Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > seizeMANNEQUIN

"Oh. My God. My best friend is holding hands with Brendon Urie!"

by OhSoIntricateLie 0 reviews

“Your being serious,” she asked? “Very,” Brendon said setting his cup down on a coaster and placing his hand gently on hers, “I don’t like to play with other people’s affections.” P...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-11-21 - 1247 words

Pepper was in shock but the sound of Izzy's voice broke her out of it.

"Are you gonna close the door anytime soon? What happened, did you run into the door or something?I
mean what's with the dazed look?"

Pepper came in and closed the door. When she looked up she had a grin on her face as she sat down on
the couch across from her friend.
"Brendon Urie just brought me home and kissed my hand," she said holding up said hand.

"No he did not. Girl you've been working too hard too late. It's getting to you," Izzy said before
picking up a tissue to capture her sneeze.

Pepper shook her head.

"No Iz, it really was Brendon. The Panic! guys came in the Hut for dinner around 11. No joke. Cath
saw them too."

Izzy's mouth was hanging open.

"Ok then. Well tell me how you managed to get a kiss on the hand from Brendon, let alone him
bringing you home?"

"I spilled his drink in his lap," Pepper replied simply.

"You spilled his drink,"Izzy asked?

"Mmhmm. In his lap," Pepper recounted.

"Girl, only you could do something that stupid and still be looked upon as cute," Izzy said with
what started out as a laugh but ended up as a cough.

"Come on. Your going to bed. That way maybe you'll feel better because Brendon's gonna call me
tomorrow. Or later today. Or whatever."

Izzy obliged and went off too bed with Pepper not far behind.

NOVEMBER 13, 2006 Saturday

The next day Pepper was up before 12 which was unusual for a Saturday, but she was excited.

I mean how many girls actually meet Brendon Urie let alone get his number and his promise to call you?

So anyway Pepper got up early, took a shower, got dressed and decided to surf the net for some new fanfictions. While her laptop was booting up she decided to make a pot of coffee.

Once that was done and brewing she decided to check on Izzy. Tiptoeing down the hallway to Izzy's room, Pepper eased the door open.

There on the bed lay her best friend with her other best friend, Mason, sleeping with her back to his chest. Pepper had to resist the urge to laugh.

Apparently Mason had came over sometime after Izzy called at the restaurant. Pulling the door to, Pepper had to hand it to them.

They were a very cute couple, even when they were sick with flu and spooning.

Walking back into the kitchen Pepper went to the cabinet to get her coffee cup. As soon as she sat
it down next to the coffee maker her phone rang.

Answering it, Pepper was not let down.

"Hello, Pepper?"


"So I did get the right number."

"What did you think I was going to give you the wrong one?"

"I have no clue. You could have. It wouldn't have been the first time it's happened..."

"Oh. Hey, would you like to come over?"

"If I"m not intruding."

"Your not. Believe me."

At that Brendon laughed.

"I take it your room-mate is still sick?"

"You take it right."

"Haha, ok. I'll be over shortly."

Literally not even five minutes passed and there was a knock on the door.

Carrying her coffee cup with her, Pepper opened the door.

"You weren't kidding when you said shortly, were you," Pepper asked as Brendon stepped inside.

"I uh, I was in the area,"Brendon replied holding his jacket in his hands.

"Uh huh. You can lay it right here. We do," Pepper motioned to a table where several jackets already
lay, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Um, sure," Brendon said following Pepper into the kitchen.

Grabbing another cup from the cabinet, Pepper walked over to the coffee pot and poured him a cup.

"How do you like yours? Please tell me you don't like it black," Pepper asked?

Laughing Brendon shook his head, "No I like milk and sugar please."

Nodding Pepper got out the milk and passed him the sugar bowl.

"Help yourself, because I don't know how much you like," Pepper said as she spooned out some sugar into her cup before going to sit on the couch.

As soon as he put the milk in the fridge and was sure he had enough sugar, Brendon followed Pepper
into the living room and sat in the recliner across from her spot on the couch.

Slightly tilting her head, Pepper smiled.

"You know, I don't bite. OR at least not hard anyway," she said patting the cushion next to her.

Brendon nodded his head and got up to sit next to her.

"So," he began before taking a sip of his coffee, "You said last night you weren't originally from
here. I obviously knew that from the first time you spoke."

Pepper's face reddened slightly so Brendon raised his hand.

"No, no that's not a bad thing. Personally I like it," he said with his trademark smile.

Pepper laughed which caused a surprised look to etch it's way onto Brendon's features.

"Was it funny?"

"No not really it just amuses me. Your like the only guy I've met in Vegas that like's my accent who
isn't a pimp."

Brendon's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Really? I think it's very pretty. It's kind of like a song in away. Very melodic."

It was Pepper's turn to look surprised.

This was the most romantic thing a guy had ever told her and it had to come from one of the most
handsome guys in the world.

When she thought about it, Pepper decided that Brendon was just being
nice and that the chances of him ever wanting to see her again were probably slim.

At this thought Pepper's face fell. She'd never been the girl with all the guys.

She'd only had one boyfriend and that was when she was a freshman/sophomore in highschool.She was a College sophomore now, you do
the math.

Right away Brendon noticed the change on Pepper's face.

"What's wrong?"

Pepper looked up from her cup of coffee.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You hardly know me. All I did was spill your coke on you and act
like a total retard."

Brendon's smile from earlier faded.

"You know, I would have talked to you whether you spilled my drink or not," he said slightly
offended that she would think he was only pitying her.

Pepper tilted her head as if to say, 'Really?'.

"The first time I saw you I knew there was something about you. I had that gut feeling. I happen to
think your very beautiful. Plus you impressed me when you didn't act fangirlish or slutty towards me
and my band. And from the little we talked last night, I'd like to get to knowyou. That's one of the
reasons I came over."

"Your being serious," she asked?

"Very," Brendon said setting his cup down on a coaster and placing his hand gently on hers, "I don't
like to play with other people's affections."

Pepper looked down at Brendon's hand which lay slightly on top of hers. She smiled slightly.

Brendon noticed this and he too smiled. Before either could say anything else a gasp could be heard
from behind Pepper's left shoulder. Looking up there stood Izzy and Mason.

"Oh. My. God. My best friend is practically holding hands with Brendon Urie,"Izzy said.
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