Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > A dangerous demon slayer

The Final Battle

by domi_01 0 reviews

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Rin,Sesshoumaru - Published: 2007-12-27 - Updated: 2007-12-28 - 1997 words - Complete

Rin was in complete darkness. She opened her eyes painfully, but she couldn’t really see much.

She then felt her hand twitch, “Kukukuku I told you, I would control you.”

Rin felt strangely calm,” Who are you?” A woman appeared in front of her,” My name is Myumaru, I am a dark priestess, and I was hired by the one called Lord Tyko to bring you to him.”

Rin felt anger grow,” Tell that bastard he can go-“Myumaru interrupted,” Now, now no need for such language, he merely wants revenge on that dog demon.”

“Dog demon….?” Rin gasped,” Sesshomaru….” Myumaru gave an evil smile,” Exactly, he will die.”

“Never, I will never let anything happen to him.” Myumaru laughed,” We shall see…”

She opened her eyes, she could see, she was in a very large room there was fire beside her scattered around the fire was Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango. Kirara, Shippo, Zentarii, and Sesshomaru. Though Sesshomaru was standing up looking out the window.

She tried to call him but nothing came out. Her body was frozen in place; she felt power flowing through her body.

She looked down her hands were going to her swords. Her eyes widened in horror, she was being possessed! She began fighting against it.

She stood up against her will, this caught Sesshomaru’s attention,” Rin…you shouldn’t move.”

The other’s began waking up, “Huh…Rin-Chan you should lie down.” said Kagome.

Miroku and Sango woke up,”Well at least she can move…”

“Rin…?” Sesshomaru questioned. Her hands were trembling and they were traveling to her swords.

Rin, what are you doing? Rin desperately thought Zentarii I can’t control my body.

Her hands grabbed the hilts,” No…”

“Rin, what are you doing…?” Kagome questioned. The swords youki began to course through her body.

Fangs grew in her mouth and her nails transformed into claws, no, I will not lose!

Rin bit down on her arm, she began growling, and she threw herself against the wall. She let go of her arm,” Get away! Run!”

Something in Kagome’s head clicked,” She’s being possessed by the priestess!”

Rin’s eyes turned red, and she couldn’t move anymore. She released her arm, and it raised the sword, she flicked her wrist and the sword began to glow, she flicked it again and blades shot out of the blade heading straight towards Sesshomaru.


“Myumaru!” Lord Tyko yelled. The priestess lost concentration, and looked towards the man.

“What is it?” Lord Tyko glared,” How much longer, I’m becoming impatient.”

Myumaru clucked her tongue in annoyance,” If you want that dog dead. Then shut up and let me do my work!”


“No…” Sesshomaru dodged all of the blades, and began running towards her. For a moment Rin regained control of her body, when she did she took the opportunity she jumped crashing through the roof and ran towards the forest she needed to get away from Sesshomaru quickly.

She ran towards the castle,” I will kill that man.”

Sesshomaru took after Rin right after she crashed through the roof,” Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled.

Zentarii and Kirara transformed at the same time, Zentarii carried Inuyasha and Kagome and Kirara got Sango, Miroku, and Shippo.

Rin kept running she was running with demonic speed, she reached the castle gates and destroyed them, she ran into the castle.

“I must hurry!” She swung her sword and a massive ball of youki shot forward destroying everything in its path.

She smelled his unmistakable stench; Rin swung her sword again destroying an entire wall. She jumped over what was left of the wall and was met by the sight of Lord Tyko and the damn priestess.

She charged forward but was thrown back by a barrier. “Ah…beloved you finally came.”

“Don’t you dare call me that!” The priestess smirked, and lifted up a stone, she said something and Rin couldn’t feel her body anymore.

“Kukukuku.” A voice said in her head,” I will make sure you kill him.”

Rin turned, Sesshomaru landed quietly in front of her.

“Sesshomaru, no, get away I can’t control my body!”

Sesshomaru then looked towards the barrier, Tyko smirked,” This is revenge for all those years ago.” Sesshomaru then remembered he had fought this man before, this man once tried to lay claim to the western lands. He fought with him, it had been a long battle but he had died.

He had killed him, how could he be alive? Tyko smirked,” Surprised? You should be.”

Sesshomaru felt pure, malice towards him, he would kill him again but Rin was more important right now.

He turned towards her; she was still fighting against the priestess.

The priestess grabbed the snakes head and dripped more blood on the stone.

Rin couldn’t anymore, she couldn’t control her actions.

She ran at Sesshomaru, swung her swords at him. But he refused to fight back.

He would not harm her. She crossed her swords and sent a huge wave of youki towards him; he unsheathed Tenseiga and put a barrier around himself.

When it dispersed he barely had a chance to react as she appeared out of the smoke, charging at full speed.

He jumped up and dodged her. She then threw her sword at him it was glowing with youki, it was going to fast and it pierced his chest.

He crashed against a wall, with the sword pinning him to it. He was losing blood very fast, he tried to pull the sword out, and it rejected him, shocking him. He had Bakusaiga, it was his only hope if he unsheathed it and sent a wave of youki at her, and she would be wounded and immobile.

But he couldn’t bring himself to hurt her. He looked up she was walking towards him, her eyes were filled with pain and she was crying.

“Sesshomaru fight! Please fight!” She managed to say, he gave a smile, and said,” No, I will not harm you.”

Her eye’s widened, she was in front of him and her sword was raised, she would kill him if she struck him.

“No...” Her hand moved forward, and she pierced his chest. His eyes widened and blood trickled down the side of his mouth.

“NO!!!!!!” Rin’s scream pierced the air, suddenly the stone in her neck began to pulse, and she regained control of her body.

She hurriedly removed the swords throwing them to the side; she lowered his body to the ground.

She touched his skin, it was getting cold. “No, Sesshomaru…” she began crying hugging him to her.

She heard Zentarii and Kirara land. Inuyasha jumped off and looked towards her, he saw his brother unmoving, and he paled.

His gut twisted, and anger burned, he looked towards the barrier,” Damn you!”

He unsheathed Tetsaiga and began charging towards the barrier.

“NO!” Rin yelled,” He’s mine!” Rin picked up her swords, and said,” You made me kill him…” She looked up her eyes blood red.

She charged forward and hit the barrier with her swords, it was repelling her.

Her thoughts went to Sesshomaru, he had smiled. Sesshomaru!

Youki began swirling around her, the barrier cracked and shattered.

Myumaru eyes widened,” She broke through my barrier!” Rin stood still her eyes hidden by her bangs. “I will kill you without fail.”

She looked up, Myumaru then said,” You can try!” She sent a powerful wave of spiritual energy towards Rin (A/N like when that black priestess tried to kill Kikyo)

Myumaru smiled only priestesses with high spiritual energy can repel that.

Rin’s face remained impassive; she just flicked it away with her sword. Myumaru paled,” What?!”

Rin summoned all her energy, and both blades began glowing, she swung them and a massive amount of youki shot out, she was engulfed in it, and with a look of pure horror on her face she disintegrated.

Tyko stood watching, face betraying nothing.

“Impressive, now I will make you mine.” Rin turned to him,”How dare you...”

He unsheathed his sword and ran towards her, she ran forward and their swords locked,” Pathetic man!”

Youki began building around them, he smiled,” You are weak there’s now way you can defeat me!”

Rin looked at Sesshomaru who laid there unmoving. I will for Sesshomaru!

Her youki increased around her and he was thrown back, she jumped after him and when he crashed onto the floor she ran her swords through his chest.

He smiled, what’s going on? She removed her swords, there was no blood.

“You’re…dead.” Tyko smiled,” Now do you understand there’s no way you can kill me!”

He threw her back, he got his sword and sent a blade of youki towards her, Tenseiga pulsed and shot from his master’s side.

Tenseiga created a barrier around Rin. She looked up in surprise,” How…?” It pulsed.

She reached out and grabbed Tenseiga’s hilt, it pulsed. Use me. Her eyes widened. She unsheathed Tenseiga.

Tyko laughed,” Kukukuku, I have heard of that sword, a sword that cannot cut. What do you think you’ll do with that thing?”

Rin said nothing but she felt Tenseiga pulse, power seeped in through her hands.

She ran forward, and locked swords with him,” I will kill you!” Tenseiga pulsed again and she pushed forward, she kicked his sword away and sliced at his chest.

He looked at her with amusement,” I felt nothing, like I said a useless- -“his eyes widened and he clutched his chest.

“Inuyasha!” Rin yelled, Inuyasha ran forward, Tetsaiga unsheathed, with one large swing he yelled,” Wind Scar!”

The wind scar hit Tyko full force; he was killed during the blast.

Rin walked away and sheathed Tenseiga. She walked towards Sesshomaru, Kagome kneeled over him, she looked up sadness in her eyes,” I’m sorry Rin.”

Kagome moved away and Rin fell on her knees beside him, she brought him to her chest and began to cry.

“You idiot! Why didn’t you fight back?” Rin sobbed. Some of Rin’s tears landed on his necklace and on Tenseiga.

The necklace pulsed, and the necklace embedded in Rin’s neck came out, and pulsed as well.

Rin looked up, he was dead, gone. She moved forward and gently kissed his cold lips.

The necklaces pulsed in unison, and moved towards each other. They connected and joined becoming one. A bright light shone from the necklace, everybody looked towards them.

The necklaces pulsed again, and the bright light began seeping into Sesshomaru’s body.

Tenseiga pulsed, offering its strength. Blue light appeared also seeping into Sesshomaru’s body as well.

Rin pulled away. She moved back, in a bright flash of blue and white light it was gone. The necklaces were back in their place and Tenseiga laid by Sesshomaru’s side.

Everything was quiet, a breeze passed by. Sesshomaru’s eyes snapped open and he drew in a sharp intake of air.

Everyone gasped in surprise,” He’s alive!” Sesshomaru sat up; Rin looked on him, unsure if what she was seeing was real.

He turned towards her. Their eyes met,” Sesshomaru…” he gave a small nod. Rin’s eyes lit up, she smiled and she threw herself at him kissing him passionately.

Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. Everyone looked away, not wanting to intrude.

Rin broke the kiss and hugged him tighter;” I thought you were dead.”

“Do I look dead to you?” She smiled, and he gave small smile.

“Let’s go home.”

Alright I know Sesshomaru was really ooc, but hey. He didn’t really do much in this chapter, but this is Rin’s story she is the hero in it, I hope you liked it, please R & R.

If I get at least 8 or more reviews for this chapter I’ll probably be motivated to update faster.
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