Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Dia's Confession

by oxycontin_genocide 2 reviews

Dia tells Ella how she truely feels.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-02-12 - Updated: 2008-02-12 - 729 words - Complete

I awoke to Dacoda crying his eyes out. I got up and found Gerard was awoken too.
“Maybe he is hungry.” Gerard said sleepily.
“Maybe he needs his nappy changed.” I went over to him he smelled really bad. Gerard came and stood next to me.
“Is that him?”
“Yeah, who’s going to change him?”
“You are!” he said quickly. I just looked at him.
“You can at least help.”
“Fine.” We took stinky Dacoda over to the change table and we did our best. We got a new nappy on properly after at least five tries. We put Dacoda in his cot and went back to sleep.
We were awoken by a nurse serving me breakfast. Gerard ate most of it. A few hours later another nurse came in. She bought in a form to sign me out of the hospital so I could go home. Gerard was so happy that we could finally go home. He drove to his house and I had a coffee. After at least an hour Gerard and I walked down to my house. Mum and dad were happy to see us home. I had their present in my pocket inside my jacket. Mum and dad insisted that I go to school tomorrow. It was mums day off so she would be able to look after Dacoda for me. Gerard stayed at my house.

In the morning we walked past the Way’s house and picked up Mikey. He was in an extremely weird mood. He would be exited and happy one minute and the next he would be nervous. We asked him what the matter was, he just change the subject.

We arrived at school. Dia and Samantha came up to greet us. Mikey went all mushy when Sam said hi to him. It was soon recess. I asked Dia to get me a drink from the canteen and to get her and Sam something. Sam went with her.
“Guys… I need your help.”
“Sure Mikey, what do you need?” I replied.
“I... uh… want to ask Sam out. But I don’t know what to say. I'm also scared she’ll say no.”
“Aww poor Mikey. Just don’t go getting her pregnant.”
“Gerard!” I smacked him in the arm.
“Yes Gerard. Mum wouldn’t be able to deal with us both being dads.”
“I was joking.” Gerard just stared at both of us.
“I know.”
“Hey if you want I’ll ask Sam what she thinks of you… if you want.”
“Yeah that’ll be great. Thanks Ella.”
“Wee, I think you two would make a cute couple.” Gerard was in a really high mood. We saw Dia and Sam come around the corner. We all shut up about that subject and acted normal. Dia handed me a bottle of water.
“No probs. Why are you guys so quiet?” The siren rang and we went to class. I asked Samantha. She was interested, very interested. I sent Mikey a note at least ten minutes after I had asked her telling him that she did like him. Lunchtime came and I got Dia away by saying I wanted to talk to her. Gerard said he needed to talk to a teacher. Near the end of lunch Dia and I walked back towards our spot under the tree, Mikey and Sam where still there. They had their tongues stuck down each others throats. I looked at Dia. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“What's so funny?” She stormed off. I followed her, when I finally caught up with her we where in the toilets.
“What's wrong Dia?”
“You stormed off. Something is wrong.”
“I said nothing.”
“Dia, I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything.”
“Fine, I admit it. I'm jealous of what you and Gerard have. You two were made for each other. I wanted that… I wanted that with Mikey. I had Gerard. I then had Mikey. I now have nothing. I admit it. I fucking love Michael James Way. Now he is Samantha's. I have nothing.”
“Oh Dia, come here.” I gave her a hug. I never knew she felt that way about Mikey.
“I can't believe it. I'm a selfish bitch.” She just cried in my arms. I knew she would get over it, but I didn’t know how long that would take.
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