Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > to the end

to the end part 13

by buried_in_black 3 reviews

from the earth to the morgue!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-26 - Updated: 2007-10-27 - 1378 words

^_^ long update!!

Alex’s p.o.v

‘He…he just killed that man. He drank that dude’s blood and just left him there’. The walls were closing in again and I couldn’t stand. The vision of my boyfriend feeding from someone was just something I didn’t see every day. I knew he was a vampire I just didn’t think he would kill someone’ the floor seemed to move out from me and I was engulfed in the warmth of strong arms carrying me to my bunk. The arms wore a black t-shirt, it was Gerard. I tried to move out of his arms but he held tighter still.
“Alexion, please stop moving. It will get you nowhere. I’m stronger than any man out there.”
I dropped my futile attempts at escape and just sat rigid in his arms until he deposited me into my bunk and walked back out of the bus to smoke.

Gerard’s p.o.v

She will need to process it. I mean I almost killed her. Good thing I knew how to influence the beast, now resting, inside me. The crimson that once filled my eyes had subsided and I couldn’t feel anything. I didn’t feel the wind whip at my face, I didn’t feel it when Alex came out of the bus, and I didn’t feel myself. There was that emptiness again. The dark pit I was stuck in before when my life consisted of shows, drugs, and killing. She wrapped her arms around me from behind, holding me close like I was going to run away.

Alex’s p.o.v

He couldn’t be a monster. He could love, and that is why he is human. I clutched him harder than I should of but he didn’t wince or move, only hung his head as if to say he was ashamed. I buried my face into his back, not holding the tears back anymore. He turned and held me closer. His grip was tight and his embrace soothing. His hand left my back and towards my chin slowly. He was testing to see if he could touch me, to see if I was ok. After a few long seconds his hand touched my chin and raised it slightly. I was now looking at his beautiful, non-crimson eyes through red puffy eyes. I pulled my hand up to wipe my mascara stained face but his hands stopped mine while the other wiped it for me.
“Alex, I love you. I can’t live if you’re not in my life. You got me away from the depression I was in. it all was because of the feeding. Every time I felt empty and lost. But then you came into my life and led me away from the feedings. That was only my second one since we met. The beast burst out uncontrollably because I had been pushing back trying to be there for you. Try to not kill, for you. And I blew it. I let my guard down and it took the opportunity to come out.”
“Gerard…” I couldn’t finish my sentence due to the fact my mouth was covered with his. The taste of blood was still present in his spit. The iron taste left his mouth and entered mine when I opened my mouth and let him slide his tongue to swirl with mine. We didn’t let go of each other the whole time. Walking backwards isn’t very easy, especially when your boyfriend is grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him. My back hit the bus with a metallic thud and my head hit the bottom of the window. The world seemed to spin like I was high but it only added to the kiss. ‘This is Gerard. Soft, passionate kisses. Not the lust-filled ones from before’ it was good to have him back, even if he wasn’t here to stay. ‘The beast will come back and there will be nothing I can do about it. In fact the sight of my boyfriend changing into the magnificent beast that so many people feared was the coolest thing I had ever seen, now that I thought about it. It wasn’t fear that engulfed me. It was confusion. You were supposed to fear these monsters but I wanted this monster’. It reminded me of one of my favorite icons “when other little girls wanted to be ballet dancer I kinda wanted to be a vampire” it was true to. When I was younger the world of the “creatures of the night” fascinated me. I learned all I could about them until my mom took all my vampire books away and tried to turn me “preppy” I swear I almost burned the house down. All these thoughts wouldn’t leave my head until Gerard removed his hand from my hip and slid it onto my back and pulled. Our hips met and teeth replaced his tongue. He bit my lower lip and pulled away. His vampire qualities still not fully gone for he was still taller than me. More than usual. The sharp teeth scrapped against the soft flesh of my lips only barely leaving any sign of their presence. Our hands roamed, trying to be closer to each other, pulling the other to them. I broke the kiss to stare at his normal eyes. Not a trace of red. It was funny how his eyes switched colors, his non-red eyes. The lovely combination of hazel and green. ‘I must do this. Or I will never be able live with him. I will grow old but he will never die. Forced to live alone.’
“Gerard” I said breathlessly from the kiss
“Yes Alex?”
“Can I ask a favor?”
“Yes, anything”
“Could you...uhh never mind. It’s silly”
“I bet it’s not”
“Yes, yes it is. And you would never do it”
“I would put a gun to my own head for you Alex”
“Ok well you have to promise not to freak. I mean seriously not freak”
He brushed the hair out of my face and kissed my cheek in response before whispering “I promise”
“Make...make me a vampire”

Gerard’s p.o.v
“Make me a vampire”
A snarl rose in my throat. After all I did to protect her she wants to inflict it on herself!
“Gerard please. It is the only way we will ever be able to be together. I will eventually grow old and you won’t.”
“DON’T GIVE ME THAT! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT CHRISTIA SAID! SHE USED THAT SAME SPEECH WORD FOR WORD AND LOOK WHAT IT GOT HER!” I pulled out a picture from my wallet. It was of Christina’s distorted body at the morgue, a mark around her heart. She had been staked in the heart by a vampire hunter.
“Gerard…no. I didn’t know. I didn’t what to hurt you. I just wanted to be with you” the tears were welling up in her eyes now, seeing how it angered me made her fearful. I tried to pull her closer but she went rigid and refused to move closer to me. I looped my fingers into her belt loops and pulled her harder this time. She didn’t have a choice this time but seemed to want to come closer.
“I’m sorry Alex. I’m sorry I yelled. It just brought back memories. Her body twisted from the fight, his triumphant grin, and the stake sticking unnaturally out of where her heart would have been”
“Gerard…” I pulled her closer, this time it was my eyes welling with tears. She pulled back and wiped them from my face, along with flecks of blood. It didn’t seem to faze her that there was someone else’s blood on her hand. Her eyes captured me and didn’t let go. Wrapped in their warm embrace, I didn’t want it to end. But as always, the guys show up.

person:arrg why must you leave a cliffhanger!?!?!?
victoria venom: because like i said im evil!
person:not as evil as the vampiric gerard.
victoria venom: >_>
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