Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Roxanna


by xxACoalminexx 7 reviews

The first part is a nightmare sequence...then Roxanna meets Gerard's little brother, Mikey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2007-12-13 - Updated: 2007-12-13 - 1239 words

I was in a painfully familiar place. I knew it precisely. Florida. The walls were shouting out memories of the past. I shuddered and walked into the living room, taking gradual steps. This picture had played in my head so many times before so I knew what I’d see next; a bleeding man, laying face down in the middle of the room. There was another man a few feet away, laughing cruelly at the nearly lifeless body. Blood was staining the carpet and my eyes as well. Then suddenly, it all changed. The next part was the worst. The corpse on the floor rolled over onto his back and sat up. Only the whites of his eyes were showing as he got up. Soon, they popped out. A knife was sticking out of his chest, and blood sputtered out but he approached me with outstretched arms. The cackling man in the background had turned deathly pale as he watched this member of the living dead.

“Roxanna,” the cadaver whispered, moving closer.

I backed away but hit the wall. I kept trying to escape from the glare of his empty eye sockets. No matter which way I turned, he stared at me without eyes.

“Roxanna,” he said again.

This time, maggots crawled out of his mouth. I let out a silent scream. The dead man was changing his form, morphing into someone else. An old hunch-backed, bearded man appeared in his place. There seemed to be blades sticking into each side of his face.

“Roxanna,” Old Man Jenkins rasped, “Roxanna, Roxanna...”

“Roxanna,” distant voices were joining into his chant.




“Roxanna?” a much closer voice said.

I opened my eyes to stare up at a boy. Gerard. I sat up slowly, regaining awareness of the real world. The bed sheets around me seemed to be soaking wet. My neck felt sticky with sweat. I probably smelled horrible as well. How disgusting.

“What happened?” I asked groggily.

“Well I don’t know, you’re the one who was screaming your lungs out.”

“Oh...” I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light.

Gerard sat at the very edge of the bed, blinking with his hazel eyes. I wiped my wet forehead with my sleeve. He smiled about something unknown to me.

“It’s a good thing you woke me up, because I think my alarm clock froze or something. We should probably get ready for school now. You can use the bathroom down the hallway. It’s the second door to your left.”

I nodded and followed his instructions, grabbing my suitcase on the way. My reflection in the mirror had never stared back at me as the hideous girl I saw now. No wonder Gerard had been grinning like that. What an asshole. My hair was sticking up from all directions and I looked like a zombie. My shirt was glued onto me with sweat. I shook my head at Reflection Roxanna disappointedly before carrying on with my morning routine. By the time I was finished, I was backing looking like my old self. Except my hair was still that repulsive pale blonde. Still, it was the closest thing to attractive I could get in the current conditions. But as I stepped into Gerard’s room, he gave me a grimace.

“What? Do I look bad?” I frowned.

He came closer to me as if to get a better look “No. But now you look like your old slutty self again.”

“Oh, thanks, Gerard. You make me feel just wonderful,” I said sarcastically, feeling a little hurt.

He spun at his heel and walked to his nightstand. He grabbed a box of Kleenex and made his way back to me. He took my hand and pulled me into the nearest bathroom. His arms suddenly appeared around my waist as he picked me up and placed me on the counter.

“May I?” he asked, holding out a tissue.

I sighed and nodded. Ten minutes later, he was grinning from ear to ear, while I stared into the mirror at myself. My jaw fell. He had done a surprisingly good job getting rid of my make-up, although I looked even less like me than I did yesterday.

“You look totally hot now, Roxanna.”

“Yeah, I do,” I agreed and checked myself out, “Well except for my hair anyway.”

He rolled his eyes, “Come on, we gotta go downstairs for breakfast now...”

My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten a single bite yesterday. As we approached the kitchen, the sweet smell of maple syrup greeted my nose. Donna stood near the stove, flipping pancakes.

“Did you have an okay night, Roxanna? I heard you screaming,” she looked concerned.

“Yeah, I had a good was just a biggie,” I lied.

If only she knew, if only anyone knew, what that ‘nightmare’ had been about. I shrugged the thought away. Gerard and I took opposing seats at the pre-set kitchen table. Another boy was already sitting there. He was much younger than us, maybe fourteen. His eyes stretched wide when he saw me.

He stared at Gerard, “How the fuck did you manage to bring a girl home, Gee?”

“Michael James Way! Watch your mouth!” Donna said sharply as she plopped pancakes down on each of our plates.

“Yeah Mikey, watch your mouth, you fucking asshole,” Gerard smirked as his mother walked away, not hearing this.

“Mom! Gerard just called me a fucking asshole!” he tattled.

“I heard you cursing, not your brother. Stop trying to get him into trouble or you’re grounded, Mikey.”

Mikey sulked for the remainder of breakfast. It got a few laughs out of Gerard and me. I almost choked on my pancake at one point. After my growling stomach had calmed down, the three of us walked out the door leading outside. I knew that at any time, police cars could start wailing their sirens and approach me. It was only a matter of time before they had enough evidence against me. There had to be something hinting the real murderer. But any clues would probably be back at Old Man Jenkins’ house. My footsteps ceased.

I grabbed Gerard’s arm quickly, “Chuck your backpack somewhere; we’re not going to school today.”

He raised his eyebrows, “Why not?”

“We’re going back to Old Man Jenkins’ house.”

He turned pale, “What? No, we can’t!”

“We have to. Come on. I don’t think it’s going to take the police too long to identify my fingerprints. We don’t have much time. Please? For me?”

He shifted his weight uncomfortably, “Fine.”

I smiled with satisfaction. I wasn’t sure how exactly to get to Old Man Jenkins’ house so I let Gerard lead the way. We had moved not even one foot and a voice caused us to freeze in place.

“Oooh, Gerard! I am so telling mom you’re ditching school!”


Yeah, I made Mikey sort of annoying, and Gerard wasn't exactly nice to him but I don't think any sibling could get along with the other PERFECTLY.

And also as a sidenote, I know Frankie is even younger than Mikey but in my story, I made him older. This was because things worked out much better this way...fanfiction has its ups.

Get mad at me if this chapter sucked, but review anyway.

Love Much,
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