Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > to the end

to the end part 4

by buried_in_black 0 reviews

blood blood gallons of the stuff

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-14 - Updated: 2007-10-14 - 1134 words

email me or sumthing and tell me if ya like this story. rate and reveiw por favor!

i dont own matter how cool that would be

Alex’s p.o.v
‘Oh. My. God! I just kissed Gerard way! Gerard way!!’ I couldn’t believe what Gerard had just done. I’m surprised I could even talk after that, but, I had to act normally till I could get Erin away from the guys. Then it hit me. ‘Oh no.’ I thought and mental slapped myself.
“Damien” I whispered under my breath so Gerard couldn’t hear me. “uhh Gerard I’m gunna umm go get a water or something….over there” I told him before rushing over to Erin and grabbing her away from the rest of mcr.
“Alex what the...” I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth.
“Erin I have to tell you something but you can’t scream. CANT. SCREAM.” I told her and took my hand of her mouth.
“Ok what is this news that you just HAD to DRAG me away from MCR?”
“Gerard kissed me.” I whispered into her ear so no one around could hear.
“AHHHHHHHH!!! Are you serious!!!!?”
“I said no screaming!!”
“Sorry sorry.”
“But what? Your idol, the man you worship just kissed you!”
“I don’t worship him. I’m just slightly obsessed. But anyway, Damien kissed me too, right before I kissed Gerard.” Her eyes were wider than plates as I told her this news then she snapped out of it and looked around.
“Which are you gunna choose.”
“Who do you think I should cause I’m confused” in response to this she looked at me with a you-already-know-what-I-think face.
“Oh yea sorry wrong person to ask”
“Well maybe you should give Damien a chance. He is cute, and Gerard is touring and would be away.” She told me. I looked at her weird cause that is so not what I expected her to say.
“Okay thank you Erin.” I said and hugged her. After our conversation I started mingling with the other guys trying to stay away from Gerard and the inevitable for as long as possible. But just as I was about to leave due to it being midnight and I still had to drive home, Gerard came over and slipped a piece of paper into my hand and whispered into my ear.
“Read it after you leave” he breathed right before I walked out of the gate to go back to the parking lot. I practically ran to the parking lot but got a big surprise when I got to my car. Damien was leaning up against the side of MY car kissing some slutty fan girl! Marching over to him, I got my keys out to start the car.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I said through clenched teeth. Not looking away from the fan girl Damien sneered back at me.
“Don’t worry you’ll get your turn honey.”
At that last comment I couldn’t take it anymore and tapped his shoulder. He turned around to the annoyance and froze. I took this chance to lay a nice right hook on his nose, pulling back a blood stained hand. His nose was gushing profusely as he howled in pain. Satisfied, I walked over to the driver’s side and got in, followed by Erin getting in the passenger’s side. Damien came to the window and leaned on the car.
“Alex wait! Come on! Alex!!”
I rolled down my window. “Get of my car and don’t ever speak to me again”
“Alex please let me explain!”
“What is there to explain? You were on MY car kissing that slut over there!”
He sighed in defeat and looked genuinely hurt and mad at himself for hurting me. I couldn’t let him walk home, and if I gave him a ride he could ‘explain’ what happened.
“You got a ride?”
“no.” he replied and smiled at my sudden generosity.
“Get in.”
The ride home was uneventful as Damien tried to make up an excuse as o why he was kissing the fan girl but he couldn’t so he just sat in the back of my car trying to get the bleeding to stop. We dropped Erin off first then Damien got in the front seat to give me directions to his house.
“Are you gunna give me some lame excuse?”
“No. I don’t have an excuse. I was waiting at your car for you, oh Erin told me where it was, anyways this girl came up to me and started flirting and we kissed. That’s what happened. I’m not going to lie to you. And I know I hurt you and I’m sorry for that but I thought that kiss was nothing. I thought you were just brain damaged from the mosh pit and…and…I’m sorry.”
“Well I thank you for your honesty but I wasn’t brain damaged. I really liked you and now I see you don’t like me so there is no need for an apology except one I should give you for punching you.”
“No. you don’t have to apologize. You were angry, and you punched me, life goes on. Plus, you have a wicked right hook.” He said grinning. I had to keep telling myself that he didn’t like me so wouldn’t kiss him and screw everything up again.
“Thanks” I smiled back and returned my attention to the road. Damien gave me directions to his house which wasn’t but 3 blocks from mine. ‘Oh great we live close’ I thought as I pulled up to his enormous house.
“Whoa” I said dumbstruck.
“Yea my dad works for a firm in New York and gave me the house.” He replied shyly.
He laughed at me before getting out of the car and coming over to the passenger side window. His face was covered in blood but that didn’t stop him from looking hot as he knelt down to look through the window.
“Thank you for the ride” he grinned.
“No problem. It was the least I could do since I hurt your nose.”
“Well its better now and I don’t think it’s broken”
“Ok well umm bye then.”
“Bye” I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice. He must have heard it because he leaned in through the window and softly kissed me. He pulled his head out of the window, smiled, and walked off towards his house. Before he could get to his door I called after him.
“Don’t think you’re getting away with that!”
“I wouldn’t bet on it”
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