Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Foster Life

Chapter 13

by disturbedangel6 3 reviews

oooooooohhh.... this is where shit happpens....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-10-07 - Updated: 2007-10-07 - 1177 words

“Depends” I held my hands on my hips.

“I was actually going to go get … coke from someone” he avoided my eyes.

“Coke as in coca-cola? Or coke as in cocaine?”

He nodded.

I hit him chest and he took a step back on impact but he’s face didn’t change. “You idiot!” I yelled at him.

“I’m sorry” he kept his head down.

“Gerard, why?”

“I … I’m just…”

“You’re just what? You wanna be cool?” I looked at him with disgust.

He shook his head.

“Tell me! Damn it!” I pushed him.

“I hate my life. You wanna know how my life is? Being unwanted and hated?” he frowned with his eyes teary.

“Gerard, I never knew…”

“You never know Mary” he stepped back.

“Gerard let me help you. Don’t do this. I don’t want you to throw away your life!”

He shook his head.

“Gerard!” I ran and hugged him. “Don’t do this! You’re not unwanted or hated. I still love you. Don’t do this please!”

I looked up at him, he had tears running down his face and he smiled.

“I’ll try and not do it again … for you” he hugged me back.

I sighed and held him tight for a couple of minutes.

“I think you’ll have to let me go. Remember you were supposed to be going to the ‘toilets’” he said after a while.

“Oh shit! I almost forgot!” I let go of him, “Come on let’s go”


“I’m taking you to your class”

“Mary you don’t…”

“Come on Gerard” I pulled his hand.

I came back to class and my teacher was obviously angry with me.

“Mary-Anne where were you? You’ve
been gone for nearly 10 minutes”

“Sorry Miss, there were a few girls waiting to go to the toilets”

She nodded and gestured me to sit back in my chair.

At recess I saw Gerard walking to our sitting place with Ray and I grabbed him mumbling ‘I need to talk to you’ and went behind some building. We sat down and I hugged my knees and stared out to the soccer field that the school owned.

“Tell me that you won’t do it again” I said.

I heard him sigh.

“Who were you going to get it off?” I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, “Damien”

I nodded, “When did you start taking it?” I asked.

“Pretty much after we broke up” he said slowly.

I looked at him. “Gerard, am I the one in your life that’s causing you to do bad things?”

Before he could answer I spoke again, “Oh God, I must be ruining you life!”

“No Mary” he grabbed my hand, “You never did ruin my life. In fact you’ve made my life so happy when we were together. We were so happy! We were meant to be together”

“We did?”

He nodded, “But someone was jealous. We were too happy Mary. But now that person is gone, we can be back together” he kissed me as he pushed me to the wall.

I tried to pull away but he forced himself on top of me as he went deeper in my mouth. He pulled away once he felt me pushing him
again, “I’m sorry”

I nodded.

He stood up. “I gotta go” he ran.

“Gerard wait!” I called out behind him but he didn’t stop.

I still sat there and wondered if I should follow him. I don’t know how long I waited there when I decided I should go back to the guys and see what Gerard was doing. I didn’t want him to be sad.

When I arrived, I saw everyone except Gerard.

“Where’s Gerard?” I asked them.

Bob frowned but I ignored him.

“Uh… I don’t know, he never came” Ray answered.

“Shit” I whispered to myself. I hope he’s not doing what I hope he’s not doing! I ran off to find Damien and found him a couple of minutes later. He was sitting on the benchwith some dude.

“Damien, did Gerard just come to you?” I asked.

He looked surprised to see me but nodded.

“Don’t tell me he got coke off you” I pleaded.

“Uh… yea he did. Why did you ask?” he said half sleepily.

“Where’d he go?”

“He went that away, I guess to the toilets. He always takes it there” he pointed the direction behind me.
I ran that way and found the toilets. Please don’t tell me he’s in the toilets, please tell me that he didn’t take it! I took a breath and ran into the men’s toilets with some guys screaming like girls and some just checking me out.

“Gerard!” I called out. No one answered. “Where is he?” I asked some guy.

He pointed to one of the cubicles.
I ran to it and banged the door, “Gerard open up!”

It was silent. Omg hopefully he’s not passed out!

I went to the next cubicle and stood on the toilet seat and looked at the cubicle that Gerard was in. He was passed out on the floor with his arms resting over the toilet seat.

“Gerard!” I whispered frantically.

He didn’t respond.

I pushed myself over the wall and into the next cubicle with him in it while the guys were all staring at me in awe. I landed on the floor next to his lifeless body. I pulled him on my lap and gently slapped his face as I called out his name.

Slowly he opened his eyes. “Hey” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, he must be drugged out.

I stayed with him until the bell rang. I waited until everyone had exited the bathroom. I wasn’t going to go to class leaving the drugged out Gerard behind. I pulled him up, “Come on we’re going” I said.

I opened the front door of my house and bought Gerard in. Mr. and Mrs. Bryar are so going to be mad at me.

“I’m sleepy” he mumbled.

I sighed again and pulled him upstairs to my room and laid him on my bed. He quickly fell asleep.
Great look what Gerard had to do now? He had to confuse my situation even more. I don’t want him to be like this. I know that he does this all because of me and I will do anything to make him go back into shape even if I have to go back to him.

please tell me what you guys think!!! its seriously helps me!!!
i swear those reviews made me want to write more faster....
but i dont mind... i'm on schooool holidays and i need something to do!

was this like over exaggerated?

i know i ask this like a billlion times.... but i just want the story to be alright for u ppl!

thanks for alll those review... it was sweeet.
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