Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Be My Unholy, My One And My Lonely

Coming out of my cage, and i've been doing just fine

by Harlequinhoax 1 review

Stephanie is leaves everyone slightly baffled.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-01-17 - Updated: 2008-01-17 - 1630 words

| Ryan's P.O.V |

'I hear she got expelled from her last school'
'No, that's totally not true! She just has to move schools a lot cos of her dad's work.'
'What is he?'
'I don't know'
'Didn't you ask?'
'Well i did but she didn't give me a proper answer...'

Spencer and Kate had been talking non-stop about the new girl in their year scince Spencer came round.
I seemed to have been forgotten in the midst of it all, so i just laid on the sofa in a huff, drinking a can of soda.

'Where's she from?'
'Does she have a boyfriend back in Philadalphia?'
'I don't know, i didn't ask.'

I groaned. 'Guys' i said rolling over on my stomach and looking over the sofa arm to where they were sat 'can we talk about something
else other than Stephanie?'
'But she's hot!' Said said Spencer, as Kate giggled and i rolled my eyes.

I guess overall that i was glad my sister had seemed to find a friend that she actually liked. She was forever moaning on an on about Leslie and Donna.
Though then again, the stories i'd heard so far about this new girl hadn't exactly been re-assuring.

Just as Spencer started to mention something about her being in his science class, the phone began to ring cutting him off.
Both of them turned and looked expectantly at me.

'Your closest' said Kate.

I rolled my eyes and gave a dramatic sigh, heaving myself from my comfy position on the sofa and striding into the hallway to pick up the phone.
'Hello?' I droned into the reciever, expecting it to be my mom or dad phoning to give directions on how to cook dinner or something.
'Hello? Is this Ryan?' Said a female voice, which definately wasn't my mom's. Or my dad's.
'Yes' i said 'who is this?'
'This is Stephanie, can i speak to your sister?'
'Sure. one moment' I said walking back into the lounge and chucking the phone to Kate. 'It's Stephanie' I said, before flopping back onto the couch.

Spencer grinned like a maniac and clapped his palms together in excitement. I rolled why eyes at him, wondering how the hell this guy became my friend.
He attempted to place his ear near the reciever as Kate said hi to Stephanie, but she batted him away with her hand.
Instead he had to give up and catch snatches of Kate's side of the conversation.

'It's what we did in class.' She was saying 'what the? You fell alseep? you can't be serious!'
I snorted at this last remark.
'OK, no problem..sure i'll help, though i am pretty terrible at it myself' she continued 'Hey, why don't you come over? It'll be much easier.'
Spencer's tongue was practically hanging out of his mouth.
'No my parents won't mind....they're not even , it's just Spencer and my brother with me at the moment..
infact my brothers pretty good at math..better than me anyway, i'm sure he'll help.'
I sat up and gave her an intense glare.
'Well, maybe..' she said meekly. 'Anyway , so i'll see you in a minute yeah?'

After she'd told her our address she put the phone down and informed us all that Stephanie's going to be coming around for help with her math
homework in a few minutes.

'Well me and Spence should probably get out of the way then.' I said, yawning and getting up.
'What!' said Spencer, sending me a look of suprise.
I sighed agitatedly 'Spencer'
'Please can i stay Kate? Please please please?' He whined turning to my sister and pouting.
'Your pathetic' i tutted, folding my arms and shaking my head.
'Yeah, sure you can Spence.' Kate smiled as i groaned.
'Chill Ryan what's the big deal?' Said Kate, but my reply was interupted by the doorbell ringing.

'She's here.' Spencer sqeauled, as Kate jumped up and hurried to open the door.
'Heya' Said Stephanie as she entered, carrying her schoolbag slung over one shoulder.

Immediately a great thundering sound erupted as our labrador, Ben started galloping down the stairs and headed straight for Stephanie.
'Ben!' Said Kate sternly, though Stephanie didn't seem to mind Ben's sudden presence.
'Hello' she said crouching down, and placing her hands on the black fur beneath his ears 'and who's this'
'This is Ben' i answered 'sorry, he's pretty friendly.'
'Oh i love him' Stephanie said, scrunching her nose and wagglng it against his 'I've always wanted a dog.'
'Oh wouldn't your parents let you?' Kate asked.
'No, my mom claims she's allergic. I think she's lying though, she just doesn't like animal's.' She said 'though i did have a dog for a day once. It was the best day ever.'
'Why for a day?' Kate asked.
'I stole it from our neighbours. It was an adorable little thing...i can't remember what they're called...but it had like floppy ears and cream coloured fur...'
'You STOLE it?' Said Kate.
'Hey, i was only like, eight.' Stephanie defended 'anyway they came round asking if we had seen their dog and they saw him. I just acted as if i didn't even know he was there.'

Kate laughed as i blinked.

'Anyway' said Stephanie standing up 'let's get to this math homework then, huh? You see i've kinda made a resolution that i'd do some at this school...'

She set her bag down on the coffee table and sat down, getting out her books.
'Hey Spencer' She said to him casually.
'Hey Stephanie' He grinned 'Y'know i'm pretty good at math, i could help too if you wanted.'
'Yeah sure that would be great' She said smiling.
'Puh' I scoffed 'scince when have you been good at math? You hate math, it's your worst subje-'
'RYAN' Spencer cut, gritting his teeth 'don't you need to go write some songs or something?'
'Alright sorry, not like it's i'm the one who lives here or anything, i'll just...go.'
I turned to stomp up to my bedroom.
'No! Ryan, ignore him...stay, Kate says your really good at math, and if us three really are that terrible i might need some help.' Stephanie pleaded.
I sighed 'i dunno.'
'Please' She said 'I really wanna make a good first impression at this school.'
I think she's made her impression already.
'Well' i said, walking over to the sofa and flopping down on it 'I shall have some needed rest on this sofa, and you can ask if you get stuck on something that these guys can't figure out, OK?'
'OK' said Stephanie brightly.

I lowered my eyelids slightly, just lazily peering at Stephanie as she opened her math books. Man i was tired. Band practise had ran so late last night...

I closed my eyes completely, in bliss, listening to Kate, Spencer and Stephanie discuss the first equasion, only to be disturbed 5 seconds later.
'Oh Ryan...' Stephanie sang.
I opened my eyes 'your stuck already?' I asked in disbelief.
They all nodded.
I sighed and slumped off the sofa on to my knees beside Stephanie.
'Oh it's easy' i said looking at the math problem, and instantly began explaining it to her.
'Wait' she said interupting me half-way 'you mean i have to work this out for myself?'
'Well, yeah, isn't that the point of helping?' I queried.
'Fine' she sighed.
'So you just divide that one by 3, and times it by that one and what do you get?'
'Errr.' she said, peering at the equasion strangely. She gulped 'Erm...'
Her eyes kinda glazed over, as if she wasn't really seeing the numbers infront of her.
'Does anyone wanna get their belly buttons pierced!?' She said suddenly, snapping her head up.
'Wh-what?' Asked Kate as we all looked at her strangely.
'I've wanted to have it done for ages, it would be so fun.'
'Stephanie, i thought you needed to do your math homework...'
'Oh who cares' she said 'it's not like i'm gonna need math in the future.'
'Why? What are you planning on doing?' Kate asked.
'I'm going to be an actress' she said smiling, her eyes almost sparkling.
'Wow, really?' excited Kate 'that's awesome!'
Stephanie nodded.
'You say it as if your certain' I said, raising my eyebrows.
'I am' she said simply 'I've always wanted to be an actress. It's about the only thing i'm good at'
She paused. 'So what do you want to do Ryan?'
'Well..' I said 'I guess my main aspiration at the moment is to make our band famous.'
'You say that as if it's simple' she said, smirking 'then i guess we're both aiming high. So what do you play? What are you called?'
'Panic! At The Disco' I said 'i'm the guitarist.'
'And i'm the drummer' Said Spencer.
'That's awesome' She smiled, and paused for a moment '18'
'Huh?' I asked, confused.
'The's 18'
I looked at the forgotton math eqausion.
'Er, yeah that's right' I said.
'Cool' She said standing up and starting to pack her books away 'Thanks, i think i get it now. Thanks for letting me come round.'
'Er, no problem' said Kate.
Stephanie looked at her watch and a thoughtful expression clouded her face before turning straight to Kate and asking ;
'Do you know where the nearest piercing palour is?'
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