Categories > Movies > Lost Boys > master

shared secrets

by jacob101 0 reviews

soooo... we find out something about sherilyn and dwayne comes back.

Category: Lost Boys - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-01-23 - Updated: 2008-01-23 - 339 words

The gig went great! They even got an oncore! Sherilyn is the lead guitarist, Ben is the base guitarist, and Chris is the drummer. The lead singer is a dude named Johny, the rythem guitarist is Lil' David (He ain't that little!).

"Guys," Ben called. "You did a great job. Tonight, we celebrate! What do you suggest Sherilyn?" They all look at her. Marco, Paul, and David were very confused.

"Well," she said smiling evilly. "Why don't we let our new VAMPIRE friends deside?"

"How...?" David asked.

"Did I know you were a vampire?" Sherilyn said. She tapped the side of her head and smiled as if to say 'that's my little secret'.

"Well, what if we DON'T want to deside?" Marco said.

"Very well," she said. "How about we see who can defeat me in a one on one fist fight?"

Your on," David laughed.

"First," Sherilyn said. "We go out to the cliffs. then we fight."

"Alright then," Ben said. he turned and signaled for Kitty to come over. "Bring around the truck." Kitty nodded and left.

"What's in the truck?" Paul asked.

"Our bikes," Sherilyn explained. Kitty came back driving an eighteen wheeler. Sherilyn went over to the back of the truck and opened it. Six beautiful Harley-Davidson motorcycles stared out at them.

"Where did-" Marco was cut off by a motor being revved. they turned to see a man with long black hair and a smirk.

"I'll be fighting you," said the black haired man.

"Dwayne," David said. "I'm first."

Don't you know who she is?" Dwayne asked.

"Uh, the lead guitarist of a cool band?" Paul suggested.

"No," Dwayne smirked. "She is the master of all the vampires!"

"WHAT?!!" Marco, Paul, and David exclaimed in unison.

"It's true," Dwayne said. Marco looked at Sherilyn in shock. She looked back as though he was about to poor holly water all over her.

"Is it?" he asked her. she nodded.

"Oh mt God," David said.
x_x bleh. that hurt my fingers! hope you enjoy!
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