Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > You'll Go Out In Style

Misery Loves It's Company

by xXprettyinpunkXx 3 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2007-11-05 - Updated: 2007-11-06 - 668 words - Complete

Felicia's lip started to quiver and she looked extremely depressed. I wanted to hold her, wanted to tell her that all she needed was a good chat and everything would be okay. But I couldn't. Too much had happened between us for us to act like nothing happened.

" Fel.." I began slowly. She shook her head and looked out the window.

" Just go Hayley.." she whispered. I didn't budge. My best friend instinct kept my feet rooted to the floor. She turned to me, hate, anger and sadness burning in her eyes.

" Leave." I nodded my head curtly and left the room quietly. I stared at her through the window in the door for a second making sure she wasn't about to do anything rash and finally turned my back to the door and left the hospital.

Out in the parking area I found Josh sitting on the base of a stone pillar. He was looking off into space. I stood there shocked for a moment when I saw that the person sitting next to him was Jeremy. The two of them were talking it seemed, but since they weren't actually speaking, I didn't know what to think.

I finally moved foward and sat opposite them. Josh didn't notice and Jeremy eyed me warily. We were quiet for some time before Zac came out of no where and sat next to me. Josh noticed the new arrivals and sighed deeply.

" So..what happens now?" asked Zac, breaking the silence. They all looked at me.

" We move on." I said softly. " We should take a break for a while, try to get our heads together and then meet up again, hopefully we won't stray too far apart..but, it's something we should do." Josh nodded his head, Jeremy wiped his eyes and looked towards the emergency area and Zac put an arm around me. For a moment we were all Paramore again, but once we all left this place, we wouldn't be a family anymore. We'd be something totally different.

We sat there for a while, remembering the fun parts of this tour and past tours, trying to leave out all the bad. For a moment we all had smiles on our faces, and then out of no where, a blood curling scream pierced the silence. We all jumped up and ran towards the lady in the parking lot who was staring at something up at the hospital.

" Oh my god." Zac whispered. I looked up. There, on the seventh floor was a girl in a white gown, hanging out her window ready to jump. I covered my mouth as I realized it was Felicia.

" Felicia." Jeremy and Josh whispered. They looked at each other for a split second then in some understanding, nodded their heads. Jeremy thumped Josh on the back and ran back into the hospital while Josh came over to me and wrapped me in a hug. I didn't understand what was going on, but I just needed him to be close for a moment.

" Is that.." I turned around in Josh's arms to see Brendon and Ryan looking up at Felicia who was laughing as she edged along the side of the hospital. She was singing something, a song I couldn't quite make out.

" What is she singing?" voiced Zac, a sudden hush falling over the small group of people watching Felicia frightened.

" Is of our songs?" I whispered into Josh's ear. The unmistakeable chorus from Emergency met our ears. There were more gasps around us, and looking about, more people had gathered to see what was going on.

I looked around and Brendon's eyes locked with mine. I don't know how long we gazed at each other but it was broken when a woman began to scream. My eyes snapped to the figure of Felicia free falling towards the ground.


i think i have a few more to
chapters to squeeze out
before i finish. again,
thanks for reading my story!
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