Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the Ghost of You

Holly Iero.....

by TeamWentz17 3 reviews

Something isn't right in paradise. She can feel the pressure. It's taking up too much breathing space. She needs to break-free. Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-11-08 - Updated: 2007-11-09 - 894 words - Complete

A/N: I dedicate this to my bestie Kaitlin. You're the Pancho to my Bedussy!!

Erin's POV
Today was the first official day of duty. We were in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, tending to the victims of the bombings.

I was worried about my best friend, Holly. She seemed REALLY upset the last time I saw her. I hope she DOESN'T do anything crazy.

"ERIN!!!! HOLLY'S MISSING!!!!!!" Desi screamed, as she bolted through the door.

"Wait, what?? Calm down, Desi. What's wrong??" I ask, my friend.

"She's missing!! Some people said that they saw her go back to the cabin alone, but I have NO idea who to believe," Desi announced, still histarical.

Oh my gosh. Where could she be?? I decided to investigate the situation. I was at the hospital and our cabin wasn't very far so I decided to walk over.

It was dark out, but some friendly tiki-posts lit my way to our cabin.

I could smell the aroma of the tropical scenery that surrounded me. It was soothing to smell the sweet flowers rather than worry about the war.

I finally reached the wooden cabin door. I searched around our cabin and finally walked into the bathroom. I then saw such a devastating event. My best friend was on the floor, with bloody wrists, and a picture of my older brother in her hands. I then bursted into tears.

"Ohh Holly, what have you done??" I asked her, choking on my tears.

Holly was nearly passed-out and she was clenching onto the razor blade; which was now, cutting up her hand.

I got out a wash cloth, got it damp, wrapped it around my friend's wrists, and applied pressure to get the blood to stop bleeding.

"I-I need Gerard," Holly whispered.

"You need to get the hospital," I replied.

I helped my friend to her feet, but it was no use. She was fragile from the loss of blood. I then decided to carry her on my back. When we were kids we'd always give each other piggy-back rides. So, I loaded her up on my back and we ran over to the hospital.

I immediately yelled for Desi and Lindsey to come and help her tend to Holly. They came within seconds to help me. Both Lindsey and Desi were trying desperately to hold back their tears from the sight of Holly.

As we cleaned and bandaged-up our friend, I ran to get some IV to pump in her veins. Desi and Lindsey went to check on their other patients.

When I returned to the Emergency Room and injected the IV needle/tube into her hand, then rubbed and kissed her forehead.

"Just rest, Holly," I told her.

She was already drowsy so it wasn't hard for her to fall right to sleep.

"Erin you have a phone call," Desi called, from the other room.

I walked over to the telephone booth in our hospital and picked up the receiver.

"Miss Way??" a man, said on the other line.

"Yes??" I answered.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but something has happened over here in Japan," the man started to tell me.

Ohh God, I hope nothing has happened to my guys. My heart sank into my stomach as he broke the earth-shattering news. I wanted to throw-up and die all at the same time.

"I'm sorry, but your brother, Micheal has passed-away," the man announced.

"MIKEY!!!!!!!!!!!" I thought to myself. He COULDN'T have died!! NO!! He was suppose to return home for us!!

I then hung-up the phone with him, and sank down to my knees. I started to ball my eyes out. Desi and Lindsey came by to see what was wrong. I looked into Lindsey's blue eyes and gave her a huge hug. Lindsey then started to cry as well.

"Mikey died," I said, sobbing.

Lindsey fell to her knees as well and then all three of us held each other in a tight embrace.

"They said that he tried to go out and fight when it wasn't clear to come-out of hiding. Gerard tried to yell for him not to, but Mikey went ahead and was shot twice in the chest," I explained, to my friends.

Lindsey then stood up, and walked away. She went to the nurses' office just to have some peace and quiet. She held on tight to the necklace that Mikey had given her before he left for the war.

It was a replica of his dog tags only it read "Mikey and Lindsey always and forever".

My heart was officially broken. My best friend almost killed herself and now my twin brother is dead. How the hell could this happen in less than a week into the war??

The phone rang again and this time it was Frankie and Gerard. Gerard told me that they were being flown home to New Jersey and that he was going to arrange a flight for Lindsey, Holly, Desi, and I to attend the funeral. That's when I told my big brother more devastating news.

"She's ok, but I think we've all just about had it with this war," I explained.

Gerard and Frankie agreed. After we hung-up the phone, I went back to my cabin, got into my pj's, made myself a cup of herbal tea, and tried to go to sleep.
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