Categories > Original > Horror > The Vampire Eden

6. You Breathe Air I Can't

by famouslastwords93 0 reviews

chapter six

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-02-06 - Updated: 2008-02-07 - 990 words - Complete

6. You Breath Air I Can't

I felt frightened and alone.
Laying there in the window sill watching twilight take it's course, I felt alone and scared.
Worrying that Gabriel would sniff out Sam and kill him, and I'd led him to his death without a proper goodbye, or even Gabriel hearing his heart beat.
I stood up and walked over to the grand piano and sat down at the beautiful instrument.
I played a few simple notes as I rested my head in my palm. Then I felt a course of lyrics come over me, like a sudden answer to a simple math question as two plus two.

Come to me, darling
I crave your blood to be mine
Let's run away to nowhere
Where we will live for eternity, together

The grandfather clock all of a sudden struck midnight, giving me twelve long and loud chimes.
After the chimes ended, I stood up and crept up the stairs to check if Gabriel and Rae were sleeping.
I peeked into Rae's room, Rae lay in her bed sleeping calmly and peacefully.
I backed out and shut her door slowly. Once I heard the click, I tip toed down to Gabriel's room and peeked into his room.
I at first was shocked at the instant sight of it, a girl about my age with long, black hair and in a small silver skimpy dress was lying beside him on his bed.
God, Gabriel. Always the one-night-stand type...Or was it?
I backed out carefully and slowly this time, knowing Gabriel would never sniff out Sam at a time like this or would even care.
I went back to my room and fetched my cape, then made my way for the stables.
I heard my dress making small noises as it dragged through the grass.
When I reached the stables, I opened the door wide enough to let myself in, then I shut it behind me. Complete darkness.
"Sam?" I called out.
"Over here." he whispered.
I followed his voice and scent, then came to him in the spot I left him. In the far corner burried in hay.
I lifted hay off of him then when he looked clean enough, I grinned.
I drifted myself down to Sam's side, and Sam let me into his arms. Through my eyes, I could see his outline and shape, but not completly his face.
I held out my hand and drifted torwards us a small lamp in the corner. I lit it, then sat back down.
The light wasn't big enough to tell someone was here from the outside, but big enough to let us see each other.
I held out my hand and pulled it into a fist in Sam's hand.
"Why didn't you come back?" Sam asked. "Like you promised."
I sighed, then looked up at him. "Because, if I had I would've gotten killed." I replied.
"How? Please tell me." Sam pleaded.
"I would've exploited my kind to all human nature." I explained. "And, living in such a sunny place, I'd get terrible burns. Why do you think I live back here in the forest?"
Sam nodded, then pulled me into a cuddle, me resting my head on his shoulder and him resting his head on mine.
"I want to be with you forever," Sam said.
"I know, we can keep this up. Gabriel will never find you. He hates horses."
"No," Sam said. "I can't spend the rest of my life in a stable. I mean like you."
As if the world had stopped beating it's own heart, everything stood still.
"Sam," I said. "Don't throw your life away. I never got the choice. Well I did, but it was either this or death."
"Which is what would've happened anyway," Sam argued. "You were dead to the world, Eden."
"But no, at least for now." I argued back. "Let me think this over."
Sam pulled me in closer, then into a soft kiss. I pulled my hand out of his, and put it up to his chest and lightly and softly pushed him down to the ground with me on top.
I moved my kiss down to his chin, then his moved up so my lips ended up at his artery spot.
"You know you want too." Sam said.
I pulled up to face him. "No." I replied. "Not now."
"It's the perfect time and place." Sam argued.
The light from the lamp illuminated in his eyes, his beautiful sea blue eyes. Which would be ruined if he became a vampire. They'd probably turn into a shiny silver, or a honey filled gold.
"If Gabriel found out I made an addition to the family, he'd be furious. I already ticked him off by bringing home a cat." I claimed.
"Aww..what kind of cat?" Sam asked.
"A mountain lion cub." I simply answered as if no problem would take place. Sam gave me a look of horror on his face, then it went back to normal.
"Just please, Eden!" Sam begged. "I want to be with you forever."
I pondered the thought of Sam being a part of the eternally damned, would he last? Would Gabriel be the one to kill him?
I placed my palm on Sam's chest, right were his beautiful, and kind heart lay.
I counted the beats it made as I stroked his chin with my other hand.
I sighed, then came to my descision.
"Tomarrow evening." I claimed. "You'll be with me forever beginning tomarrow evening."
"Really?" Sam asked suprised at my conclusion.
"Yes, tomarrow evening is our annual 'get together' with the rest of our family." I explained. "It's like a ball, so where something very formal, and you will be my date. You are to act like you don't know what and who my kind is, just that you're dating me."
"Okay," Sam simply answered. "I understand."
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