Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Beautifully Broken

Chapter Two: And As I Gently Sip This Drink, I Think About My Lack Of Future

by falloutbaby89 0 reviews

Here It is, chapter two

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-12-13 - Updated: 2007-12-13 - 1756 words

Oh. My. God.

I dared not open my eyes because I knew the pounding coming from my head will get worse.

Oh. My. God.
What the hell did I have to drink last night? And how much did I have to drink?

Oh. My. God.

Was the guy Patrick cute or what?

I loved the fact that I was thinking of that as I could feel a major hangover coming aboard.

Ring, ring

Oh my sweet Jesus what the fuck is that all about? I am going to kill James as soon as I get out of bed for putting the portable phone in my bedroom. I felt my head pounding even harder as the phone kept drilling its noise into my ears.

Ring, ring

“James you piece of shit I am going to kill you for leaving the phone inside my bedroom,” I yelled, only to make matters worse in my head. I fumbled around for the phone by my bedside table and finally got a hold of it. I pushed the answer button hard and put the phone to my face.

“Mhmm?” I mumbled.

“Lynn, it’s Elaine. I need you to come in for me today, I have to go Julie’s in labor!” I heard the frantic call of my boss and friend. Wait, did she just ask me to cover for her at the record store?

“Elaine please repeat what you just said, I am still trying to wake up.” My brain had gone on vacation so no one could blame me for not hearing what she said.

“Julie is in labor at the hospital, I am already on my way there now. I would rather trust my two year old in the shop than trust Grant to take over for me. Please tell me you can come. I need you,” she pleaded. I could hear the sound of a car door slamming from the other end. I sat up abruptly, all things coming to my head in sense.

“Wait Elaine did you just say you need me to come in for you? Are you already out?” I asked, frantically trying to get out of my bed, only to have the sheets wrap themselves around me more.

“Yes Lynn I did. I know it’s not your day to come in but I really need you. I’ll owe it up to you soon!”

Of all times for Julie to have the baby is today, when I had a hangover the size of Mount Kilimanjaro! How the hell was I going to be able to cope? I got out of bed and (finally) started getting dressed, forgetting about the shower since it’ll only take me much longer to get there. With the phone still held close to my ear, I found it hard to put my shoes on.

“It’s fine Elaine, I’ll go now. I am however warning you though, I am suffering with a hangover so my attention won’t be at my best,” I warned her. She had the right to know and not blame me if she came back tomorrow only to see the store has been robbed or what not. God forbid that though. “Tell Julie I say hi and good luck.”

“Thank you so much Lynn, I will tell her. Cheers,” she said, and hung up. I grabbed my phone, and all other accessories, grabbing my hoodie as I walked out my bedroom. I saw James sitting in the kitchen with his head in his hands as he sipped orange juice out of the carton. Well ain’t he a sight for sore eyes.

“You look like shit,” I told him bluntly. He looked at me and snorted.

“I could say the same for you,” he grunted, only to wince right after.

“I’m sure I look better than you,” I shot back. I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and made my way out the kitchen.

“Where you going?” he yelled

“There’s no need to yell James remember we’re both suffering from the same thing,” I popped my head back into the kitchen, “I have to go work. Elaine called me to cover for her cause Julie is finally in labor so she had to go. Of all days for her to pop that baby out she chose today. I’ll see you later,” I yelled back hypocritically.

“No need to yell Lynn,” James yelled back before I shut the front door behind me. What a house full of hypocrites.

Elaine better get me a big birthday present for this. My head wasn’t throbbing like hell anymore thanks to Grant and his miraculous hangover cure. However, I was tired like there was no tomorrow, considering the fact I only slept for three hours.

Note to self: find out how much I drank from James when I get home.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, idiots who don’t put the records back where they found them from are making me doing it, to my dismay. Since I was the boss for the day, I could have Grant do it, but he’s already got his hands tied with so many customers. It felt as if all these people came here today because they knew I had a hangover and had to work today. I swear I was being punished.

I groaned as I dropped the records from my hands. I bent down to pick them up as I felt a pair of eyes staring from behind me. Damn pervs, it’s not my fault I had been blessed with a great ass thanks to my mom’s side of the family which was Puerto Rican. I stood up and turned around sharply to scold the person only to be eye to mouth with Patrick.

Oh my soul he had great lips. Wow!

“H-hi Pat-Patrick…” I stammered. Way to go Lynn, since when do you get nervous in front of guys? He smiled and licked his bottom lip.

“Hey Lynn, nice to bump into you again.”

This would be a great time to stop staring Lynn and GET BACK INTO ACTION! I scolded myself in my head. I snapped out if it and smiled back.

“Well what can I say I’m attractive like that,” I smirked. Wait, am I flirting? He let out a small laugh. I turned back and made my way to the register counter and he followed. “So what brings you here Mr…?”

“Stump, Patrick Stump,” he gave me his hand to shake. I looked down at it and smiled, taking the hand into mine and shaking it.

“Lynn Maria Thompson,” I greeted. I let go of his hand and he put it back into his hoodie pocket.

“To answer your question I was just perusing the streets and found myself in front of this store and decided to have a look. Seems like I made the right decision.”

“Of course you did,” I teased.

“So Ms. Thompson, since I know your last name does that I mean I can get a discount of some sort for all these records I am thinking of buying?” he asked, with a different hint in his voice than he would for asking for some records.

“Mr. Stump I thought you would be able to afford them all since you’re a big rock star. I am sure you’re loaded with cash at least,” I said while taking the security tags off the records. I looked up in time to see him lick his lips again. This guy is going to be the death of me.

“Yeah that’s true. So because I am some rock star and as you would assume loaded with cash, can I ask you to join me for dinner sometime this week?” he was rocking on the back of his heels. Wow, a shy guy who knows what he wants and shows it.

“Weren’t you the shy one last night?”

“So,” he shrugged, “weren’t you the one who said you’re not as innocent as you look?” I laughed at his smugness.

“True, but what are you implying on your act of shyness?”

“That at most times it gets me what I want. I am really shy; it is not all an act. But I am also expressive when I want something,” he leaned down on the counter.

“And what is that you want?” I put his stuff in a bag and passed them on to him.

“For you to go out with me Friday night,” he stood up straight, his one eyebrow lifted up suggestively.

“Fine, I’ll go out with you only under one condition,” it was my turn to lean on the counter in no seductive intention.

“Name it,” he said confidently.

“Stop staring at my ass when I turn around. I can feel your eyes burning holes in it through my jeans,” I feigned anger. He took it seriously and started mumbling. I laughed at it; he looked very cute doing it. “I’m joking Patrick. I might as well let you look at it since you’re taking me out to dinner,” I shrugged. His cheeks turned a light shade of crimson. His hand went up to his mouth as if to suppress a smile. What the hell was going through that boys head?

“Um, thanks I guess. I’ll make sure my hands stay in my pockets the whole night,” he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “Well I gotta go now, I got more interviews and shit to do for the day,” he started backing away.

“Um Patrick aren’t you forgetting something?” he looked down at his hands to see if he was leaving the records behind. Yeah, this dude is too cute to be true.

“Like what?”

“Maybe your slip and my number since you don’t really know where I live and we need to finalize things about the date,” I hinted while trying to suppress my smile. He rolled his eyes at himself and laughed.

“Yeah that would help wouldn’t it?” he walked up to the counter again and I handed him my number that I wrote on his slip. “Thanks. Well Lynn I’ll see you Friday night or maybe even before. Bye,” he walked off to the door.

“Bye Patrick,” I waved. He smiled and winked at me before he walked out.

Yep, that boy is going to be the death of me.
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