Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters


by oxycontin_genocide 1 review

Uh... Ella gives birth prematurely.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-19 - Updated: 2008-01-20 - 1116 words - Complete

All of a sudden I woke up with massive pains in my stomach area.
“Oh fuck.” I cried out in pain. I hope mum and dad didn’t hear me. Gerard shot straight up.
“What’s wrong Ella?” I could hear the concern and the worry in his voice.
“Cramps… hurts… stomach.” It was all I could get out.
“I have to get you to a hospital.”
“Don’t pick me up bridle style… too heavy.” Gerard put my arm around his neck and he put his arm around my waist. We where doing this really weird walk thing… but it worked. I bit my tongue as I didn’t want to wake mum and dad. The walk to Gerard’s house seemed a lot longer then it was. His car was parked on the lawn. He put me in the back and ran to the front. He started the car and raced to the hospital. I was all most rolling in the back.
“Oh fuck Gerard.”
“Ella, it’s gonna be alright.”
“Oh fuck, I just wet my fucking pants!”
“Oh no! Please don’t tell me your water just broke.”
“Just get me to the fucking hospital.”
“I’m going as fast as I can.”
“WELL IT’S NOT FUCKING FAST ENOUGH… oh ma gawsh… I really didn’t mean to shout IT JUST FUCKING HURTS.”
“I know Ella, we are almost there hang on for me.” We arrived at the hospital and we did the funny walk getting me into the emergency entrance.
“What's wrong with her?” A nurse came running up with a wheel chair.
“I don’t know she woke up in a lot of pain. She can’t be giving birth she still has another month.” Gerard was panicking. I eased myself into the wheelchair.
“By looking at her. She is. Has she said anything about her water breaking?”
“Yeah in the car, she said she wet her pants.”
“Okay. She is going to be fine. We have to get her to the delivery room are you the father.”
“Yes. It’s going to be okay Ella.” He grabbed my hand as we walked up to the delivery room. I almost crushed his hands to dust. The delivery room was quite big with many beds. Gerard helped me into a gown then up onto a bed.
“Breathe Ella.”
“What do you think I’m doing? Suffocating?”
“Ella, come on big deep breaths.” I followed Gerard for a few minutes.
“It’s not HELPING.” I could feel myself getting all sweaty. I really needed another shower. The nurse told me that the contractions would start to get closer and that I would have to push. I felt like grabbing a whole box of Panadol and shoving them down my throat. As the nurse had said the contractions did start getting closer together.
“What… is… the… time?” Gerard looked at his watch.
“It’s 1:35 am.”
“I can see the head!” A nurse called.
“I so gotta see this” Gerard kissed me on the head and went around to have a look.
“What does it look like?”
“The top of a head.” He came around and grabbed my hand again. What seemed like a lifetime later I had finally gone through and given birth… prematurely.
“Congratulations, it’s a baby boy.” Gerard smiled and hugged me. Gerard cut the umbilical cord and almost fainted at the same time. The doctor did some weird thing with the rest of the cord and bought over our little baby.
“Oh look at him. I got my wish. He looks like you.” I was so happy, yet I was drenched in sweat, my hair looked terrible and I just went through the most painful thing in my life, but I didn’t care. It was worth it for this little guy.
“Hello little guy.” Gerard couldn’t stop smiling.
“I have to rap him up to keep him warm now.”
“Okay…” Gerard handed over the baby to the doctor who wrapped him up in some material.
“Have you two got a name for him yet?”
“Yeah, Dacoda.” Gerard was the first to speak. He was eager for the doctor to finish wrapping Dacoda up so he could hold his new son. After at least half an hour we were moved to a room on the same floor. I was really tired and so was Gerard. The doctor put Dacoda in a special cot that was near the end of the bed I was in. Gerard hopped up into the bed with me and we both soon fell asleep.

We awoke around two hours later, Dacoda was crying his head off.
“What the hell.” Gerard went up to him and picked him up.
“Maybe he is hungry.”
“What do we feed him?”
“Nothing yet. The doctor or nurse will tell us.”
“Oh okay, then what do I do?”
“I don’t know, try rocking him.” That was the cutest thing I had ever seen, Gerard with a baby in his arms, rocking it from side to side, totally a camera moment. Dacoda stopped crying and soon fell asleep.
“You have a magic touch Mr. Way.”
“Yes, yes I do. Now I’m really tired, can we go to sleep?” I moved over and Gerard climbed back in. I snuggled up to him and we were both soon asleep. We were woken up at seven by my phone and Dacoda. I got out of bed. My legs were jelly and I almost crashed to the floor.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah fine.” I quickly grabbed my phone while Gerard rocked Dacoda.
“I… I’m at the hospital.”
“I can’t help that I gave birth prematurely.”
“YOU WHAT? I’ll call your mother we’ll be there soon.” Dad hung up.
“Your dad?”
“Yeah, you had better call your parents.” I went up to Gerard and he gave me Dacoda. I went and sat on the bed. I listened to Gerard’s conversation on the phone.
“Hi mum… no… I know… no… I’m at the hospital… Ella gave birth… okay… baby boy… okay… see you soon.” He hung up the phone, “They’ll be here shortly.” Gerard came up and sat on the bed. I was just holding Dacoda and Gerard had his arm around me. I was very proud of how my son turned out. He looked like Gerard, I was very happy for that.
“I'm really tired, can ya take Dacoda so I can get some sleep?”
“Yeah sure.” I handed him Dacoda and got comfy. After awhile I fell asleep.
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