Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the Ghost of You

The Sharpest Lies

by TeamWentz17 3 reviews

Why is it that history always seems to repeat itself?? Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-07 - Updated: 2007-12-07 - 984 words - Complete

A/N: Dedicated to those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.-Dec. 7th, 2007.

Erin's POV

I was on the phone with my brother, Gerard, only to have him give me a screaming lecture. I hate it when he tries to act like a dad to me. Seriously. He think, just because he's older that he's the boss of me. Ok, didn't we BOTH get the same ranking in the same military?? Sure he's a guy, but I can't change the law. It's the 1940s for sobbing out loud.

"Yes Gerard. I know. I'm stupid for cheating on Frank, I know. I'm not a baby anymore though. I know what I did and now I'm paying the consequences," I desperately tried to tell my brother.

My goodness. Will this boy EVER shut up?? I know what I did. I mean it's not really fair that I'm being hit with a new lover, a pregnancy, Frankie getting pissed and has stopped talking to me. Worst of all. I've discovered a liar; in myself. I went behind Frankie's back and really messed things up with him. Ohh, but I'm not the only liar. David lied to me. He told me that he'd help me through this pregnancy, but 3 months later, and I haven't gotten more than one phone call from him. One phone call?? I'm carrying HIS child!!

This was all too much for me to handle. When I finally hung-up the phone with Gerard, I took a deep breath, felt my stomach, and walked out the telephone booth. I made my way over to the hospital to see if I was needed; eventhough it was my day off.

I saw Desi and Holly just sitting around. Desi was tending to a patient and they both awknowleged my presence.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Erin, how are you feeling??" Desi asked.

"Ohh, I'm fine. It's getting interesting everyday, but yea, I'll be ok," I said, with a smile.

We talked for a little bit, but then I remember that I had to pick-up some food for dinner tonight. The food supply at my house was becoming scarce and I ddin't want to run empty. So I excused myself from my friends and walked out of the hospital and over to the corner-store. It was more like a general store smashed into a farmer's market.

When I entered the grocery store, I scanned all the aisles. I picked-up some fresh vegetables and some fruit. I also picked up some juice and other things for the house. I made my way to the bakery and picked-up some fresh cookies. Once I got some milk and eggs, I made my way to the cashier.

"Is this all??" a familar voice said to me.

I looked up and recognized the familar face. It was Liz. She smiled and I meekly returned the expression.

"Yea, this is all of it," I replied.

Liz rang-up my items and put them in grocery bags. As I was searching through my purse, I had a pending question for her. It had been swimming around in my head ever since that night that Frankie came home.

"So, have you talked to Frankie??" Liz asked me.

She then gave me a hesitant look. It was if she wanted to take back the forward remark that she had just said.

"I'm sorry. I mean, if you don't mind me asking," she apologized.

I smiled and replied, "Not since he's come home. It seems like I've really messed things up with him."

She shook her head.

"You know Frankie, he's such a sweet guy. He'll be yours if you make it happen," Liz replied.

"Wait, how do you know?? Have you heard from him??" I asked, now intrigued.

"Yea, like twice since that night, but that's pretty much it," Liz replied.

"I-I have to go. I have to call him," I said, as I quickly picked-up my groceries to go home.

My head was spinning. I had to talk to Frankie. As soon as I got home, I ran to my house phone and dialed his number. Gahh, he's not answering. I'll try to call him again. Great still no answer.

I finally gave-up and started to work on preparing my dinner. I got out a sharp butcher's knife and started chopping some carrots. I tried to avoid the blade from cutting my fingers, but now that I think about it. It wouldn't be too bad. But what am I thinking?? I must be crazy.

After I cut up some vegetables to be put into a salad, I got that morbid thought again. I decided to go upstairs and try to clear my head. That's when I came by Frankie's bracelet that he had given me before he left for Japan. That's when it all surfaced to the top. I felt my eye lashes start to dampen from my tears.

I went back downstairs to the kitchen. Without hesitation, I forcefully grabbed the knife and held it to my wrist. I started to apply pressure to the blade and I could feel the sharp tip pierce my skin. I was in excrusiating pain. I would've gone through with it until I heard the door knob turn to open. I looked up, and realized that I was now panting and shaking.

He ran over to me and grabbed my wrist. That's when I realized who had come to safe my life. I looked into his hazel eyes, and felt his black silky hair with my fingers. He was real. It was Frankie.

"What are you doing, Erin??" Frankie asked me.

I just shook my head and continued to cry harder. He then wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I felt his heart beating rapidly. My wrist was only cut-up a little bit and Frankie clenched it with his hand. I guess he really does care.
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