Categories > Original > Romance > True Love

The Perfect Timing (CHAPTER 10)

by rogue77 0 reviews

harry continues with his fight for the girl he loves.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-20 - Updated: 2006-01-20 - 432 words

Over the next few days, Harry kept getting house points deducted because of his lack of attention in class. It was difficult to focus. He had fallen in love with his best friend and had his heart crushed. Once again Harry had walked in on Hermione and Tom kissing. He really wished that they would find some place else to do that. Hermione saw Harry walk by with a sad look on his face and felt real bad. Valentine's Day was coming up soon, which added more pressure on him. He knew that Tom and Hermione were tighter than ever, and weren't breaking up any time soon. There was going to be a Valentine's Day party. Harry was the only one without a date. There were more than enough girls' asking him, but he wanted to go with Hermione and her alone. For once Tom joined them at the Gryffindor table. Harry found this very insensative of Hermione. Just then, the owls came flying down with the mail. There was no surprise to find the Dark Mark on the front of the newspaper. Voldemort had struck again. Tom had received a letter from home. "What is it Tom?" Hermione asked curiously. "My mother. She's really sick. I'm sorry Hermione but I'll have to go and miss the party." Tom said sadly. "It's o.k. Family is way more important than a party. I hope you're mother gets well." Hermione replied honestly. "Thank you for understanding. I'll write to you with updates on her condition." Tom said gratefully. With that, Tom kissed Hermione on the cheek and left. Harry felt bad about Tom's mom, but couldn't help feel lucky for the perfect timing. Later that day in the common room, Harry approched Hermione with a teddy bear that sang and candy. "Thank you Harry. There beautiful." Hermione said thankfully. "Not as beautiful as you." Hermione couldn't help but blush. "I'm sorry about Tom, but would you like to go to the party with me?" Harry asked hoping Hermione wouldn't get mad that he asked when Tom wasn't here because of his mother. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. I do already have my dress." "Great. We have exactly an hour to get ready." Harry said happyly. "O.k." Harry was so nervous. Even more nervous than the time he had to face the Horntail. Once again, with Hermione's help he had escaped still breathing. She always seemed to be there for him. That's one of the things Harry loved about her. She was loyal and you could always depend on her for anything.
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