Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > seizeMANNEQUIN

"Welcome to Pizza Hut. My name is Pepper and I'll be your server tonight."

by OhSoIntricateLie 0 reviews

"Oh my God I am so sorry," Pepper cried already on the verge of tears and seeing Brendon still smiling at her made her feel worse, "How can you smile at me? I just spilled a Pepsi all over you." "I...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-10-27 - 810 words

Six o' clock rolled around and it was time for Pepper's break. After having one of her friends in
the kitchen cook her a pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and onion she sat down in corner of the

While she ate she pulled out her cell phone to check her text messages. Scrolling down
one caught her eye.

Once opened it read "P!ATD tonite in Las Vegas @6:30 p.m. Don't Miss it!"

Sighing Pepper shook her head. Yeah the concert was tonight and she did try to get off work but the choice was either buying a ticket or skipping out on her share of the apartment rent.

Pepper decided she needed a place to live more than the chance to see the hottest band to ever hail from Las Vegas.

Finishing the last bit of her pizza she closed her phone at got off her break fifteen minutes

Several hours passed and Pepper had already made over $50 in tips. Silently she thanked herself for
beong so personable and helpful which was a main reason she received such great tips.

As she went to go pick up an order
she sneaked a look at the clock. It was 11:00 p.m. and thank the Lord business was slowing down.

That would probably mean she could get home an hour or so earlier. After the pizza got to it's table
Pepper went to the drink fountain and began to clean up some of the excess water/pepsi/ice that was
littering the counter.

More time passed and the last customer left. Sighing with relief Pepper high-fived her co-workers.

But before she could do a victory dance the front door opened and it was all she could do to not moan. Picking up several menus she walked back into the entry way. Focusing
on the menu she began her monotonous speech.

"Welcome to Pizza Hut. My name is Pepper and I'll be your server tonight," Pepper looked up, "How
may I. Oh my God."

Dropping the menu's gave Pepper a short diversion so she could regain her composure. Because there
in front of her stood Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, and Jon Walker. Panic!At The Disco.

Standing back up Pepper smiled at the above mentioned.

"Sorry. Long night. If you'll follow me please."

And she could have swore she heard Brendom mutter "Gladly."

Taking the boys to a booth in the middle of the restaurant she sat down the menus and took a step
back. Once they were settled into the booth she picked up her pad and pencil.

"What can I get you to drink?"

"Uh, I'd like a Pepsi, please," Jon said.

"Yeah same here,"said the other three.
"Ok so four Pepsi' then? I'll be right back."

When she brought their drinks she carefully sat them in front of each band member.

"So are yall ready to order?"

Brendon smiled and looked at his friends before looking at Pepper.


"Oh I'm sorry. I'm not originally from here, obviously, and sometimes my southern dialect shows
itself," Pepper said her cheeks going slightly red.

As she took each order, Pepper couldn't help but notice Brendon staring at her. Getting nervous she
hurried back to give the cook the orders.

"Hey Cathy," Pepper said to the cook, "Do I have something on my face that shouldn't be there. Or in
my teeth?"

After giving her a slight inspection Cathy shook her head.

"Ok thanks."

Cathy just mumbled.

"Yeah I know Cath your tired. As soon as you cook these you can go home. I'll close up with Marty.

The cook smiled.

Not sure whether the guys would need a coke refill or not she decided to grab the pitcher and do so
giving the pizzas a little more time to cook.

"Would you like a refill," she asked?

"Yes please," the guy's answered.

Filling each cup in return she got to Brendon last. To help her out, Brendon moved his cup forward a
little bit causing his hand to slightly make contact with hers.

Turning her head slightly to look at
him she returned the smile he was giving her. Unfortunetly she wasn't paying attention to what she
was pouring.

Once she realized she corrected herself which somehow caused her to knock the glass over into his lap.

Horrified Pepper began to grab napkins out of her apron, and handing some to him, began to mop of
the mess.

"Oh my God I am so sorry," Pepper cried already on the verge of tears and seeing Brendon still smiling at her made her feel worse, "How can you smile at me? I just spilled a Pepsi all over you."

"I don't know there's just something about a girl with imperfections, like clumsiness. I can't stand
girls who think that they are perfect."

Pepper's jaw dropped.
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