Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot

Chapter 7

by another_disaster 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-12-05 - Updated: 2007-12-06 - 754 words

October 13, 2007.

Posted to: LittleDrummerBoy

Dave, the guy that Gerard and I sit with at lunch, is mad at me. I think it's because I keep harassing him about his mom. Gerard and I make up jokes about how his mom masturbates with the carrots she cooks him for dinner. I don't know why he gets so huffy about it. It's not like it's true. Well, actually, I don't know that for a fact. It could very well be the truth-- but for now, it's all a joke. He's so hysterical when he's mad. He throws a hissy fit and pouts, so Gerard and I might keep this up for longer yet. Sometimes Frank gets in on this too, though he's not in our lunch period. Dave and Frank share a gym class together, so I guess we're all friends now.

I think Dave has a crush on Frank. He gets all red and weird around him. He's got some kind of... poking fetish. That's all he does when he's with Frank, and Frank hates it but is too timid to say so. I'd play The Good Guy and help Frank, but it's just too comical. I'm mean, I know.

The worst thing ever has just occurred. Here's what happened:

My sister: Did you know that there was a huge ant in the living room?
Me: No.
My sister: Do you mind if I kill it with your gameboy?
Me: Yes! Go get a shoe or some--
My sister: Too late. I already did it.
Me: That's disgusting!! Go clean it!
My sister: Well, I just lightly placed it on top of the bug, so I'm sure there aren't any guts on it or anything.
Me: Go clean it!!
My sister: No thank you. I'm going to watch TV now.

Sister for sale.

Comment(s): 5
GuitarHero: I hate you.
--LittleDrummerBoy: I hate you too. OMG, I'M JK. Hahaha.
---GuitarHero: Me too! Haha. BFFLZZZZ.
----KissMyBass: What the hell? English, motherfuckers. Do you speak it?
-----Sing4Absolution: Oh, pish posh, Mikey. I think it's cute. WE'RE ALL BFFLZ.


October 15, 2007.

Posted to: Sing4Absolution

Halloween draws near and I don't know what to do. I'm considering being David Bowie, since he is a God. He's got the most incredible package ever-- as seen through his spandex in Labyrinth. I feel like Romeo, but I were a glove upon that hand... Or maybe James St. James from Party Monster. Either one. They're both cool, but James-- I think-- is a bit more awesome.

Is it weird that I love drag queens? I really, really want to be one.

Comment(s): 3
KissMyBass: Please don't become a drag queen. I really don't like them.
LittleDrummerBoy: I disagree. I think you should, because they're wicked awesome. DO ITTTT.
GuitarHero: Agreed. I love trannies, too. Be a pretty lady.


October 16, 2007.

Posted to: GuitarHero

Bob and Gerard introduced me to the wonder that is Party Monster today. It is seriously the best movie ever. My favourite is Freeze. He has pink hair and used to be a hat maker, but now is a drug dealer. Bob's is Michael, who Ray can't stand. Well, he is whiney and annoying. I guess that's a perfect match for Bob then. We're discussing being them. Not for Halloween. Actually being a clubkid. How fun would that be!? We could wear pretty outfits all the time and everyone would love us.

Comment(s): 2
KissMyBass: I would not love you.
LittleDrummerBoy: I would!


October 19, 2004.

Posted to: KissMyBass

Bob FINALLY cut his hair today. It was like Baby Jesus himself came down from the heavens to grace us with a pair of holy scissors. After Bob came back from his divine haircut appointment, he, Frank and I went out to celebrate. We went to a church to thank Baby Jesus helping Bob through his extreme hair struggles.

Then Frank threw himself over a blue mailbox. It was a joyous occasion.

And in the evening we stood in front of a happy children sign because that is what we are. Happy children. Well, I'm happy anyway, because now my small pets won't be trapped by Bob's hair.

Rest in pieces, Bob's horrid hair.

Comment(s): 4
GuitarHero: I agree. Thank GOD his hair is gone. Though, I still haven't managed to find my hamster.
--KissMyBass: I haven't found my dog, either. How could I lose him!? He's a husky!
Sing4Absolution: I'm going to miss hiding my brother in his hair. :(
LittleDrummerBoy: Why don't you all play a nice, rousing game of SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP!!!
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