Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Roxanna


by xxACoalminexx 3 reviews

Roxanna falls asleep in a bathtub and finds a pink bicycle.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-11-06 - Updated: 2007-11-08 - 1192 words

Dan. He was probably my favorite member of the Saffron household. He knew better than to get involved in my personal life. He knew better than to try and figure me out. He’d never ask why exactly I was in a bra. He’d flash me a smile and stand aside as I continued with my life the way I liked it. I loved that about him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the one to open the front door when I reached my house. It had to be Harry, my nosy, sarcastic eighteen year old brother. I groaned internally but thanked god over and over that Gerard had left. That would reduce the amount of questions by at least a few.

“Hey Roxy!” he also enjoyed abbreviating my beautiful name.

“Hi,” I mumbled and attempted to walk indoors.

Harry blocked the doorway, “Got a new boyfriend?”

“No,” I pushed through the human barrier.

I stomped up the stairs, trying to drown out my brother’s voice. To my utter disappointment, he followed me. I pushed the door open to my room and make an effort to shut it behind Harry. He managed to squeeze in at the correct moment.

“Did you two like...have sex or something?”

“Harry, I’m telling you, there’s no guy. I didn’t have sex with anyone,” I reassured..

“You were jacking off?! Or whatever the female equivalent is?”

I looked at him and decided not to answer that question. Him thinking that I was “jacking off” was better than him knowing where I had been. I grabbed my old sweats and a towel. He wouldn’t follow me into the shower. I stepped closer to the bathroom. But he would block the door.

“Look, Roxanna, I’m just concerned,”

That raised my eyebrows. Since when did he care? I could guess what this was about. He did something bad and wanted me to cover for him. I wondered if he would ever understand that he didn’t need to play the “anxious brother” role for that. I let him continue with his pretense, though. I needed the entertainment. Helena was probably hogging the television set again.

“You’re only sixteen. I know you’ve been through a lot at this young age but...I’m worried about you. You don’t do any of your homework, you don’t tell anybody anything, and you’re fucking random guys. Mom gave up on us since...y’ died...and all we have now is each other. And I, being the oldest, thought I should be the one to tell you the unanimous decision Dan and myself have come to. We think you should maybe see a therapist.”

I burst out laughing before realizing that he was not kidding. After that, I was just plain shocked, “You’ve never cared before. It’s not my fault I’m so screwed up. I’m just a poor, misguided soul! Fuck off Harry. I don’t need no shrink. And dad is not dead.”

With that, I pulled him out of the way and got into the bathroom, slamming the door loudly. What a dickwad. He was actually suggesting that something was wrong with me. I tried my best not to think of this disturbing theory as I turned on the hot water to fill the bathtub. I stripped off my clothes. Seeing myself naked in the mirror distracted me from all my worries. I grinned at the reflection. I was so fucking hot. But my hair needed a little work. I was known to dye my hair a new color every day. It was still bright red from yesterday. I had used temporary dye so it wouldn’t be too hard to get it off. Maybe it should be a shade of purple...

I glanced at the bathtub. It was almost filled to the rim. I quickly turned the faucet off. I climbed in and leaned back against the cold marble. The warm water caressed my body. I sighed happily and sank down deeper. Eventually, I got more comfortable than I should have. My eyelids closed like a curtain and off I went to dream world.


I woke up sputtering and coughing out water. I pulled my freezing self out of the probably unclean water. How the hell had I managed to fall asleep in a bathtub? I dried myself as fast as possible and put on my sweats. I wondered what time it was so I momentary looked at the clock on the wall. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw that it was 7 AM. That gave me about five minutes to get ready and catch the bus. I considered ditching school today but for some reason, I was looking forward to first period history. I could not imagine why. Usually, I hated Buttcheese’s class. Gerard’s face suddenly popped into my head. I almost slapped myself for thinking of him. He was the last person I’d be attracted to. There had to be some other motive.

Whatever the reason was, I grabbed my hairbrush which was sitting on the counter. I started brushing my hair hurriedly. I wasn’t paying much attention to how I was doing it; it was just random. Then, I caught a glimpse of the mirror. A scream escaped my mouth. It had gone from red to its original ugly blonde color. I groaned. The bitches at school would probably give me a hard time about this. On the other hand, I could always just beat them up. That cheered me up a bit. It took longer time than expected for me to find clothes. Angel probably stole some of my admittedly great wardrobe without asking. The little devil. I was stuck wearing a pair of jeans that were too small and a giant t-shirt taken from Dan’s closet. There was not even enough time to do my make-up. Wasn’t today my lucky day?

My stomach rumbled loudly but I knew I’d have to skip breakfast. I had to pick today to fall asleep in the bathtub. I grabbed my backpack, filled to the brim with unfinished homework. I sprinted quickly down the stairs and out the door. The bus stop was a two-minute walk from my house. I reached there in half the time, only to realize that it had already left.

“FUCK!” I cursed.

My eyes darted around my surroundings. A bicycle caught me attention. It was leaning against a tree, conveniently unguarded. There was only one problem. It looked like it belonged to a second grader. Well...better this than nothing. I hopped on. It was incredibly uncomfortable. Yet, I did pedal five miles on that small, pink thing. Bless the miniature girl this belonged to.


Okay, this chapter was a filler. Sorry if you were expecting something great...

And I don't know if anyone rereads the chapters, but I went back and tried to fix all the tenses and change them to past tense instead of a mix. Please point out any I may have missed.

Love Much,
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