Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors


by BreakingDawn 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-28 - Updated: 2008-01-28 - 747 words

We were sat in a cramped hospital room, where I was trying to listen to what the important-looking doctor was saying. I desperetly wanted him to say "It's just an infection, get some antibotics and you can go right home." I'd heard enough of the conversation so far to know that wasn't the case.

"It's a fairly rare form of cancer." he said. By this point I felt like I was going to vomit. "There are treatments, but I'm afraid their mostly pallative." I hope and prayed I misunderstood the word "pallative". "I'm very sorry." the doctor finished.

In the midst of my mind-numbing panic, I turned towards Frank. He looked oddly calm, considering the situation. I felt like my heart had been torn out and put through a shredder.

The doctor stood up. "We'll be in touch tomorrow, to arrange a meeting..." Even he sounded awkward. He probably handed out death sentances every day.

"Thank you." Frank told him. His voice sounded emotionless, almost robotic. I wasn't about to act grateful towards the doctor. I wanted to scream at him, and shake him, and demand to know why, why us, why now. Did he know what this was going to do to us?! That was one thing they never told us, that the piles of leaflets and information booklets never answered. Why.

The doctor left. And we sat, for what could have been hours, but in reality was probably barely five minutes.

Eventually, Frank was the one to break the silence. "Thank God I have health insurance." I started at him in amazement. Insurance was the last thing on my mind.

"Oh my God, Frank. Fuck.". Tears welled up in my eyes. "We can't do this. What the fuck are we going to do?!".

"What do you mean what are we going to do? We do what we have to, okay? Gerard, babe, please don't get upset, it's not worth it."

I'd seen enough people die of cancer to know it was very much something worth getting upset over. "You have cancer. Did you hear what he said? This isn't fair, why should this happen to us? Fuck, I can think of a millon people I would wish this shit on. Anyone, anybody but you." Before long, I'd learn that I wouldn't wish the burden of cancer on a serial killer.

"That's not how it works, you know that. Just, don't get worked up, please. Don't make this any harder then it already is. Hey, there's always light at the end of the tunnel." He smiled, but it was a far too happy smile to be real.

I nodded numbly. "I don't know how you can be so fine with it. I'm a wreak, I dread to think what I would be like in your situation." They say it's always worse for the loved ones. The ones who have to watch it happen, watch it spirial completely out of their control, unable to do anything. Just watch and remember to keep breathing.

Frank smiled sadly and dragged me out of the room, out of the hospital and home.

Frank's POV

Cancer. Cancer. That's about the only word going through my head. I glance at Gerard I was we drive home (Me, driving, like any normal day - Though this is far from normal). I'm far more concerned for him then I am for myself. The news seems to have hit him hard. I, for some reason, expected it. I braced myself. I'm not sure why, but I knew it was coming.

Gerard dosn't say a word the entire way home. As soon as we get in, he goes to bed. I'm worried, it breaks my heart to see him like this, worrying for me.

Eventually, I go to bed too. Gerard is asleep. I change, and crawl into bed, still trying to think about anything but the events of today. Gerard all of a sudden, turns towards me, still half asleep, yet tears are streaming down his face.

"Frank." he mutters. "Promise, you won't leave me, not yet. Don't leave me behind, please."

My heart breaks on the spot. "Gerard, I...No, no, of course not. I won't leave you, not ever."

"Thank you. I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

After a few moments, Gerard turns away from me, and falls into a restful sleep. I lay awake for a long while, feeling guilty for making a promise I know will be broken.
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