Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A User's Guide to Pregnancy.

Chapter 24

by Meg2005 3 reviews

Jon's court date comes up and they find out that Evelyn may not be as perfect as they think.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-12-02 - Updated: 2007-12-03 - 2630 words - Complete

‘Hey Jamie.’ Cooper said as she stopped by her office with Evelyn on the way to Jon’s court date that Thursday.

‘Hey Cooper, I cancelled all of your appointments for the day and I’m holding your calls. Anything else you need done?’

‘Can you call Pete and remind him of the meeting we have on Tuesday with Bryan Sellers and the Omega Red band.’ Cooper asked.

‘I sure can anything else?’

‘When you finish that take the rest of the day off.’ Cooper smiled walking back out of her office with Evelyn sitting contently in her car seat.

‘Thanks Cooper, I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Jamie smiled before Cooper walked out and back towards her car.

‘Let’s go see Daddy and his stupid friend Reid.’ Cooper smiled at her baby as she buckled the car seat into the back of her range rover.

‘You’ll do fine baby, don’t worry about it. You look great.’ Cooper said straitening Jon’s tie as they stood outside the courtroom with Evelyn’s chair between them.

‘Thanks babe, are you going to be here the whole time?’

‘Yeah, I’ll be here both of us. We love you baby.’ Cooper smiled as Jon stepped as close to her with a baby carrier between them.

‘I love you too.’ He smiled kissing her gently before bending down to look at Evelyn, ‘Daddy loves you.’ He smiled kissing her little round cheek before standing up again and meeting with Alec, their lawyer.

‘Good luck baby.’ Cooper said hitting his butt before picking Evelyn up and walking into the court room.

‘This is an open shut case Jon don’t worry about it.’ Alec said as he and Jon walked into the courtroom as well. Jon looked over to the bench behind theirs and saw Cooper evening out Evelyn’s blanket on her as she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

As court began Evelyn slept soundly in her car seat as the judge went over the charges.

‘Jonathan Jacob Walker?’ he asked looking up and around the court room.

‘Yes sir.’

‘You are facing assault and battery charges. How do you plea?’

‘Not guilty your honor.’

‘The prosecution may call their first witness to testify.’ The judge said.

‘We call Elizabeth Walker to the stand.’ Reid’s lawyer said catching Cooper off guard.

‘What?’ she asked out loud.

‘Ms. Walker please proceed to the stand.’

‘Objection, your honor this is Jonathan’s wife who is tending to their six week old new born. She is hardly in the place at the moment to testify against her husband.’

‘The baby can come up with her, Ms. Walker, please proceed to the stand.’ The judge said. Cooper rolled her eyes and got up picking up Evelyn’s car seat and walking towards the stand, setting Evie’s car seat down next to Jon.

‘Do you swear to tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God.’

‘I do.’ Cooper said before taking her hand off the bible and sitting down while she looked over at Jon.

‘Ms. Walker, how long have you and Jon been married?’

‘Four years in July.’

‘And how long had you dated before that?’

‘For about four and half years before we got married, 10 of those months we were engaged.’

‘Ma’am please stick to the questions asked.’ Cooper rolled her eyes before nodding.

‘Had Jon ever been violent with you before?’

‘Never, Jon isn’t the violent type.’

‘What provoked him to act so violent that night?’

‘Objection! It’s speculation.’

‘Sustained. Re-phrase your question.’

‘Can you tell us exactly what happened leading up to that night?’

‘Sure; Reid had come to us about five months before asking if he could stay with us until he got back on his feet. Since they had been friends for so long Jon said it was fine thinking that he was going to be there for a couple of days, Days turned into months and by then Reid was living with us. Reid would have people over while we were gone, he smoked in our house, he had massive amounts of alcohol that Jon and I have never had in our house; Not only that but he trashed our kitchen and living room on a regular bases and at one point he broke out the glass in our French doors when he was mad.’

‘So would you say that Reid is a violent person?’

‘I don’t know him well enough to make that assumption. I haven’t known him as long as Jon has but from what I’ve seen he was violent and loud and inconsiderate when he was around me.’

‘So did it surprise you when Jon did what he did?’

‘It did surprise me. Reid had to have done something that really made Jon mad enough to hit him.’

‘What would something like that be?’

‘The day before we came home and Reid had a lot of people in our living room smoking and drinking. Jon was mad because he was worried about what the second hand smoke would do to our unborn baby. Reid called me a stubborn bitch and Jon stood up for me telling Reid that he needed to grow up and get back on his feet, we were having a baby in six weeks and that he didn’t want a person like that around our daughter. The next day I went to the store to get stuff to make cookies. After I had baked them Reid came in and tried to take a cookie away, I slapped his hand and he threatened me. That’s when Jon got mad enough to go do something like that, he was standing up for me.’

‘I see, and how far along were you in your pregnancy?’

‘I was 35 weeks along.’

‘At any point did you feel threatened being with Jon later that night?’

‘Of course not, Jon would never hurt me in any way shape or form. We’ve been together for eight years and not once have I felt threatened.’

‘No further questions.’ Cooper looked over at Jon as he winked at her while Alec got up and approached the bench.

‘Cooper, how did Jon react when you told him you were pregnant?’

‘He was very excited, he was the one who initially wanted to have a baby, he loves kids.’

‘Was he protective of you through out your entire pregnancy?’

‘Yes very. He’s protective of me no matter what but he was even more protective of me while I was pregnant.’

‘Had you ever interacted with Mr. Wilson before this?’

‘I vaguely remember meeting him at our wedding reception but it was late in the evening and we had just gotten married. He didn’t make enough of an impression on me at the point for me to remember him clearly.’

‘Had he ever made you feel uncomfortable before?’

‘He made me feel uncomfortable from the moment he stepped foot into our house but he was friends with Jon so I dealt with him.’

‘How did he make you feel uncomfortable?’

‘He made a few passes at me, made comments while Jon was gone. Various things through out the time he stayed at our house but he only did it when Jon wasn’t home.’

‘So you say that Jon was just standing up for you? That’s what a husband is supposed to do is stand up for his wife, his pregnant wife. Just one more question Cooper, how is your relationship with your mother?’

‘I don’t really have a relationship with my mom; she doesn’t like Jon or the fact that we had a baby so I don’t have much of a relationship with her.’

‘No further questions your honor.’ Alec said walking back over to the bench.

‘Alright Mrs. Walker, you may step down.’ The judge said as Cooper got up and started to take her seat again picking up the baby carrier on her way towards the bench.

‘Did you know that they were going to do that?’

‘No, I had no idea. You weren’t on their list for witnesses.’

‘Isn’t that illegal or something?’

‘It is but I would be more worried about their other witness they have coming in.’

‘Do I even want to know?’ cooper asked as she stood outside the courtroom after nursing Evelyn so she’d go back to sleep and talking with Alec and Jon.

‘Your mom.’

‘WHAT?!?! They can’t do that. She wasn’t there.’

‘Well they are. It was approved.’

‘You’ve got to be kidding me.’ Cooper whined.

‘Just play it cool, there is nothing she can say that the judge will take seriously, she wasn’t there. They are just trying to intimidate Jon. Come on we need to get back in there, court will be starting again soon.’

‘Alright.’ Cooper said turning around to Jon and giving him a soft kiss, ‘You’re doing great baby, I love you.’

‘I love you too Coop.’ Jon said strapping Evie back in her car seat before handing it to Cooper.

‘Prosecution calls their next witness; Karen Gregory.’ Cooper mother walked into the court room and strutted past Cooper and towards the stand.

‘Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?’

‘I do.’ She smiled before taking her seat.

‘Mrs. Gregory, when was the first time you met Jon?’

‘I met him five months before he and Elizabeth got engaged. He came to Chicago with her to ask her dad’s permission for her hand in marriage.’

‘What did you think of him the first time you met him?’

‘I thought he was all wrong for my daughter. He was a rock star; he drank and partied all the time, something my daughter did not do.’

‘Do you recall how they met?’

‘She was shadowing a producer that was recording their CD I believe. She didn’t really like the career but he forced her to stay in it if she wanted to date him.’

‘Objection! Heresy.’

‘Mrs. Gregory that is just speculation.’ The judge said.

‘Mrs. Gregory had you ever witnessed Jon become violent with anyone around you?’

‘I’d never seen it no and Cooper would never admit to it.’

‘Were you surprised when they broke the news to you that they were pregnant?’

‘I was a bit surprised, they had always talked about not wanting children and hating children and they were suddenly all about having a baby.’

‘Objection! Your honor this isn’t a hearing for what kind of people Jon and Cooper are.’

‘Mrs. Gregory please stick to the subject, you too councilor.’

‘No further questions your honor.’

‘Mrs. Gregory, did you attend the wedding of your daughter and Mr. Walker?’

‘Of course I did. She’s my daughter after all.’

‘How did Jon act during the wedding?’

‘He acted like he loved her very much.’

‘Did you meet Mr. Wilson at the wedding?’

‘Not that I recall no.’

‘Have you ever met Mr. Wilson before today?’

‘No I have not.’ She said.

‘So you weren’t present the day that Jon and Mr. Wilson had their brawl?’

‘No I wasn’t.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because Cooper told me she didn’t want me around.’

‘You’re her mother, why would she do something like that?’

‘She threatened me with a restraining order.’

‘Your honor I’d like to pass in evidence of the restraining order request filled out again Mrs. Gregory the same day that Jonathan was arrested.’ He said handing the folder up to the judge.

‘So let me get this straight Mrs. Gregory just to make it clear. You never have met Mr. Wilson and you weren’t present on the day that Jonathan was arrested.’

‘That’s correct.’ She said with her nose in the air.

‘No further questions your honor.’ Alec said walking over to the bench where Jon held a big smile.

Cooper waited outside the courtroom, after Holly and Ryan had come to get Evelyn, to hear the verdict on her husband. She paced in front of the court room doors waiting to hear anything.

After about ten minutes Jon burst threw the door with one of the biggest smiles on his face. She walked over to Cooper and picked her up spinning her around, ‘This is over.’ He smiled.

‘Finally.’ She smiled as he hugged her spinning her around again.

‘You were amazing in there baby.’ He said before placing his lips over hers softly as her mother walked out the door.

‘I told you this wasn’t over Cooper, there will be plenty more and by the time it’s all said and done that baby of yours will be gone.’ She said walking out in front of Reid.

Cooper glared at her mother before turning her attention back to her husband, ‘Where is Evie?’

‘She was getting restless so Ryan came to get her for us. He’s going to keep her until about five when I need to go pick her up. They are having dinner with Holly’s mom tonight.’

‘I’m so glad that this is over.’

‘I know you are baby, I’m glad it’s over too.’ She smiled.

‘You can go home now Jon. I’ll call you later this week.’ Alec said as Cooper’s cell phone began to ring.

‘Hello.’ She answered while Jon picked up her bag and started out of the courthouse.

‘Cooper it’s Holly, Evelyn is crazy. She’s inconsolable.’ Holly stressed while Cooper heard Evelyn crying in the back ground.

‘Alright, we’re on our way. We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.’ Cooper said.

‘I’m sorry Cooper.’

‘Honey don’t be sorry, you haven’t done anything wrong. We’ll be there soon.’ Cooper said before hanging up and catching up with Jon, ‘We need to go get Evelyn. That was Holly.’

‘Is everything alright? What’s wrong?’

‘Evelyn is just really fussy. We started to switch her over to formula today and she’s not doing well with it.’ Cooper said as she got into the car.

‘Oh.’ Jon said while Cooper began the drive over to Holly and Ryan’s.

‘what happened?’ Cooper asked taking her crying baby out of Holly’s arms.

‘We fed her. I think her tummy is upset.’ Holly said.

‘Can I borrow your couch?’ Cooper asked as she laid Evelyn down on the couch to swaddle her before sitting down and putting Evelyn face down on her knees and bouncing her.

‘I think it’s the formula intolerance.’ Cooper said as Evelyn began to calm down.

‘So what does that mean?’

‘It means that we need to stop feeding it to her and I need to nurse her until I get to take her to the doctor so he can run some tests.’ Cooper said.

‘So it’s not colic?’

‘No she’s not colic. It’s the formula. She knows how to take a bottle, Jon feeds her a bottle all the time, it’s the formula.’

‘She has a doctor’s appointment day after tomorrow.’ Jon said walking in with a bottle of water.

Cooper rolled her eyes standing up and swaddling their baby in her arms, ‘We need to take her home.’ Cooper mumbled.


‘Thank you Holly.’ Cooper said hugging her with one hand.

‘You’re welcome, I’m sorry I couldn’t help.’

‘Don’t worry about it honey, you’ll get it too.’ She smiled before she hugged Ryan and started out the front door with Jon behind her. It was going to be another long day.
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