Categories > Cartoons > G.I. Joe > Haven


by Nickelina 1 review

Haven n- A place of refuge or rest, a sanctuary

Category: G.I. Joe - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Duke, Lady Jaye, Other - Published: 2006-01-21 - Updated: 2006-01-22 - 1901 words

Disclaimer: Characters in this work (GI Joe/ Cobra) are the property of Marvel Comics, Hasbro
and Devil's Due Publishing, Inc., and are being used without permission. No profit is gained from the use of these characters.

By Nickelina


The nurse pressed the button to raise the upper portion of her bed. Every couple of seconds she would ask if it was okay. Alison would only moan if it was too painful. They didn't get very far when Alison's face told the nurse to stop. The nurse put her hand on Alison's shoulder until she calmed.
Alison took a deep breath and whispered. "I'm going to throw up."
"Okay. Its okay." The nurse said, as she grabbed the small bowl from the side of the bed and held it under Alison's chin. "You're doing so well today, Miriam. Try and take some deep breaths, it will pass."
Alison did as the nurse told her and the wave of nausea passed but the pain did not. She reached to her side and picked up the small handheld button that gave her a dose of morphine. She pressed it and closed her eyes. She just wanted to go back to sleep.
The nurse checked her vitals and walked into the bathroom. She came back out with a towel and a package of cleaning cloths. "Let's get you cleaned up a bit. I hear you're expecting visitors again today. Won't they be surprised when they see you sitting up and looking pretty?"
"Why do you keep calling me that? Alison whispered.
"Because that is your name. Is there a nickname you would like me to use?" The nurse told her.
"My name is not Miriam."
"Shhh, sometimes a traumatic injury and the medication can do that. Now let's start at the top. If you feel any pain just let me know. The closer I get to your middle, press your button." The nurse began to wash Alison's hair.
Alison closed her eyes again and tried her best to relax. Nothing was registering. She knew she was in the hospital, but it was foggy how she got there She remembered Dash being in an accident, but she wasn't sure about anything after that. She tried to stay awake as long as she could every day and wait for Dash to get there. He must be here when I'm sleeping, she thought.
She had fallen back asleep and when she awoke, she could see someone sitting in the chair next to her bed. Her vision was blurry, and she blinked, hoping that when her vision finally cleared up Dash would be at her side. She reached over, and tried to grab his hand. She blinked again and the face that was looking back at her was not her husband, but someone she had never seen before. She looked at him but didn't react.
"Good afternoon, Miriam. It's nice to see you awake."
"Who are you?" She asked him.
"My name is Zach. Your name is Miriam." He told her.
"I don't understand." She whispered.
Zach got out of his chair and closed the door to her room. He walked back to the chair and moved it so he was facing her. "My name is Zach Allen, I'm a friend of Conrad Hauser, from the CIA. You are under protective custody right now. Do you know what that means?"
Alison shook her head yes.
"There is always someone here with you 24/7. Today, I decided to stop by and see you. You are doing remarkable. We didn't expect you to make it this far."
"Duke, where is he?"
"He had some things to work on today."
"I'm sorry. I don't know who he is."
"My husband."
"Let me get in contact with Duke and I'll find out for you. Is there anything I can get you?"
"Something to drink."
"You look like you could use a stiff one, but I'll go grab you some ice chips. I'll be right back." He patted her leg and walked out of the room.
When Zach came back, he explained to her the situation regarding her identity. Her alias was of a Miriam Anderson. Zach was her brother, and she had been in a car accident. They were using her memory loss to their benefit. After he was through, he took her hand and sat quietly with her until she had fallen asleep.

Everyday was harder for Alison. She was finally able to get out of bed and into a chair in the afternoons it was the beginning of her physical therapy. Zach spent as much time as he could with her, and although he had no information about Dash for her, he was a source of comfort. She looked forward to his visits. Duke had called to talk to her, but she had a particularly hard day and she stayed awake long enough to hear him ask how she was, before she fell asleep.
Alison was sitting in the reclining chair in her room watching the television. There were two orderlies in her room cleaning and changing her bed. Zach slipped in quietly and stood behind her. He reached around her and held a bouquet of flowers in front of her.
"How is my favorite sister today?" He said.
Alison closed her eyes and took as deep of a breath she could of the flowers. "I'm okay."
Zach peeked around the side of the chair and smiled at her. "I brought you flowers."
"Really?" Alison did her best to smile. "Why?"
"Because I wanted to, besides, you haven't had any delivered." He kissed her on the forehead and put the flowers on her tray. "I am just amazed Miriam, I can't believe how good you are doing." He made it a point that the orderlies heard him use her name.
"I put on a good front." She said warily. "Zach?"
"Can you tell them to hurry? I really need to get back in bed."
"Are you in pain?" Zach's face was filled with concern.
Alison shook her head yes and her face became even more pale than it already was. Zach turned to the orderlies and told them that they were through cleaning and they needed to leave. He grabbed Alison's hand a squeezed it before going out to get a nurse.
Zach stood to the side and watched as the nurses got Alison back in bed. Once she was settled he sat next to her.
"Alison, you'll have another visitor."
She wearily turned her head to face him. She wanted to see his face when he said her husband's name.
"Conrad should be stopping in later to see you."
She closed her eyes and tried to choke back the tears. How long was it going to take Dash to get to her?
"I'll stay until he gets here. There is something else I need to tell you."
She didn't open her eyes; she just merely moaned her attention.
"I'm going out on assignment. Conrad will be looking after you until I can get back."

She must have fallen asleep before Zach left. She opened her eyes, her room was partially dark. The curtains were drawn, and the television that was usually on had been turned off. She blinked her eyes and reached for the call box when she felt a hand on hers.
"Hello, Lady Jaye." A voice said.
Her eyes flew open in shock. She drew her hand back away from where it was and her breathing became more rapid.
"It's okay. Relax." General Rey took the call box out of her hands.
"What are you doing here?" She gasped.
"I came to see you. I heard you were doing much better."
"How long have you been here?"
"Long enough to have watched you sleep and read a bit of your file. You have some nasty injuries. I'm surprised you survived."
"Where is Dash?" She asked.
"He's not here." Rey said. The hint of a smile flashed in his eyes.
"Where is he?" Alison said, her voice holding more panic than before.
Rey shifted his weight. "I thought someone would have told you by now. I hate to be the one to do this to you."
She felt tears come to her eyes; she knew what he was going to say.
"The night of the accident, Flint was severely injured as well, but you probably know that. We lost him"
"No." She cried softly. "No. It's not true. Tell me it's not true."
"I really thought it was going to be you, but it was him." General Rey shook his head. "Such a terrible, tragic loss."
Alison felt as though her heart had been ripped from its chest. She felt a pain rise in her that she was sure, no amount of medication would take care of. She felt light headed. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" She said through her sobs.
General Rey took her hand. "I thought someone did already, I'm sorry, Lady Jaye."
"The hell you are. Get out!" She pulled her hand away from his. "Just get out."
"Don't you want my company? To comfort you?"
"Nurse!" she called, although her voice was not as loud as she needed it to be. "Anyone!"
"I'm right here, Jaye" Duke said was he walked though the doorway. "And the General is just leaving."
"I suppose I should. I'll come to see you later, Lady Jaye." General Rey said.
Duke waited for him to walk out the door and followed him into the hall.
"Just what the hell do you think you are doing?" He asked.
"Checking on one of my men, Hauser. Last time I checked, that wasn't a crime."
"How the hell did you find her?"
"You CIA types are all the same. You think no one else can uncover your tracks." General Rey began to walk away.
"Stay away from her, Rey. She's no longer your concern." Duke called after him. General Rey stopped and turned around.
"She is more than you know."

Duke returned to Alison's room. She had gotten herself into a sitting position and she looked flustered. He walked over to her bed and she put up her hand to stop him.
"Alison, what did he say to you?"
She put her hand up to her head. After a few seconds she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't someone tell me?"
Conrad pulled the chair up to the bed and sat down. "Tell you what, Honey?"
"Don't. Do not call me that."
Conrad was quiet for a second. "What did he tell you?"
"Dash is..."
"Alison." Conrad started. He couldn't tell her anything more, he just hoped that she could read into his silence to find the truth.
She turned her head away from him and tried to fall asleep. Conrad stood up and ran his fingers through her hair. She made no effort to move away from him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered to her and kissed her on the forehead. He sat back in the chair and took her hand in his. He sat with her until long in the night. He knew he was going to have to move her, now that General Rey had found her. She had to be kept hidden until he uncovered all the information she had been discovered, and he could bring it to light.
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