Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The First Kiss

chapterrrrr 16

by clutsy_93 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-09-16 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 892 words - Complete

The band had their very first gig today; I was so excited for them. I had already showered and was in Gerard’s room, just talking, Mikey was of course still asleep.
“What are we going to do this afternoon?” I looked over at Gerard,
“Uhm, maybe we could have a party, but then we have school tomorrow”
“Mel, come on, you’re living with us now, and you can relax”
“Hey, Gee can I have a look at some of you’re drawings?” he nodded and chucked the art book at me. I studied every image, and Gerard was cleaning his room.
“What are you doing Gee?’
“Cleaning, I can only have the basement if it stays clean, but I don’t know why because mum never comes down here”
“Ha, I’m sure, what about when she puts you’re clothes away?”
“Well shut up” I put his book on the desk and sat on his bed.
“I just made that, gosh” he placed his hands on his hips and I laughed.
“You know Mikey did the same yesterday, put his hands on his hips, and must be a brother thing”
“Ah! Maybe get of my bed” he ran towards me, I moved of the bed and he fell face forward.
“Oww Mel you hurt me all the time”
“I didn’t do anything” I laughed and jumped on his back.
“Giddy up horsy” He laughed and I jumped of his back.
“I’m not a fucking horse”
“Ah, you’re gonna pay for messing my bed” he ran up to me, and chased me around his room. I jumped on his bed and started dancing around.
“Ah MEL YOU SUCK” He sank down to his knees and pretended to cry.
“Aww Gee Gee are you okay?” I sat next to him, but then he started tickling me.
“Ah, shit”
“I’m not a little kid anymore, you don’t need to call me that, and Mikey called me that last night”
“Ha, so cute” he poked me in the side, and I rolled over laughing. I got up and sat on the bean bag. I looked over at the clock and it was 10:30am, their gig started at 2pm and they had to be there by at least 1pm. Gerard and I heard yelling coming from upstairs, and Gerard jumped up and ran. He hid behind the wall and I followed.
“Michael where did you go for a swim yesterday?”
“By the lake, I told you 3 times now mum”
“Well what was Melanie’s lip-gloss, doing by George’s pool?”
“Well it wasn’t hers, she has hers”
“Michael don’t lie to me, and what else did you do?”
“Gerard, we are in deep shit”
“I can’t back him up, I wouldn’t know what to say” I nodded and kept on listening.
“We weren’t there”
“Michael, I know you were there, I had to hide you’re fucking condom, and while he was with you’re dad, I had to clean the fucking lounge chair”
“Now tell me the truth were you there?”
“No, we weren’t” I heard a slap.
“Tell me the fucking truth NOW” Gerard walked out, but I decided to listen to the conversation.
“Morning mum”
“What ever, do you know where you brother went yesterday?”
“To the lake, he told us”
“GERARD FUCKING WAY, you know where he went, tell me now, or I’ll grab Melanie” I put my hand over my mouth, to stop myself from screaming,
“To the lake”
“Right, I know you both are lying, so Mikey you are not allowed to go to you’re band thingy today, I don’t care okay”
“WHAT THE FUCK” yelled Gerard,
“GERARD, enough said”
“Mum we need him to play, please reconsider?”
“Nope, you are both lying to me, so pay the consequence” I heard a front door slam, and a table being kicked.
“FUCKING HELL” I went out and saw Mikey and Gerard sitting at the table cursing. I sat down, and their heads were in their hands.
“Mikey we need you to play, this is shit”
“I know Gee, but I couldn’t tell her, because if I did, she would tell me not to go anyway”
“I know why does she do that?”
“This is our mum you know Gee?”
“Maybe, you could say you are going out for lunch with me, and then go?”
“Nah, she’ll know” the front door slammed again, and I was about to run when Mikey grabbed my arm.
“Don’t be scared, she isn’t mad at you”
“Okay” I sat back down, and in came Donna. We didn’t talk throughout the time she was in the kitchen, she sat down at the table, and we were all silent.
“Mum please let Mikey go?”
“No Gerard, drop it”
“I WILL NOT FUCKING DROP IT, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO US” Gerard walked of and Mikey went with him, I went up to the bench and grabbed a drink, Donna came up and I was about to walk away, when I felt something in my hand, I looked down and there was my lip-gloss.
“I think this is yours” she walked away and smiled. I went downstairs and put my lip-gloss in my jeans.
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