Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Telling The Family

by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Gerard and Ella come clean. read and review please.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-01-10 - Updated: 2008-01-11 - 831 words - Complete

Saturday arrived after a very boring and uneventful week. It was five-thirty in the after noon when the doorbell sounded. I answered it, it was the Way’s. Mr. And Mrs. Way went and joined mum and dad outside while Mikey and Gerard joined me in a game of buzz. Gerard and Mikey kicked my ass for at least an hour but Dia came to my rescue. We went up to my room and were just talking about random stuff. Mikey was looking through my CDs. At six forty-five we where called down to dinner inside as it was too cold outside. Once dinner was over and everyone had, had their dessert Gerard gave me the signal to tell everyone.
“Um, sorry to interrupt everyone but I would like to make an announcement.” This was it the moment I ruined my friendship with Dia and Mikey. I was really scared. I didn’t know what was going to happen.
“What is it sweetie?”
“I… I… I’m pregnant.” I saw the glass in mums hand slip and crash to the ground. Glass and wine flew everywhere.
“WHAT?!” mum was yelling. She was mad, VERY mad. Dia’s mouth was hanging open. The Way family looked surprised, dad’s face went a very bright red.
“Who is the father?” Dia was the quickest to ask this. Gerard stood up, swallowed deep and said, “I am.” Dia looked up at him.
“No this can’t be true, it just can’t be.” Tears where welling up in her eyes.
“I’m sorry Dia, it is.” The tears in her eyes started rolling down her face.
“No… No…” She got out of her chair and ran out of the house. Gerard fell back down into his seat and put his head in his hands. I sunk back into my seat as well. Mikey got up and walked out, obviously to go and see Dia.
“I’m taking you to the doctors in the morning to get an abortion.”
“No mum. I’m not. I didn’t just ruin two of my best friendships to go and get rid of it.”
“I don’t fucking care what you think, your getting an abortion and that’s final.”
“I need to have a long talk with you boy,” Gerard’s dad spoke trying to keep in the anger that has risen. I looked at Gerard as he walked out, he turned around. He was petrified.
“GET UP FUCKING STAIRS YOU STUPID CHILD.” Dad released the anger he was feeling. I did what he said immediately. I ran to my room, locked my door and collapsed crying on my bed. I could hear yelling coming from downstairs. Someone was coming upstairs.
“OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR.” I quickly got up and unlocked the door. Dad came storming in.
“Dad I’m pregnant he is the father you can’t stop me from seeing him.”
“DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME DOWNSTAIRS, I’M NOT GOING TO HAVE AN ABORTION.” Dad just slapped me and stormed out. I put my hand to my face it was still stinging. I closed my door and sat on my bed. I wiped the tears from my face and got into my pajamas. My phone started to vibrate. I remembered it was still on silent. I had a message from Gerard.

Are you okay? What have your parents said to you?

I replied:

Hey, yeah I’m fine. How bout you?
They just want me to go have an abortion. We decided against it so I promise I won’t go ahead with it. And dad slapped me. Please don’t worry about me I’m fine. Have your parents said anything yet?

I received another message from Gerard.

He did what to you????
I’m fine as well. Dad just yelled at me and mum was a bit upset. He said that I’m too young to look after a child and that because your underage I could go to jail. But I don’t really care what dad thinks. Like you said we have talked about this, we’ve made up our minds and now we have just gotta stick to it. I can’t message you back till tomorrow dad is coming. Bye.

After I read the message I put my phone on my bedside table and I walked into my ensuite and had a shower. In the shower I just kept thinking about the events that had taken place today. I couldn’t wait for the nine months to pass so I can see my child. Seeing a smile on his or her face would make all this worth it. When I had finished my shower and I was dressed in my pajamas again I went to bed.
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