Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Devil's Little Sister

Fighta and Lecture

by MCR_music_mad_girl 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-11-03 - Updated: 2007-11-03 - 769 words

“Their drummer really fucks up a lot doesn’t he?” I asked Jimmy.

“The guy only made like two mistakes cut him some slack will ya?” he replied resting his head on my shoulder.

“Bob agrees with me, don’t you Bob?” he glanced at me before messing around with sound engine thing.

“Yeah kinda.”

We were in the sound engineering tent booth for the My Chem show. The Used were up next so I planned on staying and annoying Bob then to.

“What do you mean ‘kinda’? You were bitching about how Matt keeps fucking up and that’s harder for you to do the sound.”

“I was pissed off when I said that.” He mumbled. It was true; me and Frank were annoying him while he was going over some tour manger shit with Brian.

Jimmy chuckled. “Leave it baby. The mans tryna do his job.”

I was good; I stayed quite for a few songs. The boys were pretty drunk. I had become so close to My Chem that I now officially had four brothers. I didn’t count Matt ‘cause he’s a bit of a sexist bastard.

All of a sudden Gerard’s pants fell down in the middle of Helena, of all fucking songs, and Mikey fell backwards.

I put my hand to my eyes. “Oh my god, oh my god. I am going to fucking kill them. Oh my god.” Both of them started laughing. “What there like brothers to me?”

They continued laughing, as I continued to bitch and give about how fucking drunk they were. The second their set was finished I ran as fast as I could in heels and a skirt to the backstage.

I found Gerard first, and guess what he had? Beer, I’ll fucking kill him. “Don’t you dare think about drinking more alcohol.” I said grabbing the bottle from him.

“Gimme it.” He slurred attempting to grab it back; in the process he punched me in the eye.

For a second I was taken aback but then I gave him a huge punch back. “Don’t fuck with me Way.”

“Motherfucker.” He yelled and that’s how we ended up on the ground. We began kicking the living shit out of each other and people started to crowd around screaming ‘fight, fight, fight.’

Worm and Ray dragged Gerard one way while Jimmy and Emi dragged me the other way.

“Fuck Am what the hell was that?” Emi asked letting go of me.

“Let me see: I took Gerard’s beer he punched me I punched him back we started fighting and now I’m talking to you guys.” I said.

“For fucks sake -”

I rolled my eyes. Here comes the lecture from Jimmy about fighting with Gerard. Over the past week and a half of being on tour I’ve had six lectures, which means I had six fights with Gerard. Good times, good times.

I ignored Jimmy as he continued to give out. It was probably the same as the last six. Why bother listen? Oh man does Ray’s hair look so damn touchable today. Maybe I’ll just slip away and fell it. Just as I went to walk away Jimmy grabbed me arm.

“Are you even listening?”

I pulled my arm away. Just because I’m marrying the man doesn’t mean he can order me around. “Nope.” Oh crap here comes another lecture about listening to people.

“Hell Am-”

My temper just flicked. “You know what shove them lectures up your ass.” I yelled walking away from him and went in search of Crack-Mind, which was my new name for Bert. “Hey Bert. Can you fix me up?”

He titled his head to the side and tugged my skirt. What the fuck was he doing? “Yeah I could do.” And his hand moved towards my boob but I slapped it away.

“Not like that fool I meant coke.”

He laughed. “Dude I thought you meant sex.” Bert dug around in his jeans pocket and produced a small white bag. “Here, but don’t let people know I have anything okay?”

I nodded. “Thanks B, I’ll pay you when I get cash.” He smiled as I walked away. Within minutes I was as high as a fucking kit.

“Marc, no. MARIO, MICK, MICKY.” I screamed, crap was that even his name.

“Haha close enough Ven, its Mikey.”

I grinned and jumped onto his back. “I love you. Can I have your babies and dogs?” he laughed, why would he do that? What did I do?

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