Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > We're the therapists pumping through your speakers

mmm love.

by azn___x 3 reviews

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Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-10-25 - Updated: 2007-10-25 - 780 words - Complete

"Naomi....Naomi.....NAOMI MIDORI!!"
"Fuck Briana! What the hell do you want!?" Asked Naomi while trying to get untangled from her sheets.
"Get up silly." Replied Briana in a cheerfull tone.
"Rawr. No I'm sleeping for a little bit longer, so leave me alone."
Once she was back in bed, she felt someone climb on.
"Come on Naomi Midori. Man do I love your middle name. Midori. Mirdori. Midori. If you get up I'll take you shopping." Only one person who that voice belongs to. Pete. Feeling his lips against her cheek made her blush even more than she was before.
"Aww someone's blushing." Naomi looked up to Pete, smiled, and blushed a little more. Pete brought his hand to her face and poked her dimple.
"Hehe. Stop it." Giggled Naomi.
"You're too cute, you know that?" Asked Pete, while still poking Naomi.
"Am not." She replied while poking his side.
"Are too. Now get up and dressed so we can go shopping." He ordered her.
"Okay, but you have to get out." Naomi said only to be met with a pout.
"But I'm comfortable right here, and I'm all nice and warm...." He said.
"Fine, but you turn that way, and if I see you peaking, you'll be sorry." Wide-eyed Pete turned over onto his side quickly.
Throwing on a pair of ventage styled straight leg jeans and an Underoath shirt, she announced that Pete can turn back over. While applying her eyeliner, Pete watched her.
"You know that you truely don't need all of this eyeliner. You're beautiful just the way you are."
"Aw. Thanks, but I just feel naked with out it."
Grabbing her signature black hoodie, she sliped on her black converses, and was ready.
"You ready?" Pete asked while slipping his arms around her waist.
"Mmhmm." She said before she gave him a peck on the cheek and intertwining her fingers with his.

"I get to pick what you try on and what you keep. Okay?" Pete told her with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Ughh. Fine!"

Once Naomi and Pete walked back into the house they were met with everyone sitting in the living room all focused on the T.V. which was on Scooby Doo.
"Scooby Doo!" An excited Naomi said while plopping herself down next to Joe. Briana was the first to notice Naomi.
"Naomi... you look....."
"Fucking hott!!!" Joe finished for her while being shot a death glare from Pete.
"Haha. Uhh thanks Joe?" Was all that Naomi said.
"I'm hungry!" Whined Joe and Patrick.
"Oh I know this good restraunt down in Cary Town. You guys will love it. Yes Andy it is vegan friendly, and no it's not all vegan or vegitarian."

"ASHAMALEY!!" Naomi greeted one of her bestfriends since 7th grade.
"NAOMZY!!!" Ashely greeted Naomi with the same athusiasm.
"Hey can we have the back room?" Naomi asked.
"Yeah, why?" Ashley asked in confusion.
"Because we kinda need the privacy."
"Okay? sure. Hold on though." As Ashley walked away Naomi motioned for Briana and the guys to come inside. All of the guys looked like they were going to rob someone with their sunglasses on, hoods up, and a little hunched over.
"Okay just follow me." Ashley said on her way back. Once her back was turned Joe lent it and whispered into Naomi's ear. "Dude Naomi, do you know her?"
"Yeah, we've been best friends since 7th grade." Was what she whispered back to him.
"Help a brotha out! Hook me up with her."
"One, you're not black so don't do that again, and two, I'll try my best but I can't promise anything." She said back to him with a little annoyance. After reciving a bone-crushing hug from him they sat down to eat.It just so ended up that Baker's Crust was short a waiter and so Ashley was going to be their waitress. Once she got their drink orders, Naomi got up and followed her to ask her about Joe.
"Ashamaleyyy..." she said in a whiney voice.
"Naomzyyyy...." Ashley said meeting the same whiney voice.
"You know that guy back there, the tall one with the fro?" Asked Naomi.
"Yeah, Joe I think is his name. He's cute." Man was this going to be easy for Naomi or what?
"He think's you're cute and funny." The look on Ashley's face was priceless to Naomi. She was blushing and trying to hide it, but not doing a good job at that. "So if you want, you can slip him your number or something." Naomi finished.
"Yeah, I think I will." And with that Ashley turned on her heels and walked back to the kitchen.
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