Categories > Movies > Newsies > Big New York Dream

A Taste of Adventure

by lyssaleigh 0 reviews

Category: Newsies - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-02-20 - Updated: 2008-02-21 - 660 words - Complete

"Miss Rose he is in the living room." Mary told me and i headed down the stairs.

"Bonjour David!" he was looking at Uncle's pictures and i guess i startled cause i saw him jump.

"Bonjour Rose." Putting the picture down he came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Miss Rose, why dont you invite your date for dinner?" Martha asked me. Thats a great idea, why didnt i think of it.

"Dave would you like to join me for dinner?" he smiled, nodded and proceeded with.

"I would love to, but i need to tell my parents."

"I'll tell Fred to make extra." she said and headed to the kitchen while the thought was fresh in her mind.

"I really appriecate you taking me to see the sites." I started the convo when we on our way to Dave's house.

"Rose, I dont mind doing it for such a pretty lady." I blushed, wasn't expecting a sweet remark. "Sorry didn't mean to make you blush. Its truth." with that, he took my hand in his and we arrived at his home.

"Hey mom, dad, This is Rose." Dave said.

"Hello dear, please sit down. Can i get you anything?" his mom asked me.

"No thank you. I ate at home." I responed and smiled.

"Les you ready?" I heard Dave say and turned around in my chair at the table to see a younger version of him. He was adorable.

"Oh Rose, this is my brother Les, and thats my sister Sara." he said refering to the girl dishes she simply just smiled as did i.

"Lets go!" Les nagged pulling on David shirt.

"Ok, Mom i will not be home for dinner, Rose has invited me."

"Well thats was mighty nice of her."

"Its my pleasure."

"Goodbye Mom, Dad, Sara. see you later." Dave stated and opended the door.

"Goodbye, It was so nice to meet you." I smiled and followed Dave down the stairs.

"Eww you guys are holding hands." Les noticed once we got to the street.

"One day you'll understand." and he patted his brother on the head.

"Whose the pretty lady Davey." a boy spatter behind us. "I thought nobody was shallow enough to go after you." With that we spun around to the site of two of the most ugliest men or boys, i should say.

"The Delancy brudders neva give up do dey?" yet, another voice spoke behind us. "Just leave em alone n go help Mr. Weasel."

"Shut up Cowboy, we dont have to listen to you!"

"Oscar, Oscar, Oscar." Jack walked near him. "You neva give up do you?" He shook his head in disgrace and proceeded to leave. "Hi ya

Rose, how are you this morning."

"I'm hunky-dorey Jack. how bout you?" I asked but all four boys were giving me confusing looks.

"Hunky-dorey?" Jack asked.

"Oh sorry Pittsburgh thing. It means i am good." I forgot where i was at for a moment.

"Pittsburgh? What are you doing here?"Oscar asked coming towards us his brother not far behind.

"Visiting my Uncle. Now, good day to you gentlemen. I have some site seeing to astonish at." They had no idea how to react and my statement. I took Dave's hand and we continued to walk until we came to the square. Its where i was yesterday.

"You were good Rose, but i'm sorry that had to interfere. " Jack told me, more boys we starting to crowd under us.

"Hi Rose!" It was Crutchy. He's so sweet.

"Morning Crutchy." I grinned softly at him. And then i saw him, Race. Standing by a gate smoking a cigar. I wonder why he didnt say good morning. Oh well the world doesnt revolve around me. My attention was brought back to reality when a bell sounded off.

"Thats the circulation bell. I have to go get my papes stay here." Dave explained and went to get in line.
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