Categories > Cartoons > G.I. Joe > The Synthoid Conspiracy

Chapter IV

by Soundwave 0 reviews

GRey Fox begin to suspect all not what it appears to be.

Category: G.I. Joe - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Duke,Scarlett - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-11-09 - Updated: 2007-11-09 - 1819 words - Complete

Chapter IV

In the motor pool, Cover Girl worked on what probably was an exercise in futility to begin with, lack of or no adequate parts to perform the daily maintenance on the Joes’ ground vehicles. She continued trying to get a bolt on the tank’s right tread assembly. She lost her balance as she fell, slicing her right hand on the wrench.

“Are you okay, Court?”

“No,” She answered holding her hand. She winced in from the burning and the pain from the nasty gash in the palm of her hand. “No damn parts and I sliced my hand.”

Quickly, Priss retrieved a med kit. Pulling out some bandages and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Cover Girl watched as her friend treat her hand, which was a nasty gash.

“Thanks, Priss.”

“You’ve done more me, Courtney. During our stay at Casa Del Cobra, you were my lifeline to my will and my sanity. This is nothing.” She told her friend as she finished applying the bandage.

“Priss,” she whispered, drawing closer to the Knight Saber, “There’s something I want to tell you, I’m….”

“Attention all personnel! We’re under attack; prepare to fight a ground to air defense. Knight Sabers report to Grey Fox in the ready room.” Duke announced over the PA

“Whatever it is, it’ll have to wait.”

Cover Girl watched Priss dash for the exit of the Motor Pool, wanting to tell her, she stared at her bandaged hand she wanted to tell her, but Cover Girl headed for her Wolverine hoping it was combat ready and fully fueled.

A full flight group of Rattlers and three transports carrying Cobra Zakus approached GI Joe Headquarters, with little or no warning, possibly due to Minovsky particles interference. The Transports broke off from the main group to airdrop the Zakus.

“Wild Weasel to all fighters, commence your run!”

With bombs ready, the Rattlers commenced their run. Their first targets were the grounded Skystrikers, devoid of fuel and missiles. Not worthy targets for the attacking Air Vipers. The Rattlers attacking were different, instead of sporting the normal blue paint job; these Rattlers were black sporting a white omega symbol on the underside of the wings and belly of their planes. Cobra sent the elite Black Omega squadron into battle.

Several Zakus landed on the compound armed with bazookas, machine guns and heat hawks.

Then a single energy blast shot through the lead Zaku in the head. “Knight Sabers! Take down the Zakus!” Fox ordered.

“Roger that Fox!” Wolf replied readying her Hyper Bazooka. But she came under fire from a Zaku II, even though her armor was design to withstand small arms and machine gun fire, she still raised her shield to defect the fire from the Zaku. Emptying his entire magazine, he lowered his weapon, only to watch in almost stark terror as Wolf calmly walked towards the Zaku, slinging her hyper Bazooka over her shoulder; she grabbed a hold of the Cobra hardsuit, wound up her fist with the suit’s strength booster on full. She sent a punch into the Zakus head, destroying its sensors while knocking out the pilot.

As the Rattlers strafed and drop incendiary bombs, Duke and Scarlett ran with their lives depending on it, with no weapons to take down a Cobra Rattler, most of the Joes anti aircraft guns were either out of ammo or destroyed, also they were cut off from the Knight Sabers, who had the beam rifles that were capable of bringing down Cobra’s air support, but they were fending off the Zakus. “Scarlett!” He yelled, smoke and explosions prevented him to find her, only to find the Dreadnoks.

“Well, well, well, out o’ frying pan…” Torch said

“And into the fire, mate!” Ripper finished with a laugh.

“Dreadnoks.” Duke frowned. “Now, three armed men against little ol’ me. Which of you great thinkers is going to be first?

“Well actually we’re not here to fight.”

“Oh tryin’ to improve your image with by using what little brains you have?”

Cut off from Duke, Scarlett shook the disorientation from the strafe made by that Rattler as Grey Fox showed. “What happened, Fox?”

“I don’t know. Here you might need this.” Fox answered, handing Scarlett a fully loaded machine gun she took off from a fallen HS-05B Zaku I.

As Dagger stood her ground against several Zakus with just her beam sabers; her skill with these deadly melee weapons made her just as deadly as if she was carrying a rifle, a Zaku II whipped out his heat hawk as charged towards the Knight Saber. She readied her beam saber. Leaping into the air with the aid of his boosters, Zaku was ready to kick Dagger in the head, but she raised her beam saber over her head in the direction of the Zaku, piercing the armor and through the Viper’s stomach inside the hardsuit. Crashing to the ground, Dagger drove the beam saber through the entry point killing the Viper.

“All right, let’s get this over with!” Duke readied to fight off the Dreadnoks. The Dreadnoks were tough, but they were also stupid, Duke was experienced hand-to-hand combatant. But the Dreadnoks tackled him against the wall.

“This guy’s tough!” Ripper noted.

“Hold him, you idiots!” A voice called out

Before Duke was a tall thin built individual wearing calf-high boots, a one-piece purple bodysuit, with a full head mask, only the area around his mouth was exposed, that had long, pointed, bat-like ears and a narrow pointed nose. To complete his ensemble with a black-red high collared cape. “Who are you?”

“Well I ain’t Zartan.” Berg Katse quipped, shooting a tranquilizer gun at him. “That’s for damn sure!”

Looking at his handiwork, Katse turned to the Dreadnoks, brainless as they are; they’ve served their useful purpose. “All right you idiots, you think you can carry him to the extraction point?”

In spite of the damage inflicted to the base and their dwindling supplies of ammunition, the Joes continued fight on against the enviable. Gung-Ho remained at an anti-aircraft emplacement until its ammo ran dry. “Out of ammo, shit!”

Scarlett couldn’t believe what was happening around her. No supplies, ammo or parts to defend the base and now Cobra strikes. What the fuck is going on here! She thought, for weapons they had to strip any fallen Zaku. Cobra began to fall and she saw Duke riding on Cover Girl’s Wolverine, he was safe. “Another senseless attack, like one on the Flagg.”

“Strange. Isn’t it Cover Girl?”

“The name is Scarlett,” Scarlett corrected with a puzzled expression on her face.

Odd? Why would Duke mistake Scarlett for Cover Girl? Best to keep an eye on him. Fox thought to herself. Mentally, she filed way her observation and turn to the business at hand. She ordered Clutch, Steeler and Cover Girl to scrounge up any fuel available for the heavy equipment and clean up the compound.

Later that night, ‘Duke’ worked away at a computer terminal, typing away he accessed the directory containing the data on the Knight Sabers’ hardsuits and beam weapons. Very heavy encryption? He noted. A dialogue box popped up asking for an access code. He imputed an access code. Another dialogue box popped up with a caricature of Cypher giving the evil eye and sticking out her tongue with the words “Access denied. SUCKER! Access restricted to Grey Fox and General Hawk only.”

“Damn that Cypher!”

At her desk, Sylia was catching up on her reading. Patton: Ordeal and Triumph, not exactly light reading. Perhaps reading on some of the greatest military minds, she would find some inspiration. A small ding came from her computer with a message popping up on the screen. “Unauthorized access to Knight Saber data attempted.” The message gave a time index and the access code. Duke? She looked with amazement. He would have known that Clayton and I have the only access. Also Nene developing that fractured encryption code with a 35 part cipher key.

Then her cell phone went off. ”Stingray.”

“Sylia,” a voice whispered

“Shinobu?” she recognized

“I can’t talk long, but I have some information regarding your brother and General Abernathy. They were arrested on charges of treason.”

Everything in her mind grinded to a halt. Clayton? Mackie? Treason? Hawk was loyal to his country and proudly wore his uniform. Mackie knew better. That nagging feeling in the back of her mind came back with a vengeance.

Before hanging up Shinobu told Sylia she was getting out of country, after snooping around Franks’ affairs.

“Be careful Shinobu.” Sylia said after turning off her cell phone. After a few minutes, she summoned her Knight Sabers and Cover Girl.

After hanging up her own phone, Shinobu reached into her lower desk and pulled out a shoulder holster containing a SOCOM and two spare magazines, Grey Fox gave to her for protection. “I thought I would never use this against friendlies, hopefully I can rendezvous with my MI-6 contact and get me to at least England until this all blows over.”

“What’s up Boss?” Priss asked as she walked in with Cover Girl in tow. Linna and Nene already took their seats. It was a late hour to hold a staff meeting.

“First off, let me drop this bombshell. Hawk and Mackie are being held on charges of treason. I’m sorry Nene.” Sylia turned to Nene noticing the shock and sadness in her face. “What I’m about to say cannot leave this room. All that has transpired recently has led me to the conclusion that Cobra’s behind this, but I had no evidence of their purpose or objectives, just supposition. Franks is showing up for an inspection tomorrow, and judging by his recent actions, he will probably demand for the Knight Sabers’ equipment and data.”

“What are we going to do about it, Sylia, he’s a general?” Linna asked.

“Tell him fuck off, of course.” Priss shot out.

Removing the bars from her collar, Sylia studied them in her hand; a feeling of pride came to her since Hawk personally pinned her 1st Lt. bars on her collar. “Sylia?” Linna called out.

”From this moment, the Knight Sabers are officially detached from the United States Army and going independent.” She said. “Cover Girl, Priss told me of your value as a driver and as a mechanic, so I’m appointing you as an unofficial member.”

“Yes, Fox.”

“Now Wolf, Dagger and Cover Girl. There’s army depot not too far from here. I want you to appropriate fuel and supplies. I’ll draw up some orders and use an autopen with Franks’ signature.”

“Appropriate? You mean steal?” Priss asked

“Yes, Priss I mean steal.”

“All right!” Priss evilly smiled as she cracked her knuckles, a fun job.

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