Categories > Original > Drama > cameras don't tell lies.

chapter nineteen.

by roxnick 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-01-09 - Updated: 2008-01-10 - 878 words - Complete

i sat on the bed, frankie snoring loudly at my side. i couldn't help but be irritated at him. i flicked thought the channels, the light from the television filling the room. my eyes were barely open, but i couldn't fall asleep. a knock outside. i jumped up. struggling, more knocks. with my eyes now fully open and aware, i shook frankie. when he attempted to omit sound, i clasped his lips shut. he tried to push me off, but i ignored him, shushing him softly, my index finger placed on my mouth. i could hear a voice, a running engine, and more knocking. frankie realized what was happening, now anger and confusion in his expression, my hand still on his face. he pulled it off gently and started to get up, walking towards the back door, where the noises came from. scratches against the glass. my teeth became sensitive to the noise.
frankie scratched his bare back, pulled up his pants, and put a hand on the door knob. i gasped softly. he opened the door. he was on the ground almost instantly. the trashy man from the gas station was standing at the foot of the door, and quickly nearing me.
i jumped up, trying to keep away from him, like playing a game of tag. frankie was getting up, touching his face, bloody. i was losing my breath, running towards frankie, who layed now on the grass outside the house. the man grabbed me by the back before i could make it. i kicked backwards, hitting his testicles. he shouted from the pain. we stood over frankie for a moment, until he hit me roughly on the side of the head. the last thing i heard was frankie screaming unintelligible words.

i opened my eyes up slowly. i was now laying on the ground. i placed my hands on the wet grass and pushed my self up.
"git up!", the man shouted.
my feet touched the ground again, but i stumbled. i caught my balance once again, the man now pushing the bleeding frankie towards me. he held on to my forearm for support. he slid his hand, then, into mine, and held on tightly. the man began to walk up to us scratching his fat gut, which made a grating noise. he coughed loudly. i wrinkled my nose as his saliva hit my face. the man grinned, laughing in a soft growl. he stood over us now, mocking our undeniable fear. he suddenly hit frankie's chest with a closed fist, knocking his breath out. frankie struggled to suck in oxygen, gasping loudly. i covered my mouth with both of my hands. the man laughed once again, cynically, pointing at frankie. he grabbed me by the hair now, as i moaned from the pain.
"someone wants to talk to you"
a punch to the eye, everything went black.

the taste of blood filled my mouth, up my nostrils. i spit it out, red saliva on the cement ground. i was in a dark warehouse. my eyes were watery, so i wiped them and blinked to let the water fall. i could now clearly see frankie laying at my side, his black hair shining and wet, face down. i crawled to him, and felt a sharp pain on both of my knees as i did. i sat on my bottom to check why i was in pain: two bloody sores covered them, the raw skin visible.
i slid closer to frankie, ignoring the pain, looking around to see if anyone else was with us. i pushed him lightl with an open hand, but he didn't move. i turned his slim frame around, so that i could see his face. his eyes were closed and his mouth open, as if sleeping. i punched him nervously. he grunted. his eyes let go, he blinked quickly.
"penny", he whispered, touching my face.
"are you okay?", i asked.
"um... i don't... think so."
he grabbed at the side of his stomach and pulled away, soaked in blood. a wide rip on his skin, on his muscle, was revealed. i could see inside him.
"oh my god", i whipered.
"it's okay... just... get out of here, okay?"
"i'm not fucking leaving!"
"penny, they're gonna come back and hurt you"
"frankie, i'm not going anywhere."
he grunted again, the pain obviously piercing through him. his eyes were closing back up. his breath was struggling.
"i love you, frankie", i said, my voice cutting up.
he smiled.
he muttered the words "me too", the smile still on his face, now fading slowly. he slowly moved his hand on mine. my tears poured on his cheeks. his fingers twitched, and then sat, motionless. i kissed his forehead. i couldn't believe what was happening, and for a second, i mistook everything for a nightmare gone bad. i cried and cried, softly moaning. i grabbed the hair on my head and ripped it from the roots, my eyes tightly shut and my cheeks wet. my body was shaking. i layed down on his chest. his skin was still warm. his last breath blew my hair away. i clutched his shirt and slept at his side, my cheek dabbed with his blood and wet with my tears.

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