Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > London beckoned songs about lovers and this was the best I could do.

Chapter Three


Coming together...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2007-12-04 - Updated: 2007-12-04 - 638 words

Chapter Three

"Ryan where are you going?" Brendon asked me as I approached the tour bus's steps. I stood there thinking about how I was going to answer him.
"I don't know." I told him honestly. It was the logical thing to do. Not that logic was agreeing with me lately.
"Are you coming back?" He asked, worry coating his voice.
"I don't know." Honestly is always the best policy.
"Ryan, come on man," He said his eyes burning a whole in the back of my head. He sighed when I didn’t look at him. He knew my mind was made up. "Just promise to be safe and call me if something happens?" I nodded and walked off the bus. The New York air was cold and nipped harshly at my skin. I sighed thinking about how I should have grabbed my jacket before heading out. You never think Ross do you? I thought silently to myself as I walked the nearly deserted streets. I noticed a small gas station sitting on the corner. Only two cars occupied the neon illuminated parking lot. The only thing I had thought to bring (and I will admit to being glad I did) was my wallet.
I reached my arm out to take hold of the icy door handle. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to pull it open. I just stood there staring at the sticker littered glass. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, my eyes shot up to see and elderly woman standing there with questioning eyes. I looked away and opened the door for her. She stepped out nodding a thank you and disappeared around the corner. I closed my eyes for a moment before finally entering the store. My body instantly went numb. I almost thanked god for the heat. Almost.
A teenaged girl was sitting behind the counter staring wide eyed at the only other person in the store; a dark haired man with a brown hat on his head. He looked confused and lost. I shrugged ignoring him walking to the coffee maker in the corner. Coffee is by far the best thing on the planet. I mixed together everything and took a long sip savoring the taste. I swallowed quickly when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the man standing there. He looked a lot younger up close.
"Do you mind if I?" He asked pointing to the coffee maker. I shook my head and made my way to the register.
"Are you Ryan Ross from Panic! at the Disco?" Asked the girl behind the counter hopefully.
"No." I lied. Her face fell.
"Okay," she said truly not believing me. She told me the price of my coffee and I dug out my wallet. She took my money and soon the other guy in the small store was paying for his stuff. Then I thought of something. I turned back to them and stepped behind him. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow.
"Forgot something." I explained. He nodded and paid for his food. He picked up his bag and began walking to the door. "Wait," he turned around to look at me. "Hold on one second." He looked confused but waited while I bought a pack of cigarettes from the girl. "Walk with me." I told him walking out the door. He followed me silently. "Where are you headed?"
"I don't know." He answered stopping. I stopped also and turned to look at him.
"Looks like we're in the same boat." He shifted from one foot to another. "Do you have a car?" He nodded and gestured to the parking lot. "Mind if I catch a ride?" He shrugged and walked over to his car. One step closer out of this godforsaken life.
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