Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire in the Attic


by BlacknWhiteRainbow 3 reviews

He's a vampire, magician, and cook, you can't but love it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-25 - Updated: 2007-10-25 - 559 words

Chapter 7 Chicanery

A/N: A French derived word. Means trickery.

(Frank's POV)

It's always nice to be kissed awake. Problem is I'm a heavy sleeper. He had to kiss a long to wake me up and I pretended to be asleep.

"Sweetheart, I'm trying to wake you up." He mumbled against my lips.
"If I wake up you won't stopping kissing me."
"Good point, but you need to wake up, I made you breakfast."
"It's in the picnic basket."
"It's been here all night."
"I have tricks sweetheart."

He goes over to his picnic basket. He pulls out a tray with toast, eggs(A/N: vegan egg substitute stuff I've seen at Wal-Mart), soy bacon, a glass of orange juice, and a little vase with a single black sunflower.

He sets it in my lap. It's warm. He's a vampire, magician, and cook. You can't help but love it.

"I see you've gotten past the stage where you think my sole intent is to rape and kill you."
"Yeah I have, but now I think your soul intent is to make me fat."
"No, it's actually to turn you into a vampire."

I stopped eating a for second. He hadn't mentioned turning me into a vampire since the night he bit me.

He noticed this. "I'm not going to do it today sweetheart. When you're ready."

When will I be ready? What if I don't want to be a vampire.

He saw the distraughtness in my face. He kissed my forehead.
"Sweetheart, we have all the time in the world. Eat your breakfast."
That did give me reassurance. Then I ate my breakfast which was so good, just knowing that he made it.

"What do you want to do today?"
"Uh. Go to a park maybe? Watch a movie?"
"How about both sweetheart?"
"Sounds good."
"Now let's get you dressed, hopefully I won't have to fight you this time."
"How do you know I won't refuse this time?"
"You know me by now. I'm very persausive."
"Persaude me."

He stepped toward me, putting one hand on the samll of my back, pulling my shirt up just an inch. The other hand trailed a finger along the exposed skin. My body focused only on that finger that caused little tickles, making my stomach clench. The exposed skin got bigger and the the finger became two, then a whole hand massage my back. The whole experiance made me close my eyes and made my body go tense and hang limp with satisfaction.

I opened my eyes to see my t-shirt and pajama bottoms pooled around my ankles, leaving me only in my Invader Zim undies.

Woah! He was persuasive.

"What?" he swaggered.
"What if I don't want to change? What if I just want to wear my undies all day?"
"That would be perfectly fine with me sweetheart. Just wondering what the people at the park will think."
"We could just skip the park, and just watch a video."


A/N: Well folks I'm going to stop here. I have one question to ask you. Do you want smut in the next chapter? Hee. I came with this great idea where they play doctor, (has that been done?) won't put it in the next chapter, but maybe someday. I'll need to smut reviews for smut okay?
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