Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

The New Girl

by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Like the name says, a new girl comes. Is she a bitch or is she friend material? Well you'll have to read and find out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-01-16 - Updated: 2008-01-17 - 1145 words - Complete

I was really fat. I had this huge lump on my stomach. But I knew in a month it would be gone. The doctor said that the little baby inside of me is pretty small for eight months along. That scared me a lot but the doctor said not to worry, the size of the baby won’t affect it in anyway.
“Ella stop looking at yourself in the mirror, you look beautiful.” Gerard came up behind me.
“I can’t wait until the last month is up. This baby bump is driving me crazy. People wouldn’t believe that I’m pregnant so they would just think I’m fat.”
“Fat and baby bumps look totally different. If you were fat you would have wider hips.” Gerard rubbed his hands up and down my hips.
“But I still can’t wait. Sadly I’ll still have all the baby fat. I wonder how long until I get my original figure back.”
“Who knows, I think you look fine the way you are. Your also carrying our child which makes you look doubly sexy.”
“You think a pregnant girl is sexy?”
“Well. You’re the only sexy pregnant girl.”
“Oh good. Come on we have school now anyway.” Gerard was over my house because he had to drop some food off from his mum for my parents. Dad had given up trying to stop me from seeing Gerard. Instead he turned sour whenever Gerard was around, probably hoping to scare him off. We walked downstairs and started walking to school. Mikey joined us as we walked past the Ways’ house. Mikey and Gerard were talking but their relationship isn’t as strong as it had once been. Sadly Dia stayed well away from Gerard and I. I really miss hanging out with her and just having girly nights. We arrived at school. I had new subjects because I was now a year higher. First up I had maths. Mikey still sat with Dia and I sat on my own. I survived with my mechanical best friend, my iPod. I had English next, again it was just me and my iPod. Recess came and I sat with Gerard and Mikey. I still didn’t know where or with whom Dia sat with. This recess was the same as all the others, just a break from class. Like last year Gerard had sport the same period I did. Every period I get to sit out unless we were doing something that didn’t endanger Dacoda/Drucillar. My class was playing hockey so I sat to the side. Gerard came up and sat beside me.
“What's your class doing?” I asked.
“Stupid basketball.”
“Does your teacher know you’re here?”
“Does he ever know?” I smiled.

Sport passed soon enough, Gerard and I were just talking about random stuff. Next up I had art, Gerard had maths so we couldn’t walk together. In art I sat next to Jane who put down art as a subject for this year so we could be together. We were designing our pop art sculptures. Lunch came, as I was walking towards our spot under the trees I saw Dia. She approached me.
“Hi Dia, are you going to start screaming at me?’
“No, no. Look I’m talking to you to apologize about my behavior and the way I’ve been treating you. I really miss having you as my friend. Truth be told you, Mikey and Gerard where the only friends I really ever had. I do wish you and Gerard hadn’t slept together. But you did and I can’t change that and now you’re pregnant.”
“I missed you too.” Dia came up and hugged me. I was scared she was going to do something to me. But that something never came.
“Do you and Gerard have names planned for this little one?” she rubbed my stomach as she talked.
“Yeah, Dacoda for a boy and Drucillar for a girl.”
“Oh awesome, so you don’t know the sex of your baby yet?”
“No we don’t want to know.” Dia and I were just standing there talking about the baby when I said, “I need to go see Gerard he has my lunch, it wouldn’t fit in my bag. You can come if you want.”
“Do you think Gerard would mind?”
“No I don’t think so.” We started walking to the trees. When we got there I plopped down next to Gerard. He handed me my lunch.
“Thanks Gerard,”
“It’s okay. Why is Dia here?”
“She is here ‘cause she apologized and I wanted my lunch so she came with me.”
“H… hi… Gerard.”
“Hi.” I ate my lunch happily. The siren for the end of lunch went and Mikey, Dia and I walked to Science. We sat at a table with four seats, Mikey and Dia sat next to each other still. The teacher was talking then a new girl knocked on the door. The teacher let her in.
“Hello you must be the new girl. Samantha?” the teacher shook her hand.
“Well go find a seat and take out you text book.” She turned around looking for a seat; the only one left was the one next to me.
“Uhhh… is it okay if I sit there?”
“Yeah, sure.” Samantha sat next to me and we started talking about lots of random stuff. I asked her why she came to school at last period. She replied, “I woke up at Australian time by accident.”

The end of the day came, I said goodbye to Dia and Samantha then I joined Gerard and Mikey and started on our way home.
“Yes Gerard?”
“Well now that you are only one month away I think we should get the baby seat for my car.”
“You have been dying to get one haven’t you?”
“Yeah.” Gerard did the cutest smile.
“Well how about we go to the shops tomorrow and see a movie as well. Then Mikey and Dia can come.”
“What about the new girl, Samantha, she might like to come too.”
“Yeah good idea Mikey, so we on for tomorrow Gerard?”
“Sounds great.” We walked up to the Ways’ front door, Mikey went inside. I gave Gerard a kiss on the cheek.
“Is that all I get? A kiss on the cheek?” I kissed him on the lips. He allowed access for my tongue. We sat there just kissing. I broke the kiss to catch my breath.
“Very.” I smiled and walked down the stairs.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.”
“See ya.” I walked down to my house and went inside. I decided to message Dia and tell her about tomorrow. She replied not long after saying she was looking forward to it.
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