Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Rain

Mini Tornado

by RenoTurk 0 reviews

Another chapter in the line of Tru

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Published: 2007-11-11 - Updated: 2007-11-11 - 675 words - Complete

If God is the dealer
why do we never win?
A bloody mix of silk and mud
that starts all over again
NO - Laugh - Yeah –
Drown and Laugh –
Your life is over!!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

White Zombie – Grease paint and monkey brains

“I would get thinking.” Michael said as they watched the ghosts surging forwards.

A variety of thoughts ran through both party’s minds. Were ghosts going to feel solid here? Would there be blood from them? If they died now did they stay with the ghosts and all get stuck? Tru let out an audible groan. So much for being some powerful spawn of a Saint or whatever crap people believed.

“Damn it.” He cursed. “Damn it and thrice damn it. Get the hell back!”

The ghostly figures suddenly came to an abrupt halt, which surprised them both. Michael watched their faces contort in further anger as they strained to go against his will and failing. What was Tru that he could force them to stay where they stood and not rush forwards blindly?

“Well now that is curious.” Michael looked to Tru. “Strange that they will listen like that.”

“They are dead…” Tru said walking forwards. He touched one who shuddered and Tru sighed deeply. Whatever was happening he did not like it. It was enough that he looked like a freak or a mutant but now it was becoming more and more apparent that he was. Tru grumbled about it before turning to see Michael advancing forwards.

“I would ask them some questions.” Michael suggested. “Like why they have to listen to you?”

“Good idea.” He nodded still quite shocked. He turned to a man dressed in what looked to be an old Army Uniform, his arm hanging ripped and torn, part of his skull was missing. “Why are you listening to me when you wanted to attach me?”

“We cannot disobey a Guardia of the Gate.” He said through gritted teeth. “You are a Guardian and therefore it is not possible to disobey.”

“A Guardian of what Gate?” Tru looked confused. Michael however had heard of such things before and interjected.

“That prayer you used when we started to fight… it is a Gate prayer. It is important that you recall it’s words or you must have been told another one? The Gates can only open if the Guardian speaks the right incantations.”

“Well we’re gonna be here a while then I would think.” He mumbled in response. “I only remembered that because I had been told when I was in the Vatican is was a forbidden prayer. The other one I never learnt.”

“Oh you have to be joking!” He sighed deeply. The vampire was getting more perturbed by the situation at every turn. Was Tru stupid? What kind of creature couldn’t use his own powers fully and correctly? “Come on!”

“I seriously hated it when I was a child.” Tru said irritated. “I mean I was more interested in whether they could make me normal. I always got treat like I was diseased or something. Sitting through the lectures was not high on my list okay!”

“Well it bloody well should have been.” He said ending the conversation. Michael looked around and the ghosts stood watching them. So this was some kind of other plane of existence.

So far they had figured out that there was the mortal world they knew, the world of the dead and now this strange in-between place. Things, one might say, were not on schedule for either of them. Tru folded his arms and sighed before cocking his head and watching the ghosts. What exactly were they going to do to get out of it all?

“Wait I have an idea.” Tru looked at him. “You’re a vampire so you belong half in the dead world and half in the living. Surely that technically makes you a gate?”

“This plan is going to involve me and I suddenly don’t like it.” He rolled his eyes.
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