Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Roxanna


by xxACoalminexx 5 reviews

Roxanna stares at Gerard for a while and assaults a police officer.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-12-19 - Updated: 2007-12-20 - 1190 words

Five minutes later, we continued walking to Old Man Jenkins’ house—with Mikey bouncing behind, annoying the shit out of us. Instead of explaining to him what had happened and letting him follow us, I would have liked to tie that boy to a tree and stuff something in his mouth to make him shut the fuck up. Yet, I chose against doing that. Gerard would probably get upset if I did. However, my hands were formed into a tight fist the entire time we walked to our destination. To my horror, when we finally got there, a policeman was standing at the front of the house, in alert position. I quickly pulled Gerard and Mikey behind a bush before the cop saw us. We were all almost on the ground.

“So what are we gonna do? There’s a cop there. Can’t we come back tomorrow?” Gerard was obviously still unsure about ditching class.

“No. By tomorrow, they could probably have enough evidence to arrest me,” I said.

The three of us sat in crouching position, thinking. My thoughts began to wander off after a few seconds. My eyes locked on Gerard. He looked so cute when he wrinkled his forehead like that. His fingers were drumming on his knee as he sat there. I watched them create soundless rhythms. His eyes suddenly shot up, meeting mine. He grinned, realizing that I had been staring. I couldn’t break the gaze. Thankfully, Mikey did it for me.

“I know what we could do!” he said excitedly.

I waited expectantly. This guy better be a super genius kid.

“ we go over there and then we pretend that we’re Old Man Jenkins’ grandchildren, right? And then we’ll ask the policeman about the case...and we’ll ask who the suspects are, and they know. So we can find out the witness! It’s so simple!”

I opened my mouth to respond but Gerard interrupted in a snobby tone, “Are you kidding me? This isn’t some stupid detective show on TV. In real life, policemen aren’t stupid. Why the hell would he believe that we’re Old Man Jenkins’ grandchildren? He’ll report us or something. And then we’re all screwed. You’re an idiot Mikey. Did you know that?”

Mikey’s face fell. I almost felt a bit sorry for him. It was obvious how much he looked up to Gerard, just by the way he looked at him. My heart found room for the little guy. He had a certain charm about him.

“Well, I thought it was a good’s worth a shot. And if the guy freaks out on us, we can always kill him, right?” I stood up and dusted off my jeans.

Mikey laughed while Gerard gave me a look.

I rolled my eyes, “I was joking! Calm down!”

With the most casual look I could manage, I sauntered towards the house. The policeman at the front door was a short man, of maybe twenty-three. His light blue eyes danced around at the three of us. I tried to penetrate through the blank expression he tried to keep. His mask weakened as I finally decided to speak.

“Could you please let me into the house?” I asked politely.

The man’s eyebrows furrowed, “, Miss. This is a crime scene and is off limits to civilians...”

I looked back at Gerard and Mikey, acting confused, “What do you mean crime scene? This is my grandpa’s house! Where is he?”

The cop was puzzled, “You mean you didn’t hear? Mister Jenkins passed away last night; three bullets to the chest.”

Half of me wanted to grin. This dude was a total idiot. It would be so easy to gain information from him. I pretended to be horrified.

“B-but no one told us...”

“Yeah, he can’t be dead. That’s impossible! I just talked to him over the phone a few days ago. He can’t die. It’s not true, you’re lying!” Mikey joined in with a very believable ready-to-cry voice.

“I’m really sorry...we weren’t aware that he had any living relatives. We have a few leads. We think it’s this local girl named Roxanna Saffron. We’ve got pretty much all the evidence we need...A few more days and this whole thing should be cleared up. Until then, I’m going to have to ask you three to leave, please, or I’m going to have to do get you out by force.”

“Wait, how do you know she did it?”

“Well, we found a lot of proof. And we also had a witness who saw her,” he said vaguely.

“Who’s the witness?” I pressed.

“I’m not permitted to disclose that information,” he suddenly turned serious.

“Well I think you can tell us. You know...since we’re related to him...and we’re not strangers,” Gerard spoke up, but with the most unconvincing line ever.

I put a mental note to myself, saying that I needed to teach him better lying skills. Luckily, the policeman wasn’t smart enough to figure out the truth. Unfortunately, though, he still would not tell us.

“I’m sorry; I have no proof that what you’re saying is true. Talk to Officer Love, he’s in charge of this case...I could get him for you, if you want...”

“NO!” Gerard shouted protestantly.

The man gave him a weird look. I groaned internally. We were officially fucked now.

“He means that Officer Love’s probably busy, and we don’t want to bother him,” Mikey quickly tried to cover for him.

It was a brave attempt, but not a successful one. The blue eyed cop squinted for a few seconds. Then, his hand slid to his belt. I spotted the walkie-talkie he was reaching for. I cursed under my breath. I knew what I had to do. There was no other way. Before he could do anything, I kicked his shin. As he paused to yelp in pain, I swung my arm around his neck.

“Listen up, you’re going to tell me who the witness was right now, or I’m going to have to shoot you.”

I grabbed the gun that was clipped securely onto his belt and held it to his head. The man squirmed and started coughing. I didn’t let him go. Gerard and Mikey had both turned pale, watching this. Their faces were contorting into that terrified expression that I received a lot. But as of now, I cared more about myself than either of them. I squeezed the officer’s throat slightly tighter.

“Tell me now,” I ordered.

I felt his pulse get faster. He was going to give up soon, I could tell. I loosened my arm so that he could speak.

“Nesbit...William Nesbit...” he wheezed.

The gun fell from my hand with a clatter.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed. I got SEVEN! I feel very happy...! Keep 'em comin'

Love Much,
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