Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters


by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Gerard and Ella decide what to do.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-09 - Updated: 2008-01-10 - 1172 words - Complete

Gerard was just sitting there with his mouth slightly hanging open. We were sitting in the waiting room at the doctors. We were going to have a proper pregnancy test to make sure I really was before we made any big decisions.
“Bennet, Ella,” a nurse called.
“C’mon Ell, we can do this,” Gerard was helping me up, I was shaking so much. We went into a room with a chair and a bed in it.
“Okay Miss Bennet, just sit on the chair and make yourself comfortable. I will have to ask you a few questions first.”
“Okay, shoot.” Gerard came to my side and sat on the chair. He then grabbed my hand.
“Did you take one of those little pregnancy tests?”
“Okay, how long ago did you take it?”
“Like a week ago.” I just looked at Gerard he smiled but it was obvious he was nervous.
“Only a couple more questions then I’ll do the test. Okay when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?”
“Uhhh, four or five weeks ago.”
“Okay… how old are you?” I looked at Gerard. I was hoping they didn’t bring up that question.
“Yeah…” I just diverted my attention down to my hands.
“Sorry… do your parents know you’re here?” I looked up.
“No… they would kill me if they found out. Please don’t tell them.” I could here the fear in my voice.
“Don’t worry. We aren't allowed to unless we need to or you have given us permission to.”
“Oh good, is there any more questions?”
“No. you can just fill the sheet out afterwards.”
“Okay.” The doctor started preparing for the test. He brought out a needle. I knew Gerard was afraid of needles I just looked at him, he looked like he was going to faint.
“I just have to do a blood test then we will know for sure if you are pregnant.”
“Okay…” now I was really nervous. The needle went in and I saw it taking some blood. I almost fainted just looking at it. I saw Gerard look away.
“Okay, all done. I’ll be back in a minute or two.

A little while later the doctor came back in.
“Okay Miss Bennet, you are pregnant.”
“Oh…” I didn’t know how to feel.
“Thank you doctor,” Gerard said.
“No problem, I’ll give these papers that need to be filled out to you then can you hand them to the lady at the reception.” He handed the papers to Gerard. Gerard was filling out the papers. He looked up when I sat beside him.
“Hey Ell, there are a few questions that you will have to answer but I can do the rest.”
“Okay.” Five minutes later he handed me the papers and a pen. I answered the ones that were left and I handed it to then reception lady. I followed Gerard out to his car and hopped in.
“Where do you want to go?” Gerard asked.
“I dunno I’ve got until five. Mum and dad think I’m at Dia’s.”
“Well then let’s go to like a little café or something and get some lunch. We can discuss what we are going to do with the baby.”
“Yeah okay.” We drove for a couple of minutes and we arrived at a café called Café Latte. I got out and followed Gerard inside. There was hardly anyone inside. We chose a booth near the back and sat down.
“Hey. May I take your order?”
“Yeah I’ll just have a coffee, one sugar for now, what do you want Ella?”
“Umm… I’ll just have an iced coffee.”
“Okay your order won’t be long.” After a few minutes our drinks arrived and I was just sipping mine when Gerard asked, “Are we going to keep the baby?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know how I feel about any of this.”
“Well I know it’s gotta be a decision by both of us but I wouldn’t feel right getting an abortion.”
“Neither would I. So I think that’s figured out. No abortion.”
“Yeah… but what about when the baby is born? Will we keep him… or her?”
“I really don’t know Gerard.” I had another sip of my drink and thought hard.
“I can’t get over the fact I’m going to be a dad, at the age of seventeen.”
“Or me a mother at thirteen, well November would’ve passed so fourteen.”
“Yeah… I think we should keep the baby, no abortion and no adoption. We are going to loose friendships just by saying you’re pregnant and I’m the father.”
“Hmm… Dia is going to hate us. It’s obvious that Mikey still likes Dia so he’ll most likely hate us too. So… I think your right. But the cost of a baby and our parents… well more mine, will push me and try and make me have an abortion.”
“I’ll get a job, I’ll be there with you every step of the way. I don’t want to loose one of my closest friends and my brother just for every one to know I got you pregnant… then go and get rid of the baby.”
“Yeah, who are we going to tell and when are we going to tell them?”
“I think for now we should just tell your parents, my parents, Mikey and Dia, maybe at the same time.”
“Hmm… I can get mum and dad to have a barbeque one night and invite your family and Dia over. Then we can tell them then.”
“Yeah good idea, are you hungry yet?”
“A little.”
“Okay. Excuse me.” Gerard called out to the waitress who came over to take our order. Gerard ordered a hot dog and I just had small fries. Our order came pretty quickly.
“If we have a boy can we call him Dracula?”
“No Gerard. If we do have a boy we are NOT calling him Dracula.”
“Why not?”
“No Gerard. It would be a name that the kid wouldn’t be teased about in school. It would be something decent like Dacoda.”
“I can live with Dacoda.”
“Good, now a girls name…”
“Drucillar is a nice name”
“Hehe, double d.” We soon finished our meals and Gerard took me home.

At dinner mum and dad were both home, I asked if we could have a barbeque one night and invite the Way’s and Dia. They replied with a yes and said next Saturday night. After dinner I rushed upstairs and messaged Gerard.

Hey Gerard.
Barbeque next Sat night. Message me back if you can come.

I then sent the same one to Dia except it said Dia instead of Gerard. Five minutes later I received a message from Gerard saying that they can make it. My phone went off again and Dia said she could come.
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