Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Can't Seem To Wake Up From This Nightmare

Chapter 6

by another_disaster 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-12-04 - Updated: 2007-12-04 - 616 words

October 8, 2007.

Posted to: GuitarHero

I hosted a tea party at my house today that Geray (Yeah. We're just going to refer to them as that), Mikey and Bob showed up to. Mikey finally met Ray, and I think Ray actually scared him off a little. Hell, he scared me. Ray thought it would be a really good idea to try and pole dance, but he's just not very good at it.

Bob sat down in my computer chair and Ray spun him around. When he got up, he crashed into my wardrobe, then garbage, then bed. Ray spun the rest of us around too, and I think Gerard got the most afraid. Then Geray started waltzing, which made us all laugh. Except for Bob. He was still recovering from his minor injuries.

Afterwards, we sat outside on my stoop and watched a moving van unload some boxes. Bob asked for an empty box and the moving man gave it to us. We cut a large hole in the top and put Mikey in it. Then we proceeded to walk over to Bob's house, now with Bob in the box, and watch a movie.

When the movie ended, we went back to my place again, but got rid of the box by throwing it in my neighbour's yard. She's a bitch anyway, so I didn't feel bad about it. I think tomorrow Mikey, Bob and I are going lasertagging. Yessss.

Comment(s): 5
LittleDrummerBoy: I can't wait to shoot you guys tomorrow.
KissMyBass: I love hiding in boxes! I felt like a turtle. :)
--GuitarHero: Why not a snail?
---KissMyBass: Because they have pokey eyes and are gross.
Sing4Absolution: I'm sorry Ray killed you guys!!


October 9, 2007.

Posted to: LittleDrummerBoy

I. Love. Lasertag.

Mikey, Frank and I were up against a giant group of eleven-year-old kids from a Jewish day camp. This one little boy kept yelling at me because I didn't like baseball. I had the most fun shooting him. He was such a bothersome little fucker. Anyway, the guys and I also played Dance Dance Revolution. Well, Mikey and I did. Frank watched. Mikey and I kept losing, but that's okay since we're all winners in my mind!

Comment(s): 4
KissMyBass: That was the gayest thing I have EVER read. Winners in your mind? What kind of afterschool specials have you been watching?
--LittleDrummerBoy: I thought I was being encouraging and uplifting.
---GuitarHero: Please shut up, Bob.
Sing4Absolution: Aww. I thought it was cute, Bob. You know, in that really cheesy kind of way.


October 11, 2007.

Posted to: Sing4Absolution

I went to Ray's house today, for the first time. Usually I only hang out with him in art class or with the guys. We walked around in the woods in his backyard and eventually wound up at a chain fence. Ray convinced me that the only way to get over it was to jump it. I really didn't want to, and I asked if there was a gate somewhere along the way. He said that no, there wasn't, and we needed to climb over it. I finally gave in and tried to jump it, but I got stabbed in the chest by the tippy top of the fence and screamed. Ray helped me down and apologized a million times because there was a gate and he just wanted to climb over. That fucking idiot! Now I'm going to have a gaping wound in my chest for days. Great.

Comment(s): 3
LittleDrummerBoy: HAHAHAHA. That is hysterical! This makes me hate Ray a little less for ruining my life. Just put a bandaid on.
GuitarHero: I'm sorry about your boo-boo!
--Sing4Absolution: Thanks, Frank. At least YOU care!
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