Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Laced With Nitroglycerin

13. The Great Escape

by aznfoblover 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-12-17 - Updated: 2007-12-18 - 859 words - Complete

Chapter 13
The Great Escape (Boys Like Girls)
"Forget yesterday, we'll make the great escape..."

I just stared at her. The girl of my dreams was saying the things that I had longed for her to say forever. This wasn't a dream, right?

"You don't have to say it back, Ry. I just wanted you to know," she said shyly but surely. I could tell that she meant it. Just then, her phone rang, and she answered it, walking out of the room and leaving me dazed. This girl was, simply put, and for lack of a better description, perfect.

A week later, I still hadn't said those words back to her, and I felt incredibly guilty. I wanted to say that I had loved her forever, but I just couldn't. It was like before we were dating all over again-I couldn't tell her how I felt, and I didn't know why. I kept apologizing to her, and she would say that it didn't really matter, but I could tell that it did. We didn't hang out as much, and I found that she would rather hang out with Brent than with me. One day, I was hanging out with Brendon when I walked by her room, where she was talking to Brent, and I overheard their conversation.

"Sometimes I feel like he just doesn't trust me, that he's afraid of me. Am I really that intimidating?" I heard her say.

"Of course not, Ryan just needs time. He's always been a thinker, pondering everything before he says something. You know that. He'll come around eventually, and you know that he'll really mean it when he finally does say he loves you. But you know that I wouldn't hesitate to reply if something was that important," Brent replied. I bit my lip, disgusted in part by Brent's antics, and partly grateful that he was at least sticking up for me and showing that he could be a good friend when he wanted to be. I continued on, not wanting to seem overprotective of Kate by eavesdropping more.

Later on that night, Kate and I found ourselves in the midst of an argument. One of the only ones we had ever had. It started as a simple disagreement over something stupid, but within the span of 10 minutes had escalated into a full-on fight. All because I was just too scared to say what I felt.

"Maybe if you weren't so scared of my reaction, you'd just say it then!" Kate said angrily. I sighed, frustrated.

"You can't use that against me, you know that I'm waiting until it feels right, until I know that I can say it and actually mean it with every fiber of my being. You know how I feel about you, and you know that if I only said it because we were fighting, you wouldn't believe it!" I said in my defense.

"Oh yeah right, I know that you really do love me, do I? Then why won't you say it? Do you really not love me?" she asked both hysterically and sarcastically.

"Oh yeah? How do I know that you actually mean it? What happened to the girl that Brent "has something against"? Because it looks like you two have been getting pretty cozy this past week, ever since you decided that you supposedly loved me. I'm not blind, Kate, I'm not completely stupid. I know something must be going on," I spat back. She looked like I had slapped her across the face.

"How dare you, Ryan Ross. I swear, out of all the things that you could say, you picked not only the worst, but the least true out of all of them. Brent and I would never do something like that to hurt you. We're friends. I realized that he wasn't really all that bad, he's a good guy. That's why you're friends with him, I guessed. But now I don't know anymore," she said venomously, almost glowering at me. I think I might have backed down a little bit, because she scoffed at me. "Yeah, Ross, you think you're on top of the world now that Pete has you under his wing and you're gonna be famous and all that jazz, but you're just about as low as you can get. You weren't always this way, and I can only think of where you learned to be this...ferocious. This isn't the Ryan Ross that I know and fell in love with. Come and get me when he shows up."

She turned on her heel and left, walking back to her house without giving me another chance at redeeming myself. But I wasn't really fighting for her to come back at that exact moment, knowing that I would probably just say something else to make her even angrier at me. I sat by myself for a little, replaying the fight, and wondering when I turned into such an asshole.
A/N: Well, things can't always be happy, can they?
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