Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A User's Guide to Pregnancy.

Chapter 20

by Meg2005 3 reviews

Chapter 20: Read and find out! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-10-31 - Updated: 2007-10-31 - 1415 words - Complete

‘Babe you really need to rest.’ Jon said as Cooper stood in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

‘Jon, I’m starving, I haven’t eaten real food in two days. I’ll rest after I eat.’

‘But then it will be time to feed Evelyn again.’

‘Jon.’ Cooper began as she took his hands into hers, ‘I realize that you are excited about having a baby around here but you can’t force things, just let them happen. When Evelyn is hungry we’ll know. Right now she’s content and sleeping, let her sleep. Besides, now that my little belly is gone, we can cuddle again. That’s what we really need around here, more cuddling.’ Cooper smiled resting her head on his chest. Jon smiled as well wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

‘This isn’t fair.’ Jon whined an hour later as Cooper fed their baby on the couch while Jon sat with her.

‘What isn’t fair?’ Cooper asked looking up at him.

‘You get to bond with her. The only time I get to hold her is when she’s asleep.’ He pouted.

‘Come here.’ Cooper said leaning towards him. Jon leaned in and Cooper gave him a kiss, ‘She’s going to be here forever baby. Besides in a couple of days once she gets settled in, I’ll pump and you can feed her bottles.’

‘I mean I have nipples too she can eat from mine.’ Jon said as he took off his shirt causing Cooper to laugh.

‘You’re a nut job.’ Cooper laughed causing Evelyn to fuss a little bit.

‘Hey now, don’t upset my baby.’ Jon threatened in a joking manner.

‘Shut up.’ Cooper laughed, ‘She’s done, do you want to hold her?’

Jon nodded as Cooper cleaned up her face a little bit before handing her over to her daddy. Jon smiled as he held his baby against his bare chest. She snuggled into him and started to drift off to sleep. Jon laid back on the couch against a pillow and let his baby sleep while he rubbed up and down her back gently helping her to sleep. Cooper smiled as she watched just before the door bell rang. Cooper stood up from watching her husband and her baby and walked over to open the door.

‘Hi sweetie.’ Mrs. Walker said walking in with her husband and two sons and her one daughter in law.

‘Hi guys.’ Cooper smiled giving various hugs.

‘Oh my god, Jon put that away.’ James joked towards his brother.

‘Shut up.’ Mr. Walker said, ‘He’s bonding with her.’

‘How are you feeling sweetie?’ Mrs. Walker asked.

‘Not too bad, I’m tired but that’s expected.

‘Well we know that you have to rest a little bit so we just dropped by to drop off some food for you guys so you don’t have to cook, we all know how well Jonathan is at that and I figured I would save both you and Evelyn.’ She laughed walking into the kitchen and into the fridge to put away various dinners that she had cooked and things she had bought.

‘How’s she been?’ Mr. Walker asked Jon.

‘Good she’s been asleep since we brought her home today, she’s eaten twice and pooped once and peed three times.’

‘Thanks for the report.’ His dad said sarcastically.

‘I’m sorry he’s fascinated by the baby.’

‘Of course he is, it’s his first daughter.’

‘Yeah, my baby.’ Jon smiled as Evelyn woke up a little bit to the sound of voices.

‘She’s a very quiet oriented baby. She hates there to be any noise around.’ Cooper said as she watched her while Jon handed the baby over to his dad.

‘First ones are always like that; the only noise in the house is them. The second and third and so on adapt to the noise as you have more.’

‘Well we have a little while for that so she’s fine just the way she is.’ Cooper smiled as she ran a hand through Jon’s hair as the door bell rang scaring Evelyn and causing Cooper to roll her eyes.

‘HEYYYYY!’ Pete and Brendon shouted at the same time before being scolded by Mrs. Walker.

‘Boys you’re going to have to learn there is a baby in the house now you can’t go around yelling and ringing the door bell. Cooper do you have a post it note?’

‘Upstairs in the office.’ She said as Pete hugged her.

‘You woke her up stupid head.’ Jon mumbled.

‘Nice daddy words fuck face.’ Brendon retorted.

‘Evelyn is going to grow up to be come one fucked up little girl.’ Ryan mumbled as Cooper agreed with him. She had always gotten along well with Ryan.

‘How are you feeling mommy?’

‘I’m okay. Very sore, very tired but I’m doing okay.’ She smiled.

‘You look great.’ Ryan said handing her the flowers the boys had brought.

‘Thanks Ryan, you always know how to make a girl feel good.’ Cooper said glaring at Jon while he tried to comfort their baby.

‘Alright everyone Cooper and Jon need to get Evelyn back to sleep and get some rest.’ Mrs. Walker said coming back in from the front door, ‘Cooper I put a post it over the door bell saying not to ring door bell because our little princess is sleeping. Now everyone out, they will be up for visitors in a couple of days, out.’ She said shooing everyone out of the house, ‘Bye sweetie.’

Cooper walked over and sat next to Jon on the couch where he was holding their baby against his chest. ‘Come on babe.’ She said standing up and reaching for his hand.


‘Let’s go lay her down and take a nap.’ Cooper said. Jon got up and followed her up the stairs and into their bedroom. Jon gently laid Evelyn down in her bassinet while Cooper changed. Jon stood looking at their baby with an adoring look on his face. Cooper walked over and stood with her arms around his waist behind him.

‘I can’t believe she’s finally here, we’ve waited for eight and a half months for this and she’s finally here.’ Jon mumbled.

‘I know. She’s here, we have our baby.’ Cooper smiled taking his hand and leading him over to the bed.

‘You’re going to become the career mom who drops Evie off at school in the morning before you go to work where you have little band boys hit on you and talk about being a “milf” Then I’ll go and get Evie up from school, take her and our dogs to the park and meet you at home. We’ll play with Evie or help her with her homework and then you’ll make dinner while I give her her bath or vise versa and then we’ll both put her to bed. Then we’ll go into our room make love and fall asleep holding each other and being happily in love. That’s how it’s going to be sweetie.’ Jon said looking down at Cooper to find her peacefully sleeping again his chest. He smiled and leaned down gently kissing the top of her head before shutting his eyes to drift off to sleep.

Six week quickly passed, so quickly in fact that Jon felt as if it were yesterday that they welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. Evelyn was proving to be a dream come true, she was beautiful, smiled all the time, and loved being around her family.

Cooper had finally gotten to go back to work where she began producing the next band on Decaydance records while Jon stayed home with Evelyn for the most part with the exception of a couple of interviews and a concert here and there. Both Jon and Cooper, if possible, had never been happier. Jon and Cooper’s relationship was more loving then before, aside from the sexual side of their relationship, everything was back to normal.

The only problem in the relationship was that it had been six weeks since Evelyn was born, both had been cleared for sexual intercourse but neither was partaking or showing any interest and by neither, I mean Jon. (Which was a problem all its own.)
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