Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Foster Life

Chapter 38

by disturbedangel6 6 reviews

ok, i became evil sorrrry!!!!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-01-28 - Updated: 2008-01-29 - 652 words

“Come on Mary! Get up! You gotta wake up for me”

I heard from a distance. I don’t know. I didn’t care. I was tired as I stood under the showerhead that let out warm water.

“Mary! Come on, I can’t take you all the way up”

Somehow the shower head disappeared and the water pouring on me stopped. I opened my eyes and found myself on the muddy floor with cold rain pouring down on me. I looked at Gerard who looked tired and seriously hurt by the bruises, scratches and bleeds all over his face and body. He was sitting down uncomfortably.

“Mary, you’re awake!” he smiled. His black hair stuck on half his face; dripping wet.

I looked around; we weren’t where we passed out.

Then all of a sudden the thunder roared and a lightened flashed across the sky.

“Can you get up?” he asked.

I slowly sat up as my body ached and eventually stood up in pain.

“Come on, we gotta get into that cave. Its safe” he held my hand.

We slowly stumbled up the hill while the thunder roared and the lightening hit the earth somewhere.

It took us about 5-10 minutes just to get into the cave which was not even far. My body ached as I sat down in the dark cold cave. Gerard groaned as he sat next to me.

“We’re gonna be ok, don’t you worry. We’ll wait till this storm passes” he said.

I turned to Gerard as I thought of an idea, “My phone! Have you got my phone! Call Bob!” I said.

He shook his head, “It shut off. It was battery low”

I sighed. “I should have charged it”

We sat there in silence and watched the storm. The temperature dropped dramatically and it was freezing comparing that Gerard was in his board shorts and I was in my bikinis. I shivered as I hugged myself.

Gerard moved close and wrapped me in his arms, “Are you getting warm now?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I won’t let anything happen to you” he kissed my cheek which sent shivers through my body.

I turned to his see his face.

He smiled at me and stroked my cheek. “I miss you” he whispered.

I missed him too, but I didn’t know if I should say it or not. I decided to think of something else to say but was distracted by his lips on mine. It was nothing bad just our lips touched for a few seconds before he pulled himself back.

“I’m so sorry” he apologized, “I didn’t mean to do any-“

And I know I was stupid but I pulled him back to me and met his lips again. I entered his mouth and my tongue danced with his for the first time in a long time. My hand was in his long black hair and the other on his chest as his hands roamed all over my body. Our body ached but we didn’t care. We just needed each other one last time.

“I love you Mary” he whispered in between his kisses down my neck.

“I love you too Gerard” I whispered back.

And I don’t know how it went far but it did. It’s just happened. He was on top of me. He kissed me telling me that it ok as he entered me. It hurt but then the pain turned to pleasure. Our body ached but we seem to never care. I simply forgot about the pain that ached all through my body, I forgot that Gerard and I were having sex and that Bob is somewhere out there worried about us. I just didn’t care. I had Gerard right here with me.

I am soooo sorrrry!!!!!
i just suddenly became evil!
please review!!!!!!!!
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