Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Future

Word Vomit

by GoogleGeek 3 reviews

Apologies become accepted and people get crushed- in that order.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-10-01 - Updated: 2007-10-01 - 1147 words - Complete

Pete trudged into his house, much much later. His sore,tired eyes found their way to the clock. He had stayed with Andy in the hospital till two in the morning and all he wanted to do now was sleep. He didn't know how he managed to drive home safely with the amount of yawning he had done.

"Pete!" Lana squealed, running towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him.

"Lana..." he pulled away, holding her hands in his. "I'm really tired."

"Is that a suggestion?" she asked smoothly, with a twinkle in her eye.

He shook his head, dropped her hands and crawled into bed. His eyelids were heavy and it wasn't before long they had shut tightly and drifted away.


The following morning, Patrick rolled over to his side and reached out for Amy. But, instead of feeling her warmth he felt nothing. His eyelids opened in alarm and he jumped out of bed panicky.

It wasn't before long, he had found her. Patrick sat down next to her on the bathroom tiles and held her messy hair back as she threw up in the toilet. He left her to get a towel and then came back.

"Thank you." She groaned, wiping her mouth.

"You're very much welcome." he replied, kissing her cheek.

Amy looked up at Patrick who was holding her in his arms. "You do know what today is, right?" she asked.


Amy removed Patrick's hands. "I have a doctors appointment today." she stated, sharply.

"I knew that."

"No you didn't." she replied.

"Yes, I did. It just slipped my mind for a second." He smiled at her but he didn't receive one back.

"And when this kid is actually born, will they slip your mind for a second too?" she demanded.

Patrick looked at her, not sure how to react. "I'm sorry." he murmured.

Amy sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just so moody lately and I say things I don't even mean. It's like word-vomit."

Patrick laughed. "It's alright. You've got our baby inside of you, you can be as moody as you like."

Amy was about to reply but then she froze. In a split second, her head was lurching back down the toilet bowl and this time it wasn't word vomit coming out of her mouth.


Joe knocked on the door yet again. He wasn't anyway as nervous as he was last night, even though seeing Lana again might distract him. He was ready to end something that should have ended a long time ago. Impatiently his eyes wandered around and he noticed something he hadn't seen in the dark of last night. A doorbell. Giddily, he pressed it many times. He hadn't seen a house with a doorbell in a while, seeing as how everything was high-tech these days.

"Do you want to fucking break my doorbell?" Pete asked from the inside as he was unlocking the door. He swung it open and was about to say something about his doorbell again when he realized who it was. "Oh."

"Hi Pete." Joe greeted, confidently.

"Hi." Pete replied wearily, not sure whether Joe was going to hurt him or not.

Lana wasn't telling the truth. Pete's eye wasn't 'blue,black and yucky', it was a hell of a lot worse. Joe had to physically move his head just to stop looking at it. "That's a pretty nasty bruise." he blurted out.

"Yeah, it is." Pete admitted. "It hurts like hell."

"I'm sorry for punching you."

"I'm sorry for fucking your girlfriend."

After they had said their original apologies, other one's just came flowing out of their mouths like word-vomit.

"And sorry for saying Patrick and Andy would never trust you." Joe recalled.

"No, I'm sorry I got them to lie to you." Pete reminisced.

They laughed at each other and the things they had said about each other for at least ten minutes before they realized they will standing in Pete's doorway.

"You want to come inside?" Pete offered, stepping in with Joe trailing behind him.

Just like old times, they talked about random things, dared each other to do things, reminded themselves of the old days and watched mindless movies that they had seen many times before.

"Hey!" Joe shouted in the middle of 'The Breakfast Club'. "I have the most awesome idea."


"We have to call Dirty!" Joe exclaimed, excitedly.

Pete laughed and shook his head. "Sorry Trohman, last time I heard from Dirty he was in Bermuda."

"Bermuda? What the hell?" Joe giggled and then figured out something. "You just said sorry again, idiot!"

"Well, now you have to say sorry again, to make it even." Pete challenged.

"Alright..." Joe thought it over. Again, just like word-vomit things came pouring out of Joe's reckless mouth. "I'm sorry for checking out Lana's ass." Joe clamped his mouth with his hand after realizing what he had just said.

Luckily, Pete wasn't sure what Joe had said. "What did you say?"

"Uhh.. " Joe racked his brains for something. "I said I'm sorry for stealing your banana."

Pete gave him a puzzling look.

"We were on tour, sometime ago."

"Right..." Pete went back to the television screen.

"You know what, we should go on tour!" Joe declared, changing the subject quickly.

"Hell yeah, we do." Pete agreed, excitedly. Suddenly his face fell. "Andy." he whispered.

Joe cocked his head to the side."What about Andy?"

Pete's eyes went wide. "You don't know about Caitlin?" he asked slowly.

Joe shook his head. "I know she's Cameron's mom and everything, but what about her?"

Pete exhaled and began to share pieces of Andy's world with Joe.


"Now, if you look at the screen just there." the doctor directed Patrick's and Amy's gazes onto a black and white image that had flashed onto the screen. "You will see your baby."

Amy squeezed Patrick's hand as they gave each other a smile. They were beaming at each other and the screen that was showing them their baby. They were both happy to go for a simple ultrasound.


But, like most hospitals, it wasn't all about smiles and exciting moments. On a whole other level, Andy was sitting in a chair blankly. He couldn't wrap around the words he had just heard. The scene was replaying in his mind over and over again.

Just like normal, he was sitting outside Caitlin's room waiting for somebody to let him in. This time it had taken longer then normal before somebody had spoken to him. The doctor who had come up to him had a grim expression on her face.

"We tried the best we could Mr.Hurley." She had said, straightening her white coat.

Andy gulped. The doctor couldn't mean what Andy had thought.

"We are all deeply sorry." she stated before leaving Andy in a crumbling mess.
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