Categories > Cartoons > G.I. Joe > Haven

Live and Let Die

by Nickelina 0 reviews

Haven n- A place of refuge or rest, a sanctuary

Category: G.I. Joe - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Duke, Flint, Lady Jaye, Other - Published: 2006-01-21 - Updated: 2006-01-22 - 2150 words

Disclaimer: Characters in this work (GI Joe/ Cobra) are the property of Marvel Comics, Hasbro
and Devil's Due Publishing, Inc., and are being used without permission. No profit is gained from the use of these characters.

By Nickelina

Live and Let Die

The room in intensive care was dark save for the small light that was on the far wall. It was the only light the nurses needed to check out their patents by. She looked swamped in a mass of tubes and wires that seemed to run from under the blanket that covered her to every machine in the room. They all made some sort of noise. Her respirator made a compressing noise when it pushed air into her lungs, her heart monitor would beep ever so quietly. Even her IV would make noise when it would expel another dose of fluids. Duke sat in the corner of her room, watching her, oblivious to the sounds.
He noticed how pale she was. Her face seemed puffy as well as her hands, obviously a result of the massive amounts of fluids that the doctor's forced into her while trying to save her life. He had been there for a while now, even after the nurses had told him to leave. He was hoping she would open her eyes, anything to let him know she was going to be okay. Her outlook did not look good.
The injuries from the stabbing were massive. She was a fighter, but even the strongest would have a hard time with it. There was damage to her stomach and pancreas. Part of her liver had to be removed, because it was so badly torn, they could not repair it. Her right lung had been punctured and collapsed. She had also lost and incredible amount of blood. He knew that she would never be the same again. Her only saving grace was that the metal didn't go as far as to sever her spine. Duke left her room to go to the nurse's station to see if he could get a cold cloth to clean her face up with. The nurse returned with a small package of pre-moistened wipes and handed them to Duke.
Duke returned to her room and walked to the head of her bed. He squeezed himself in between it and the machines. Taking out a wipe he gently cleaned the side of her face where he could still see a small amount of dirt. He took his hand and smoothed her hair back.
"Dear God, Al, what did they do to you?" He said.
She did not respond. The sounds of the machines continued.
"Hang on, girl. You're gonna get through this."
Duke kissed her on the forehead and left the room. He went back to the nurse's station and asked them to call downstairs for Flint.
Flint arrived a few minutes later via wheelchair. He was still being watched and they would not let him walk. He was on edge. Duke talked to him before he was allowed in the room. Duke told him that she was barely hanging on, and that he should spend some time with her.
"Do what you have to, Dash." He told him. And the lies began.
Flint was wheeled into Jaye's room. They put him as close to her bed as possible. As soon as he saw her he broke down, weeping.
Duke left him alone with her and went to talk to her doctor. The doctor explained that she was still very critical and he had no clear answers, at least not tonight. Duke asked to speak privately with him and when they were alone in a private waiting room Duke explained that she was under protective custody and she needed to be moved immediately. The doctor advised against it. Duke assured him that he would provide a medical team to travel with her. Still the doctor would not budge. Duke was going to do it anyway. He thanked the doctor and they walked back into the hall. He stopped back in front of Jaye's room. He saw Flint holding her hand and smoothing her hair, talking to her. Duke knew what he was about to would break his best friend's heart, but he had no other choice. He left the ICU and called Zach.
"Are you ready?" Duke asked.
"Yes, I have everything set up for you. How is she doing?" Zach asked.
"Not well, not well at all." Duke said sadly.
"Well, I have a team on standby at John Hopkins. I pulled the life support medical team from Ft. Meade as well as our own doctors, and I have your team's doctor on the way up."
"How are we doing this?"
"Simple. Our Med team is going to come in. She will code, and then we will move her. Did her husband see her yet?"
"He's in with her now."
"Good. Give him a few more minutes. I had him admitted. They will bring him to a room. While he is getting settled we will make the move."
"Okay, sounds good. Just give me the word."
"Your doc's been briefed. He will initiate."
"God, Zach, I hope this works."
"My plans always work, Hauser." And with that Zach hung up.

The nurses came into Jaye's room and told Flint that he was going to have to leave. He protested, and they took him out before he got too loud. He held onto her hand as long as he could before they wheeled him back away from her bed. He told her that he loved her, and tried to wait for a response, but he was taken out of the room before anything happened. Duke stood in the darkened doorway of the room across from Jaye's and watched his best friend, broken, being taken to the elevator. When the doors to the elevator closed, the doors to the next bank opened. Five military medical personnel, including Lifeline, entered the ICU. They walked into Jaye's room and began to look over her. Lifeline grabbed her file and looked over it before handing it to another doctor and walking up to Duke.
"What is going on here? You're not planning on moving her, are you?" Lifeline asked.
"We may have to."
"No you don't. Duke," Lifeline paused. "She may not make it if you do."
Duke kept his eyes on Jaye's room. "She may not make it anyway."
Lifeline began to pace in front of Duke. "I don't know if I can let you do this."
"You can." Duke's voice did not falter. "I need you to tend to Flint. He's in the emergency department."
"I can see him later."
"You will tend to Flint now. " Duke's voice held no emotion. "Make sure he is admitted, and sedated. Page me when this is completed. I will need you to stay with him after that."
Lifeline shook his head. "I can't do that. It's not right."
"Are you disobeying a direct order, solider?"
"Permission to speak freely, Sir?"
"I took an oath..."
"I told you to do something, I expect it done."
Lifeline turned on his heel and walked out of the ICU.
Duke sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought.
The doctor and nurses began securing Jaye for transport. They all had their doubts about how this was going to happen. Duke waited for Lifeline's page and when it came he let the staff know. With Jaye hooked up to portable IV and monitors, as well as being manually ventilated, the nurse shut off her machines and the alarms began to go off. The hospital nurses and doctors went to her room and were ushered out. After ten minutes, Duke instructed the staff to wait until the morning to call to Flint's room and let him know that his wife had passed.
He went with the medical team to the roof where a helicopter was waiting for them. He watched as Jaye was loaded into it and it took off. Duke hastily made his way outside and to his car. He needed to get back to headquarters and plan on how to stop the Red Shadows.

It took all the strength Lifeline had to hold Flint back when the doctor came in to tell him that Jaye did not make it. Even though he had been sedated, it didn't seem to matter. Flint was out of bed and dressed. Lifeline fought him all the way to the ICU. Flint stopped just short of Jaye's room. He looked in the darkened room. There was only one very small light on and he could see the shape of her body covered completely by a sheet. Lifeline stood next to him in the doorway.
"Do you want to go in?" Lifeline asked.
Flint hesitated. "No. I don't think I can."
"I'll be with you."
"I said no." Flint said, forcefully.
"Is there family I should call?"
"I am her family." Flint turned and walked back to the elevators.
"Where are you going, Flint?" Lifeline asked.
"To get the bastards who killed her."


Zach Allen spent the rest of the night and most of the next day standing vigil at Alison's bedside. She had been successfully moved the night before and was holding on as best she could. The 'Black' had taken over and she now had an assumed name and medical record.
He waited for Duke, but had not heard any word from him. He didn't expect to. Zach knew what Duke was up against and took it upon himself to see to Alison's safety. The Joe's own doctor had been there earlier, and Zach had sent him away fearing that he too was being watched.
Zach had full trust in the medical staff at John Hopkins, and his contact there stopped in to make sure that Alison had everything she needed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He knew he should leave, and he was sure she was going to be fine. He got up from the chair and grabbed his jacket. He took another look at the machines and noticed that instead of the slow beeps of her pulse it was getting faster. Zach was no doctor but he knew that something was going on, good or bad. He walked out of her room and went to the nurse's station.
"I think something is going on." He told them.
The nurse followed him into Alison's room. She looked over the machines, and then reached for the phone. She reached the doctor on duty and called her to the room.
"What is going on?" Zach asked.
"I'm sorry. You're going to have to leave the room."
"What? Why?"
"You're going to have to leave."
"Tell me." He demanded.
"Her blood pressure is dropping. She could be bleeding again. Just go to the waiting room." She told him.
Zach reluctantly backed out of the room as more medical staff entered her room. He walked to the waiting room and tried again to reach Duke.
Four hours passed before anyone came to see him. A tired looking doctor walked in, still wearing scrubs, sat down in front of him and took off her head covering.
"Mr. Anderson? I'm Doctor Miller." He said as he shook Zach's hand. "Your sister presented quite a case for us today."
"Just tell me what is wrong."
"She was bleeding internally. You have to understand that the liver..."
"Is she alive?" Zach cut her off.
"Yes." The doctor paused. "Yes, she is."
"Thank God.
"I can't even being to tell you how much this is going to be touch and go from here. She's not out of the woods, not by a mile. I do need to ask you, why did you move her from the hospital where she first received treatment?"
Zach tried to look as convincing as possible. "I knew this hospital was better. My sister is all I have. She needs the best."
"I see."
"When can I see her?"
"I can have a nurse bring you to her room, but right now, you can't go in. She's going to need all the rest she can get. I would really like to talk to the paramedics who were on scene for her accident. It must have been a pretty bad one."
"It was."
"Well, Sir," the doctor said as she stood up. "We'll be in touch."
"Thank you." Zach said. He waited until the doctor left the room then he used the phone in the waiting room to call Duke. He was still unable to reach him so he left a message for him. Zach hung up the phone and reclined in the chair. His plans to leave for the night were over. He waited until Alison got back to her room and he would sit with her as long as they would let him.
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