Categories > Original > Romance > True Love

The Break Up (CHAPTER 12)

by rogue77 0 reviews

Hermione finally breaks up with Tom

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-21 - Updated: 2006-01-21 - 575 words

When Harry came down to the common room, he saw Hermione. They were the only two up yet. He walked up behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He hoped it would be alright. "Harry! You startled me. Morning." Said Hermione. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. So today Tom comes back right?" Harry asked. "Yeah, I don't know what to say to him. I remembered what you said about waiting, but I decided that the longer I wait the worst it'll be." Hermione said seriously. "O.k. Well, it is you're decision." Harry replied. Ron came down the stairs with messed up hair and funny p.j.'s. He yawned. "Good morning." Ron said through his yawns. "Morning Ron." said Harry and Hermione together. Harry shot a glance to Hermione that asked if it was alright to tell Ron. She smiled and nodded. "Guess what?" Harry said excitedly. "What?" Ron asked curiously. "Hermione finally came around and she likes me. She's going to break up with Tom today." Harry said happyly. "Congratulations mate. I'm happy for you two. You really deserve this Harry. After everything that's happened to you." Ron said beaming. "Thanks Ron. I couldn't be happier." Harry said. "I knew you would see the light Hermione." Ron said smirking. "I'm glad I finally did. Well, time for the hard part. Breaking up with Tom. Harry, come with me? I need your emotional support." Hermione said seriously. "Isn't it kind of early?" asked Ron. "Yeah, I just want to get this over with." Hermione said anxiously. "O.K. Let's go." "See you guys." Ron said. They found Tom on his way to the breakfast table. He turned around and saw Hermione. "Hermione!" Tom shouted excitedly to see her. He gave her the biggest hug. "Hi Tom." Hermione said as casually as she could. "Welcome back." Harry said politely. "Thanks Harry." Tom said. "Can we talk?" Hermione asked. "O.k. Hermione. First Harry, I would like to thank you for apoligizing to me before. That was decent of you. So Hermione, what did you want to talk about?" Tom asked calmly. "I want to break up." Hermione didn't mean to sound rude. Tom's goregous face suddenly turned sad. "I'm really sorry. I've met someone else. I know no one likes this line, but I really mean it, I still want to be friends." Hermione said truthfully. "O.k. I understand, at least you were honest. I do still want to be friends." Tom said calmly. "Good, I'm glad." Hermione said relieved that he was taking the break up so well. "So it's Harry, isn't it?" Tom asked already knowing the answer. "Yes it is." Hermione replied. "Well I figured. You wouldn't have punched me for nothing. I hope you know how lucky you are." Tom said to Harry. "I know. Hermione is one of a kind." Harry responded. "You better treat her right." Tom said a little over-protectively. "I will." Harry said back. Tom smiled, bent down and gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek. Then he peacefully left. "I'm so glad that's over." said Hermione relieved. "Me too." "Let's go to Hogsmeade later to celebrate." Said Hermione. "O.K. Right after classes finish. You want to bring Ron?" Harry asked hoping she didn't. "Are you kidding. I want you all to myself." Hermione said with a wonderful smile on her face. Harry smiled. He gave Hermione such a passionate kiss.
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