Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All the things she said

Chapter 5

by clutsy_93 0 reviews

Model shoot.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-10-31 - Updated: 2007-10-31 - 2915 words

Gerard and I were singing along to Jack off Jill and I was having the time of my life with him, and it’s going to be a memory forever. I saw the mall come into view and I got hell excited.
“We’re here” I jumped out of the seat, and opened the door; Gerard just laughed and grabbed my hand.
“What do you want to do?”
“Uhm get some clothes for me?” he laughed and kissed my cheek, “I know the best spot” I followed him towards Target, we went to the FreFusion range and picked out a lot of clothes, I went to the change rooms and tired on everything. I walked out and Gerard grabbed my hand.
“Got enough clothes chicken?”
“Sure thing rooster”
“Ha, nice nickname too shay”
“Ha, I know” we walked to the Check outs and Gerard bought my clothes I told him not to, but I couldn’t budge.
“Sure, crunchie shake for me” he nodded and bought me it.
“Thank you Gerard”
“Don’t mention it, oh my god Mikey is like looking for us, quick” I nodded and we ran towards the car.
“What the hell? Doesn’t he get it?”
“It’s Mikey you know, he won’t give up till he knows and talks to you”
“I know” I opened the back door and chucked all my shopping in; we drove off towards the apartment and sang along to more lyrics.

“I’m going for a shower babe, do not disturb” I gave him a kiss and ran of to the bathroom; I clicked the lock and turned on the water.

-Gerard’s POV-
I heard the water start to run, should I go in? fuck I don’t know but I just want to kiss her again, my body ached for her touch, thinking about it was getting me excited but I was out of the thought when their was a knock at the door, I opened it and saw Mikey he pushed passed me and stood in the room.
“Welcome in Mikey”
“Whatever, why the fuck did you let her treat Darcy bad and you were going along with it?”
“Oh fuck you Mikey, GET OUT”
“MAKE ME, YOU GIVE ME THE ADDRESS NOW” I grabbed his arm and chucked him out.
“Stay the fuck away from her, she doesn’t want you to find her, you ungrateful prick” I slammed the door but he kept on pounding at the door.
“RATHER NOT” I made sure it was locked and he couldn’t get it, I turned around and Mel was standing there dressed and looking at me.
“Was that?”
“Yeah, he’s pissed now” I told her to sit on the couch and pick a movie whilst I was in the shower. I came out and she was wrapped in a blanket watching Lilo & Stitch she makes me laugh at the movies she watches. I grabbed the phone and sat down with her.
“Lay with me?” I nodded, she sat up and I got under the blankets, I lay on my back and she slowly moved up to my stomach, she turned her head around and watched the movie. This was so comfortable but to make it even more I wrapped my left leg around her bum and grabbed the phone.
“Take out?”
“Yumm and yes” I laughed and pecked her nose, I dialed the Chinese place and waited for an answer.
“Hi can I please have a delivery for 9 Parkerson place”
“Sure, and what numbers?”
“Okay, a ten with noodles make that two, number five with extra sauce and number eighteen times two” I hung up and dialed a dessert place.
“Hi can I please order a Mars bar cheesecake, 9 Parkerson Place”
“Sure, will be there in twenty minutes”
“Thank you” I hung up and Melanie was looking at me.
“What I’m hungry”
“Okay” she laughed and wrapped her arms around my back.

Lilo and Stitch had just finished and the door bell rang.
“I’ll get the door and you choose another movie” I went to the door and grabbed the food.
“Bill Mr. Way or cash?”
“Bill, end of the week good enough?”
“Yup, see you then” I put the food on the table and sat back down on the couch and pulled out the food, Melanie found The Wild and came and sat down, I handed her food and we relaxed against the couch and watched the movie.

I looked down at Mel, our dinner dishes were still on the table and the cheesecake was on the table, she looked so peaceful, I reached the fork and scooped up some cheesecake and fed myself. Melanie looked up and I took it out of my mouth.
“Can I have some?”
“Nah I only bought it for me” she laughed and I scooped up some more, she opened her mouth and swallowed.
“Oh my god, that’s heaven”
“I know” throughout the movie I fed her and myself, and felt as if I was falling for her more and more, I didn’t know how or why though.
“You’re so gorgeous Mel” she smiled and kissed my stomach.
“And you’re so pretty Gee” I laughed at her and got up.
“Wonna go to bed?”
“Sure” she got up and I gave her a piggy back ride back to the room, I carefully placed her down on the bed and jumped next to her.
“Oh good bed” I stretched out and got under the covers.
“Night chicken”
“Night rooster” I gave her a hug and she came and snuggled against my chest.

Normal POV
I got up and ran to the shower, today is the day I settle down at my new apartment so excited. I walked into the spare room and got some clothes out and dressed.
“Gerard I’m ready” I yelled out, I heard a thump and ran to his room; he was sprawled put on the floor.
“I just got out of bed?”
“You can shower at my apartment? And sleep the night if you’re lucky?”
“Oh baby, hell yes” I laughed and he grabbed a bag.
“I’ll pack for you?”
“Cool” he went out, and I grabbed some boxers, skinny legs, band shirts, his black jacket and condoms. Never know what might happen, I looked around the room and smiled.
“Gerard I still need toiletries”
“Want to go get some on the way?”
“Yes please and food”
“Okay” I grabbed his back and we walked out of the room.
“Should I change because we are going to the supermarket?”
“Nah, its morning people will understand”
“Okay” we went down to his car and I put his bag in the back where my shopping was sitting all night.

“Okay I need, pillows, face cloth, soap, face stuff, make-up, towels, bath mat, toilet paper, air freshener, food, cooking utensils and I’ll think of some other stuff”
“Okay, I’ll go get stuff I can remember and meet you in the facial isle section” I nodded and went to find everything; I grabbed a shopping trolley and went on my way to find things I need.
“You got everything?”
“Food” he nodded and we went down every isle to just get random shit.
“Check outs?”
“Yup” I paid for my things even though Gerard said he would but this time I got the bargain.

We walked up the long stairs to my apartment and I turned the key in the lock. Home sweet home, I put all of the bags on MY table and started to un-pack.
“This is going to be cool” I grabbed Gerard’s bag and walked him to the room.
“WOW! It’s huge like mine”
“I know, come on un-pack you’re clothes”
“Okay, then I is going for a shower” I laughed and jumped on the bed.
“You’re a silly chicken”
“Ha! You’re a sexy rooster” love him, I jumped up and went back out to the main room.
“Home sweet home” I mumbled to myself, I went into the bathroom and opened the blinds and window, I un-packed everything in there and then went back to the kitchen to un-pack with.
“I need a vacuum cleaner and mop” I mumbled.
“I can get one for you?” I jumped when I saw Bob standing at the door; I ran up to him and hugged him.
“Ah I knew you would come”
“Wouldn’t won’t to miss this place”
“This is my place, come I want to show you everything” He laughed and I grabbed his hand.
“No-one followed you did they?”
“Nope, I just left quickly before Sophie would wake up”
“Oh cool, how are things going between you too?”
“Very, very good I said I loved her the other day and she was just ecstatic, let’s just say I got lucky”
“Ha, you’re a cute one, now this is my room”
“Wow, it’s huge, this biggest room?”
“Yeah cool aye?”
“Yeah, very” I took him past the bathroom and lounge room.
“Yeah, very small but it’ll do nothing fancy for Melanie”
“Cool” he sat down on the couch and flicked through the TV.
“Oh and I need to get a DVD player”
“I can buy you some stuff you know? You’re worth the money”
“Oh thank you, but I can manage”
“No, Gerard and I will help you no arguments”
“FINE” I sat down next to him, and looked at the apartment.
“This is going to a good place to live at Mel but will you go clubbing?”
“No, over that shit”
“Just had t make sure” I felt the guilt sink in within minutes.

-Gerard and Bob-
They had gone to get me some stuff, they argued for minutes but I just told them to go and I want stop them. I was walking along the streets looking for something that would pop out to me; I looked back and remembered my way back home. Then I saw something I had totally forgotten about, I ran to the front. Modeling Agency for Adults, I opened the door and went inside, very fancy.
“Hi how may I help you today?”
“Uhm I was a model in Western Australia, for Metro Modeling and walked in shows”
“Oh are you Melanie? We just got you’re paperwork and achievement awards here”
“Yes I am oh cool, what do I do to get my job back?”
“Nothing, I was going to call you later tonight, but now you’re here can you do a shoot tonight? Say be here by 5?”
“Yeah that’s cool, is it alright if two of my friends come?”
“That’s alright, just walk through the back with this badge” she handed it to me and I walked out, wow! That was easy I thought to myself. I went to the apartment and saw the car there, I went upstairs and they asked me questions as soon I walked through.
“Where were you?” asked Gerard.
“I was out looking for modeling agency and I found one” they sighed and Bob came up to me.
“Adult models, I have a shoot to do tonight and you guys are welcome to come?”
“Oh that’ll be awesome, can Sophie come?”
“Yeah, its free entry so look forward to seeing you, I have to be there for 5 but yeah”
“Okay, here is you’re stuff I’ll go now and go tell Sophie”
“Wait, isn’t Mikey’s wedding today?” asked Gerard
“Oh shit! I forgot about that, fucking hell, I’m coming still it’s at twelve right?”
“Okay see you here, Gerard don’t leave without me and Sophie”
“Okay cool, see you”
“Bye” I said to Bob and walked him out.
“If you can say Hi to everyone for me?”
“I will don’t worry about it”
“Thank you” I gave him a hug and walked back up.

-Bob’s POV-
Damn wedding, I really wanted to spend the day with them, fuck Mikey. I drove all the way to Donna’s house, that’s wear we were all getting ready and Sophie would be there so cool. I drove up the driveway and went to the front door, it was already unlocked and I heard everyone in the lounge room, including Mikey.
“Ah fucking hell” I mumbled, I walked through and everyone looked at me.
“Where have you been?” asked Frank.
“I-I was seeing Melanie, she’s got a runway shoot today at five so Sophie we’ve been invited to go” she came up to me and pulled me into a hug.
“Awesome, get to see her strut her stuff” I laughed at her and saw everyone look down.
“Can we come?” asked Frank
“Yeah I suppose the more the merrier”
“Yay” yelled Jamia, I laughed at her and then looked at Ray.
“How are you?”
“I’m alright, how is Mel?”
“She is awesome, so happy and her place looks really good, she loves it and I’ve never seen her happier”
“Oh cool” Mikey was quiet the whole time, he sat down and I kind of felt sorry for him but if it was like before he would be marrying Mel today and not Darcy.
“Bob, tell me where she is?” asked Mikey, he got up and looked me dead in the eye.
“No, she doesn’t want you to know”
“Because she doesn’t want you to know”
“Fuck you all” he stormed of to the stairs.
“Could this day get any worse, no-one is telling me where she is and Gerard isn’t my best man, stupid fucker”
“Hey you shut you’re mouth Michael” spoke Donna who was walking down the stairs.
“He has his reasons; now stop insulting you’re brother”
“You know where Mel is don’t you?”
“No I don’t but would you just get over it like she has to you” Mikey stormed past his mother and I heard the door slam.
“Bugger” I mumbled. I looked at the clock and thought I had better start to get ready.

-Normal POV-
“Gee, baby I’m so excited” he smiled over at me, and I loved it, I was due to go in about 10 minutes and was so excited.
“Mel, can’t wait for you to strut you’re sexy ass infront of me and I saw what you packed”
“Oh did you?” he smiled at me and kissed me on the lips.
“You better get going, have fun see you in a few” I nodded and walked towards the agency. I opened the door and walked in, Mikey was married but that didn’t bother me at the moment because I was going to do something I loved.
“Hi I’m Melanie”
“Sure I’ll take you through” I nodded and put the badge in my bag, everyone looked at me and smiled, “Here is you’re station hair and make-up will be here in five” I nodded and the man walked off, I saw what I was wearing and felt really happy.

Hair and make-up was done, everyone was very talkative and so nice to me, and I even went to high school with a few of them when I was in Jersey.
“Melanie you will be going on second after Gabriella”
“Cool” I found her and she and I were talking for a good ten minutes.

-Gerard’s POV-
“Ah dude I’m so excited, I’ve never seen her model before” everyone was here, Frank, Jamia, Bob, Sophie, Ray and his mystery girlfriend, Belinda.
“Ha, Gee relax” spoke Bob, I nodded and sat in my seat.
“Wow, it looks like there is a lot of a magazine label here and brand people” spoke Frank.
“Yeah I know, how cool is it?”
“Pretty cool” I answered Ray’s question.

-Normal POV-
Now I was nervous and excited, it was a two stage entrance I was coming on from the right and Gabriella was coming on from the left, we’d be walking together side by side.
“5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 go girl” shouted Elisha, we both smiled and when we got to the very centre walked down together, we got to the very end and I spun around while Gabriella stuck her hip out, we walked back and stopped half way and switched lanes and walked off.
“Well done girls second shoot” we quickly changed, I was wearing a long ripped dress, my hair was scruffed up and the dress was a boob tube top.

-Gerard’s POV-
Wow! She looked amazing and so skinny, but the modeling really did suit her in the end. I turned around and everyone was just in gah! Mode I just laughed at them. Then I saw Mikey against the doorframe, wedding ring on his finger and he looked sad, I got up and walked over to him.
“Mikey come and sit down”
“Can’t Darcy is in the car outside, tell Melanie I love her”
“Mikey for once in you’re life just do this”
“I can’t Gee, I’ve got to go now, just promise me to tell her”
“Okay bye and have fun”
“Yeah whatever” he walked of and I felt sorry for him, really sorry.
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