Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A nasty, guilty pleasure.

It All Starts With A Party

by GossipGirl 1 review

Who's stupid idea was it for this brunch, anyways?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-12-17 - Updated: 2007-12-17 - 510 words

Good morning Upper-East-Siders. How are we doing this morning? Good, I hope, but I can tell you four very unlucky members of Fall Out Boy with their girlfriends have to attend a Christmas Brunch put together by the women.

Hopefully someone can cook or else it's going to be catering from some high-end botique.

And here we see a very annoyed looking Pete Wentz arguing with girlfriend Ashlee Simpson. Guess he's in trouble for not being stingy for once? See what happens when you take your girlfriends to nice restaurants and don't propose? What the fuck is wrong with you, Mr. Wentz? It's Christmas, for Christ's sake! Plus that is no way to start a day with your special-lady-friend if you plan on keeping her around for long, especially if you have to attend some sort of morning crap.

And doesn't Peppermint Patty Stump look adorable? He probably hates being called that, but he'll just have to shove it: I'm Gossip Girl and I can call him whatever the hell I want to. How about Satan? That sounds nice...

But Santa Claus will not be visiting the Trohman residence. Instead, they should have just put their Menorahs away. Hanukkah just ended, you know that, right?

Or is he too high to notice...

And here is Andrew Hurley toobusy jackingofftoporntoshave. How sad.

I have nothing nice to say about the members of Fall Out Boy because there is nothing nice.

Half of the rumors aren't true anyways, but I'm the media and you're supposed to only believe what the media tells you.

Bow down, bitch.

You know you love me,
Gossip Girl

p.s. pete you need to shave and wear decent cologne.

(don't foget to scroll down!)

So here we see our four favorite upper east siders chatting aimsly with the parents and the parents' friends over omelettes and coffee all dressed up for this event. It was a Christmas thing and yes, Joe was there with his parents. Everyone was there looking gorgeous- namely Pete. His large doe eyes and jet-black bangs sat there looking anything but innocent as his hand kept returning to Ashlee's thigh and her foot kept smashing his and look of extreme discomfort would come over his face and then he'd get that other look on his face and return to teasing her and then the whole process would start again until finally his mother asked what was going on.

Pete quit all games immeditaly and gave her the "i'm just lil' ol' Pete Wentz thatissecretlyteasinggirlfriendunderneathtable" look. She gave him a warning glare, but then returned to talking.

Joe was discussing something in Hebrew with this father. Who knew he could still speak the language? He was getting shady glances from everyone else since they were too stupid to know what he was saying.

Andy=chatting with Wentzs' with Patrick occasionally joining in.

This was how almost every Christmas was spent: relaxing and nice.

"But whatever happened to Daisy Scott?"

Pete felt like strangling his mother. Ashlee's bubbly curiosity was up and running again.
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