Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Chapter 11...

by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Uh... my explaining sucks today, I'll change the summary later. For now read and enjoy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-01-18 - Updated: 2008-01-18 - 839 words - Complete

Tuesday came, we told Samantha about our plans to go shopping. She rang her mum and was allowed to come. School finished early for early finish on Tuesdays and all five of us were walking to the shops. Mikey was talking to Samantha about god knows what, Mikey looked so cheery, he even put his arm around her when he was telling her a joke. Dia wasn’t impressed.
“See Ell, Sam finds me funny.”
“Well out of the billions of people in the world at least one person has to find you funny.” Mikey gave me a joke glare.
We soon arrived at the shops.
“Okay, Ella and I just have to go and look at some baby seats for my car and then we can go and see a movie.”
“Uhhh Gerard, you are the one who wants the baby seat. I can’t drive.”
“True, but you do have to help me choose one.”
“What? Why do I have to?”
“Because our child has to sit in it, you wouldn’t want me to choose on my own now would you?”
“Oh god no, you would probably choose out a Barbie one. What would happen if our child is a boy?”
“A boy can like Barbie…”
“Gosh Gerard.” I playfully punched him in the arm. We walked to target and chose out a purple and black car seat and put it on lay by.
“Okay… now its time for our movie.” We walked to the movies and chose to watch Benchwarmers. We were in the cinemas for roughly an hour and a half. After the movie we went to the food court. I had just a salad kebab. It was soon five thirty and we started to head home. We dropped Samantha off at her house and we met her mum, Helen was very nice to us. Helen offered us a drink and chocolate chip pancakes. Samantha gave Mikey a kiss on the cheek. Cute. Gerard, Mikey and I walked home. When we got to the Ways’ house Mikey said goodbye and walked inside.
“Do you have to go?”
“Yes Gerard, I do. But I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I won’t be able to wait that long.”
“You do every night. If you can’t wait that long you can sleep at my house. But I’ll have to sneak you past dad.”
“One moment, I’ll just have to tell mum.”
“Okay.” Gerard gave me a quick peck and rushed inside. He returned a few minutes later carrying his pajamas.
“I’ll come past in the morning and get my school stuff.”
“Okay, I’ll have to let you in though the back though.” We walked down to my house. Gerard went around the back and I walked through the front door.
“Hi mum and dad, I’m just going to go to the kitchen to get a drink. I’ve had dinner so there is no need to make extra for me.” I smiled and walked backwards towards the kitchen I went to open the door but mum came in.
“Why are you going out the back?”
“Uhhh… fresh air.”
“You just got home.” I smiled and went to the fridge to get a drink. I saw Gerard’s head in the window I put my finger up and mouthed one minute then pointed to the door.
“What's wrong sweetie”?
“Nothing, mum. How about you go and join dad and watch some quality television. I’m fine on my own. Really.”
“You’re acting really strange… are you sure you're okay?”
“Yes mum I’m fine, just probably an overdose on sugar.”
“Okay…” She walked out. I quickly opened the door and let Gerard in. I put a finger to my lips and whispered for him to follow. We managed to get upstairs without being caught.
“I have to go for a shower. I stink”
“No ya don’t. If you go for a shower I’m coming with you.”
“No Gerard, I don’t think you would want to, not while I’m pregnant anyway.”
“No. I’m going for MY shower, you can have one after.”
“It would save water.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I went for my shower and when I got out I quickly got dressed in my ensuite and walked out. Gerard was looking at the ultrasound photos. He looked up as I walked in.
“Upside down this one looks like a smiley face.” He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek he then went for his shower. I put my phone and the photos back onto my bedside table. It was really cold so I decided to hop into bed. I have to lie on my back, which is really uncomfortable at times. When Gerard got out of the shower he was in his pajamas he came into bed and put his hand over my stomach. He kissed me on my cheek and we whispered good night to each other.
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