Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

The Gift

by oxycontin_genocide 0 reviews

Ella's parents give her and Gerard a gift.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-02-12 - Updated: 2008-02-12 - 1065 words - Complete

“Ella… Ella…” I could here someone but I couldn’t be stuffed opening my eyes. The person calling my name started poking me.
“Leave her alone Gerard,” came another voice. The poking got harder.
“Oww…” I mumbled.
“Ella come on people are here.” I slowly opened my eyes and saw 4 familiar faces. Mikey, Donna, Donald and a face I hadn’t seen in years, Elena, Gerard and Mikey's grandmother, they call her Helena.
“Gerard, why did you have to go and do that? She was sleeping. She just had a painful night. You should’ve let her sleep.”
“It’s okay… I'm awake now.”
“Hello Ella. Congratulations on your new son.”
“Thank you, congrats on your new grandson.” Donna just smiled.
“Grandson… I'm a grandmother… makes me sound old.”
“You're not old, mum.”
“Thank you Gerard.” She came over and patted him on the cheek. I noticed Mikey was holding Dacoda.
“What do you think of your nephew?” Mikey looked up.
“He is wonderful.”
“I'm hungry…” Gerard got out of bed.
“You’re always hungry.”
“Yes, yes I am, when is Dacoda going to be fed? I'm going downstairs to get food, want any?”
“No thanks… but Gerard?”
“Yes Ella?”
“You’re in your pajamas.”
“Right you are there. Mum could you please go and get me some food?”
“Okay… I’ll be back soon. Anyone else what anything?” everyone but Gerard replied no. He got back into bed. I just rolled my eyes at him. Donna left the room. A few moments later my parents walked in the door. I was happy to see them. I wasn’t sure if they were happy to see me. Mum walked straight over to Mikey and asked if she could have a hold. Dad walked over and gave me a present. I opened it, it contained a thousand dollars.
“Oh, Dad, I can’t accept this money.”
“Can we please have a few moments alone with Ella?”
“Yeah sure.” Gerard kissed me on the cheek and left, followed by everyone else.
“We want you and Gerard to have this money because we haven’t been very supportive during your pregnancy. When I rang and found out you had been in hospital all night. I realized you didn’t wake us because you must've thought we wouldn’t support you. We don’t want you to think that at all. We love you and we want the best for you.”
“We truly are sorry for everything Ella. For trying to push you into something you didn’t want to do. I'm talking about us trying to make you have the abortion. Now that the baby has come along and you're the mother, we've realized you have to make your own choices and be the best you can. Personally I think you'll make a good mum.”
“Just remember we are here if you ever need any help, day or night.”
“I love you guys too.” Dad came up and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
“Our grandson is beautiful.” Mum was still just holding and looking at him.
“I had better go and tell everyone they can come back in.” Dad walked out then walked back in, followed by everyone else. Donna was back and Gerard was munching on a sausage roll.
“Don’t get crumbs on the bed.”
“I’ll eat it over here then.” Gerard went and sat in the corner. A nurse came in.
“Hi, I'm here to give Dacoda his injections.”
“Yeah sure.” I go out of bed and got Dacoda off mum.
“Okay just put him in the cot for a minute.” Gerard came and stood by my side.
“You're terrified of needles.”
“I know, but this is our son.” The nurse grabbed a long needle. Out of the corner I saw Gerard turn and face the wall. The nurse inserted two needles into Dacoda. Dacoda started crying very loudly.
“Shhh Dacoda, Its okay mums here.” I picked Dacoda up out of the cot and started rocking him slowly.
“Okay I just need one of you to sign this saying that your son has had his injections, and I’ll be on my way.” Gerard signed the forms.
“Do you know when we are meant to feed Dacoda?” Gerard gave the pen to the lady.
“Uhhh, yeah shortly I think the other nurse should be coming around in like five minutes or so.”
“Okay. Thank you.” Dacoda settled down a bit. Helena came up to me and asked if she could have a hold of Dacoda. I gave him to her. My phone started going off. I answered it, it was Dia.
“Hey girl!”
“Hi Dia.”
“Why aren’t you at school? Mikey and Gerard aren’t here either.”
“I know they are with me.”
“Why didn’t I get invited along?”
“Sorry I'm at the hospital I gave birth to a baby boy last night.”
“Aww, what’s his name?”
“Dacoda. I'm in a hospital, phones aren’t allowed to be on so I gotta go. Bye”
“Bye.” I hung up. I got back into bed with Gerard. About five minutes later a different nurse came in.
“Hi. I'm here to show you the basics of feeding your newborn.”
“Okay.” Helena came over and handed me Dacoda. Mum came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“We’ll be waiting outside.” Everyone followed mum and the nurse came over.
“Okay firstly we have to make sure your new baby doesn’t have a dirty nappy.” The nurse checked quickly and came back.
“So what do I do? I don’t know the first thing about how to breastfeed.”
“Okay don’t worry its really easy. All you have to do is just basically hold your baby right and they’ll do the rest.” The nurse was explaining to me about weaning and how to hold Dacoda while breastfeeding. After she had explained I had a go at it and I fed Dacoda. It felt really weird but I got used to it.

Dia arrived with a balloon that said “BABY BOY” and a card. She had dragged Samantha along with her. Mikey’s face lit up as soon as she walked in. Its really obvious Mikey has an interest in her. Samantha and Dia left at around five followed by the Way family and my parents at around seven.
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