Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Kiss Me, Touch Me, F*ck Me, Leave Me


by The_Winning_Loser 3 reviews

Warning: Oral sex

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-10-16 - Updated: 2007-10-16 - 566 words

~~~3rd POV~~~

“Oh, hey, guys. Well, uh, Frank, I guess you know Gerard now.” Mikey shrugged, standing up to hug Frank and his brother when they walked through the door.

“Um…we’re acquainted, I guess.” Frank shrugged, feigning shyness. He had to stop himself from smiling as he saw Gerard smirking from the corner of his eye. Mikey smiled and walked into the kitchen.

“Hmm, very well acquainted!” Gerard whispered as he winked, walking in after his brother.

Frank grinned and sat on the sofa, picking up the remote and surfing through the channels, finally leaving it on a music channel that was playing ‘Basket Case’. He placed the remote on the arm of the sofa and stood up, walking into the kitchen. He leant on the counter next to Mikey and scuffed his sneakers on the floor in faked nervousness. “Uh, Mikey…can we go for lunch yet? I’m hungry.” He murmured, holding his stomach.

Mikey smiled at him. “Sure. I’ll pay, c’mon.”


As Mikey turned around in his seat to catch a waitress’ attention, Frank quickly scribbled a note on a napkin and slid it over to Gerard. He unfolded it and his eyes scanned over the scrawl-y words.

‘Bathroom-10 mins?’ He looked up into Frank’s expectant face and nodded, smiling shortly afterwards. Frank hid his grin in the menu as he looked at the vegetarian options.


“Hey, Mikey, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.” Gerard excused himself ten minutes later, turning back as he got to the door to steal a glance at Frank. He saw him talking rapidly to Mikey and nod. Mikey put his head down and carried on eating and Frank slid out of his seat, smirking.

Gerard entered the bathroom and bent down low so that he could see under the walls of the cubicles. They did that all the time. They were only too used to it. He walked over to the sink and began washing his hands, waiting for Frank to enter. He wasn’t disappointed. After less than a minute, Frank came strolling through the door and stood next to Gerard, washing his own hands. “Anyone here?” he asked quietly, drying his hands.

Gerard shook his head and smirked as he was pushed quickly into one of the cubicles and pushed onto the toilet seat, his jeans being undone by Frank, who was knelt in front of him. He tangled his fingers in Frank’s hair and threw his head back as he felt the warm, wetness that was Frank’s mouth clamp around his arousal. He moaned quietly and pulled Frank’s head in further by his hair.

Frank’s tongue swirled and licked, his teeth gently grazing the delicate skin as his lips rubbed against it, making Gerard moan out slightly louder and begin bucking his hips.

“Fuck…you’re getting even better at this, Iero!” he gasped, his mouth opening in ecstasy.

“Thank you.” He tried to say.

“Frank, didn’t your mom ever teach you any manners?” he scolded. “Don’t talk with your mouth full!” he panted, his fingers massaging Frank’s scalp as he continued to suck and lick.

He laughed deeply, sending vibrations down Gerard’s erection making him whimper. “Frank, I’m…I’m gonna c-c-”

“Gerard?” he stopped abruptly as Mikey’s voice echoed around the toilets…Frank didn’t…
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