied. "But sure. You can come over. I'm all alone anyway." I heard her sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I'll be there in like 15 minutes," she said before hanging up the phone. I smiled, finished my lasagna, and cleaned off my dishes to make it easier on my dad.

Kate came over as planned, and we spent the night watching stupid movies and having popcorn fights.

"Ryan?" she said halfway through one of the movies. I nodded my response. "You're amazing, you know that?" I smiled and kissed her, and we laid cuddled together on the couch until we both lost track of time and fell asleep.
A/N: Another filler. I'm sorry. It's crap. I'll post a REAL chapter later on when I get the time and peace of mind. Review pleaseeeeee.
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