Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters


by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Gerard and Ella are taken to the doctors.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-13 - Updated: 2008-01-13 - 1204 words - Complete

Morning came and mum woke me up. She was still mad and she was still taking me to the doctors. I got up and showered taking ages on purpose. When I was ready I walked down stairs.
“Get in the car now.” I obeyed and hopped into the car. Mum drove down to the Way’s house and stopped. Why the hell did mum stop here. Mum told me to stay in the car. She went up to the front door and knocked. Donald Way, Gerard and Mikey’s dad answered. He and mum talked for a while then he went back inside and mum came back to the car. I saw Donald come out and was dragging Gerard by his arm. Mum started to drive and Donald followed in his car. The trip to the doctors was silent. Mum never said a word and neither did I.

When we arrived at the doctors’ mum got out and I followed. Gerard was once again being dragged by his dad. When we got into the waiting room at the doctors Gerard came and stood beside me.
“Hey, everything is going to be alright.” Gerard gave me a hug. I didn’t know how we were going to get out of this.
“How can you be so calm? They want me to have an abortion. I don’t know how to get out of it.” Tears where starting to fill my eyes but I blinked them back.
“Neither do I, but what ever happens I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”
“I really do hope I don’t have an abortion.” Before Gerard could say any more my mum pulled me over to the reception.
“My daughter is pregnant and she would like to have an abortion.”
“No mum I don’t. It’s what you want.”
“You are having a fucking abortion whether you like it or not.” I turned to the reception lady and said, “If both the parents of an unborn child don’t want an abortion is there any law that says the parents, parents can’t make them have one.”
“Not that I know of. But one second I know someone who will.” The reception lady walked off.
“Why the fuck did you do that Ella.”
“I’m not having an abortion.”
“Gerard speak some sense into that girl,” Gerard’s dad pushed Gerard over to me.
“No dad. You heard her. BOTH the parents of the unborn child want to keep it.” Gerard walked over to my side and grabbed my hand.
“You both are too fucking young to have a child.”
“What is wrong with having a child at a young age? Mum, tell me that.”
“You’re thirteen! You wouldn’t even know which end to feed it.” The reception lady came in followed by a doctor.
“Hi I’m Doctor Walsh. Lynette here told me you were having a disagreement. If you follow me through to one of the rooms we can discuss this and come up with something that suits all of you.” We all followed the doctor silently. The room had a bed and some chairs. I went and sat on the bed, Gerard sat beside me.
“Okay… so tell me what the problem is.”
“My mum and Gerard’s dad are trying to make us have an abortion but we don’t want one.”
“Okay. Well why do you want them to have one?” he turned to the adults.
“They are too young; they still have the rest of their lives ahead of them before they should even start thinking about having kids. They wouldn’t be able to look after one either. Or afford one.” Mum spoke in a very annoying voice that made me feel like strangling her.
“A kid isn’t going to stop us from seeing the world or going to Uni. Yeah it’ll be harder but it won’t stop us. And you don’t have to have everything to be happy.” This was very true you don’t need everything.
“I’m talking about the things you need. Like nappies and food. Do either of you have a job.”
“I’ll get one.” Gerard spoke for the first time.
“It’s very clear that your children are determined to not have an abortion. I’m sorry but they have made up their minds. Neither you nor I can change that. Have you thought about adoption after the baby is born?”
“There is no way in hell we would go through all this and then hand over our baby to strangers.” I agreed with Gerard one hundred percent on this matter.
“Okay… well can you two please wait outside I need to talk to your parents for a minute.” Gerard and I got off the bed and walked out of the room.
“We did it, we are keeping the baby.” Gerard hugged me. I was overthrown with joy.
“I know. I can’t believe it. But now I’ve gotta face dad when he gets home and fine out I didn’t get an abortion.”
“At least you know he can’t make you have one.” I smiled and nodded. Gerard came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Ouch.” It still hurt from where dad slapped me last night.
“What's wrong?”
“Oh nothing. It just still kinda hurts from dad slapping me last night.”
“Oh sorry.” Gerard gave me a kiss on the lips but broke it when the door opened. Mum came out and grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I waved goodbye to Gerard and followed mum silently.

It was six pm when dad got home. I was really scared about what he would do. I heard him shout then he came thudding up the stairs. He opened my door so quickly that it almost broke off its hinges.
“The doctor said I didn’t have to if I didn’t want to. And I didn’t want to so I didn’t.”
“I didn’t want to and neither did Gerard.”
“I DON’T EVER WANT TO HEAR THAT NAME IN THIS HOUSE AGAIN.” Dad stormed out of my room and slammed my door shut.

About half an hour later my phone went off. I jumped up quickly to get it before anyone downstairs heard it. It was from Gerard.
Hey Ella.
I can’t believe in roughly eight months we are going to be parents. We have school tomorrow. I’m going to try my best to talk to Dia. I’ll meet you outside my house.

I just replied with an okay. Mum called me down to dinner. I was starving I hadn’t eaten all day. We had soup but I sat away from mum and dad. Once I had finished I went upstairs, showered and then went to bed.

(Gosh my chapters seem to end in Ella going to bed... sorry bout that aye)
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